The Welcome Celebration

1397 Words
Alpha Milo POV After we were shown to our rooms I sat down in the living area in mine and got back to work on my laptop. Being an Alpha is hard work enough, imagine being the Alpha King. The work never stops. I answered emails for almost two hours before I shut my laptop down and decided to get ready for the celebration. At 6 o’clock there was a knock at the door. I opened the door to see Beta Chris and my Beta Hunter standing side by side. “Would you like to accompany us on a tour Alpha King?” Beta Chris asked. “I’d love to see more of the pack” I said in my diplomatic voice. Beta Chris gives Hunter and I the tour of the pack. To my surprise it is a fairly nice territory. The thin white blanket of snow covering the trees, ground, and buildings really bring character to this small pack. When we reach the training grounds I am quite surprised. It’s all state of the art. Walking around the training grounds I get a faint smell of apple, cinnamon, and vanilla again. This is the most heavenly smell on Earth. I need to ask the house staff at make apple pies more often. The tour is soon concluded and it is time to head back to their pack house for the welcoming celebration. When we reach the grand hall in the pack house it is elaborately decorated. They aren’t the first pack I’ve visited to go all out for the Alpha King. I appreciate that they do but this is the tenth pack I’ve visited in the last 6 months. I’m growing tired of being away from home and mingling with people. I’m also slowly losing hope that I will ever find my mate, my Luna Queen. Growing up wolves are taught all about the Moon Goddess and how she destined the perfect mate for each and every wolf. After turning 17 I was so excited to find my mate and have the perfect woman to love. Mostly every one I know has found their mate. Even my Beta is happily mated. At 30 years old I have started to wonder is there really a mate out there for me? Ten minutes after 7 and Alpha Jack has appeared on stage ready to introduce me. A tall blonde haired man stands next to him in a maroon suit. Must be the future Alpha that failed to greet me earlier. “Good evening, Silver Moon Pack. Tonight it is future Alpha Kane and I’s absolute pleasure to welcome the Alpha King and his Beta to our pack.” Alpha Jack announced. I get up from my table with Hunter and slowly make my way to the stage. I shake Alpha Jack and Kane’s hands and make way to deliver my speech. “Good evening. As you know I am Alpha King Milo from the Royal Pack in Tennessee. Recently, I have made it my mission to visit every pack in the country. On this journey I have learned many things and meet many wonderful people in every pack. I thank you for your warm welcome to the Silver Moon Pack.” After my quick speech I make my way for the bar as Hunter delivers his own monologue to the crowd. “I’ll have an old fashioned, please” I tell the small omega behind the bar. “Hello, Mister Alpha King!” a bubbly blonde says next to me. I grab the drink the bartender has just placed in front of me and gulp it down. I’m not in the mood to deal with horny women. The blonde woman attempted to flirt with me for twenty more minutes before wondering off to go find her two friends. I wasn’t listening to much of what the woman was saying but I got that her friends names are Cami and Jane. Soon there was a grand dinner served. A big rib-eye steak, mashed potatoes, salad, and dinner rolls. Then after dinner came the apple pie I had been smelling all day long. The pie was better than it smelled. The next two hours I spent at the bar being approached by lots of pack members trying to talk to me. Some of the conversations were causal and some 2 more women tried to seduce me. I was tired of this party and ready for bed. I mind linked Hunter that I was heading up for my room. He had replied telling me about some after party, but I had no interest in such things. I was exhausted. Beta Hunter POV During the welcoming celebration I had heard about an after party in a barn on the south side of the territory tonight. I wasn’t tired quite yet so I decided I was gonna go check it out. My mate Alicia back home just had our first baby. So, I haven’t had much alone time between being Beta and a father now. I follow a bunch of the Silver Moon pack members to a old barn. Some of the security detail came along with me as well. The others protecting the Alpha King of course. Stepping inside I’m pleasantly surprised at how nice and rustic the barn is. From the outside it looks almost as it is going to collapse from the slightest breeze. The party is already going strong. People are dancing everywhere and everyone has a red Solo cup in their hand. The music playing right now is from the 1990’s not something I would usually expect from this younger crowd. I head over to the cooler with Damon who is one of the best warriors we have in the pack. We grab too beers and find a place to sit down. The others have disappeared from my view. I get flirty looks from some of the women here, but while checking me out they note my wedding ring and quickly look away. I have eyes for no one but my beautiful mate. Half way through my beer the music stops and everyone turns their attention towards the back of the barn. Three women have suddenly appeared with microphones. The instrumental starts and the woman in the middle start to sing. Her voice isn’t bad. Soon the other two women chime in. I gotta film this and show Milo. He is missing a good time. When the group starts singing the next sing they begin to move throughout the crowd. When the girl closest to us get near us Damon tenses you next to me. All I hear is one word come out of mouth, “mate”. Damon jumps up and immediately embraces the girl. It reminds me of how I felt when I first met Alicia. Her hypnotizing scent of roses and ivy. Damon is now occupied by his newfound mate. I’m alone again. I’m chugging my second beer when the woman that was the group’s lead singer. She has long brown hair and gold eyes. She quite beautiful. She has that natural beauty many girls don’t have anymore. “I see one of your pack members is now mates to one of my best friends” she says twirling her hair with her index finger. “One of our best warriors his name is Damon. What is your friends name?” “Millie. Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Camilla or Cami for short. Alpha Jack’s daughter and future Alpha Kane’s twin.” she says cheerfully. This is Alpha Kane’s twin? They literally look nothing alike. He’s about 6’3 and she’s not even 5’5. I guess genetics have lots of different outcomes. Alicia and I’s daughter Willa looks more like an exactly copy of me but as a girl. I almost forget Camilla is standing there for a second as I begin to miss my girls back home. “Very nice to meet you, Camilla. By the way you have a lovely voice.” I say turning towards the door to leave. A wave of tiredness has just hit me hard. My super dad strength against sleep has worn off I joke to myself. I quickly mind link the security and Damon to let them know I’m head for bed. This visit seemed to be off to a good start so far.
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