Another Journey

1090 Words
Alpha King Milo POV I wake up to the early morning sun creeping through my windows and the fresh forest breeze pushing through my open balcony door. It has been hard to sleep late these days with the golden eyes that have been haunting my dreams. I don’t know what they mean or who they even belong to. It is bothering the f—k out of me. I have only been home for a week since my last business trip to the Half Moon Pack in Northern California. As apart if my new community building measures I have decided that as the Alpha King I should visit every pack in the country ever so often to check up and mingle with the people. I have also established this in the hope of finding my mate at one of the packs I visit. I am 30 years old and I have been the Alpha King since I was 20 years old. My Beta Hunter has been bugging me about finding my mate; our Luna Queen. Today I am to visit the Silver Moon Pack in upstate New York. Unlike Tennessee in the middle of October, I hear in New York it is a far bit colder. I roll out of my large comfy bed and head for the bathroom to shower and get ready for the trip ahead. “Milo, the plane leaves for New York in two hours,” my Beta Hunter mind links me. “The plane will leave when I get the h-ll on it” I mind kink him back in my snarky sarcastic Alpha voice. After an hour of getting ready and packing my suitcase I head out of the Alpha Wing and down to the grand hall. Hunter is waiting for me by the front door with his suitcase. We head out the door without exchanging words and climb into the second black SUV. Two of my security detail personnel get into the drivers seat and the passenger seat. The SUV in front of us and behind us are also all full of security personnel. After a few minutes the cars start driving and head for the airport. The airport is 45 minutes away from the pack territory. The drive takes us through the scenic mountains and winding roads which I have always known as home. I love living in the mountains. The pack territory is far away from any human towns but as everything you would expect to see in a small human town. My wolf Grayson loves running through the mountains during the fall and winter. Since we are the Alpha King we don’t get much personal time so we make the most of it when we can. Once we are on the plane and up in the air Hunter briefs me on the Silver Moon Pack. “Their Alpha is Jack Todd who has been Alpha since he was 23. His Luna Fiona passed away shortly after she gave birth to twins 21 years ago. His son Kane should be taking over anytime now. Alpha Jack’s Beta is Chris Blackburn and Gamma Nathan Barnes. They are a smaller pack with a population of 300. Their territory is close to the Canadian border and have maintained excellent border defense.” Hunter quickly goes through with me. “Sound good” I say, quickly turning my attention to my laptop to do the work I will miss being away from the pack. I somehow manage to fall asleep on my laptop during the trip. The golden eyes are in my dreams again. They are calling to me. “Milo” a sweet soft voice sings to me. Over and over again. “Alpha King Milo, the plane has landed” Hunter says shaking me awake from my dream. Hunter studies me for a few moments. “Did you have that one dream again?” He asks. “Yes, let’s not discuss it” I command in my Alpha tone. I put my laptop back in my backpack and sling it over my shoulder. When I descend down the stairs of the plane a nice lady kindly hands me my suitcase. I thank her and make my way to one of the SUV’s waiting for us. The journey to the Silver Moon Pack is a long one from the airport. Hunter has informed me we will be in the car for another hour or so thirty minutes into the drive. It has already started to snow up here. The ground is covered by in a thin layer of white snow. And it isn’t as cold as Hunter made it sound this morning. By the time we reach the Silver Moon Pack territory it is 3pm. The SUV takes us through a small village to the front of the pack house where Alpha Jack and his Beta and Gamma are waiting to welcome us. As soon as we step out the car our luggage is taken by the pack house staff. “Welcome Alpha King Milo and Beta Hunter Rhodes. We welcome you to the Silver Moon Pack. Tonight there will be a welcome celebration in the grand hall at 7pm. The house staff shall show you to your rooms in the Guest Wing. Again, welcome” Alpha Jack says shaking Hunter and I’s hands. The Silver Moon Beta and Gamma deliver their welcomes and turn to follow Alpha Jack. “I thought you said Alpha Jack has children,” I say turning to Hunter as the staff leads use to our rooms. “He does. I would have thought they’d be there to greet us as well.” Hunter says just like he is reading my mind. It is strange for all of the Alpha family not be present when greeting a visitor to their territory. Especially, when the visitor is the Alpha King. I would have at least thought the future Alpha would greet his Alpha King. This sort of enraged me, but I can’t let it. This tour of all the packs is about impressions on both sides. My reputation might not be the best and most flattering. I have been known to lose my temper at times. While on the way to our rooms I can smell a faint smell in the air that is delicious. It is the best thing I have ever smelled in my life. The smell is a mixture of apples, cinnamon, and vanilla. They must be making apple pie for the welcome celebration. My favorite pie.
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