Finding Myself

1025 Words
Camilla POV Kane and I come back the next day to the mother’s secret room after a vigorous morning training session. Milo and his Beta Hunter have been called into another meeting with father thankfully. There is now enough light from the library to see more of the room’s treasures. There are stacks of books with inches of dust piled on top of them. Going through the books I clean them each off and place them into a banker’s box to take with me to the Royal Pack tomorrow. Kane is behind me going through another stack of books. He reads snippets of them and hands me the ones that he deems important enough to take with me. After I have packed up all the books I move my attention onto the locked trunk in the corner of the room. I would take the whole trunk with me but there is no way to get it out of the room without someone noticing. The trunk also has a lock that Kane has been trying to figure out for the last 10 minutes. “I’ve tried her birthday, her and dad’s anniversary, and our birthdate. I don’t know what it could be Camilla.” Kane says to me frustrated. “Maybe we need to consult father.” I tell him. “I think I could be of some assistance.” Father says standing in the doorway making both Kane and I jump. Father comes further into the room taking in the scene. From his facial expressions he had no clue this took even existed. His eyes land on the portrait of mother. He stares at it for a few minutes. You could see the hurt and love in his eyes. I swear I see a tear run down his cheek but I won’t say anything to him. The Alpha doesn’t cry. The only time we’ve heard about father crying is when mother passed away. After father is done with his moment. He proceeds to give us different combination suggestions for the locked trunk. Every combination he gives sadly doesn’t work either. Suddenly, I can feel Milo’s aura and pine scent hit my nostrils. “Milo’s coming everyone out NOW!” I whisper yell to my father and Kane. My hands start glowing again so I concentrate more n the banker’s box and use my magic to slide them down it if the room. I stand up impressed with myself and quickly make my way out of the room shutting the bookcase back into place. Just as I shut the bookcase Milo strides into the library looking at the three of us. Kane and my father are staying at me in disbelief of how my hands are glowing and how I moved the box without my hands. “Just the angel I was looking for!” Milo says taking me in his strong arms. “What are you doing?” He asks looking again at all of us. “We are just packing up some books I want to bring with me tomorrow.” I say kissing him in the cheek. Thankfully, my hands have stopped glowing before Milo could see them. “Are you excited about your new home?” Milo asks me. “I am but I’m sad to leave my father and Kane behind.” “We’ll come visit you often princess.” My father says hugging me tight. Kane comes behind me hugging me too squishing me. While Kane and father are still embracing me father mind links me that he will continue trying to unlock the trunk before I leave tomorrow. After they are done squishing me to death Milo effortlessly picks up the banker’s box and walks hand in hand with me to my wing. When we get back to the wing Aria is already packing up my things into moving boxes. She already has 5 boxes full. I didn’t really think I had that much stuff to fill 5 boxes already. Milo has retired to the couch to watch football while I finish helping Aria pack my stuff. It takes the rest of the evening to pack my things. When we’re finished there are 10 boxes of my stuff. “Holy sh-t. You have a lot of stuff angel.” Milo says wide eyed at the boxes stacked in the hallway. “Well it’s not like I’m just going away for the week.” I laugh at him. “My pack is going to be so happy to meet their Luna Queen.” He says embracing me and kissing my forehead. After packing Milo and I head down to the dining hall to have one last family dinner with Kane and my father. Dinner is filled with Kane and my father sharing more embarrassing stories about me and Milo’s contagious laughter. Milo also tells me more about his life and his family at the Royal Pack. He tells me about his father’s death, his mother Catalina, and his baby sister Sky. They are a pretty close family from what he tells me. His mother and sister are very excited to meet me and have been waiting for Milo to find his mate for 13 years. After dinner I check on Millie and Jane to make sure they are packed and ready to leave tomorrow. To my pleasant surprise they actually are. Millie is excited to move in with her mate Damon and Jane is excited to just get out of this pack. When I’m finished talking to them I head back to my room to sleep as the day has completely worn me out. Milo is waiting for me in bed when I make it to my bedroom. As soon as I cuddle up to him I’m out like a light. In the middle of the night I wake up but not in my bedroom. I’m in a dark empty space. I’m about to have a panic attack when I see see a faint light and the numbers 3, 7, and 1 appear in front of me. Then everything disappears and I’m back on my bedroom laying next to Milo.
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