
1021 Words
Camilla POV After the dream I manage to snake away from Milo’s grip again. I head for the library and pull on the book. The bookcase opens and the room is pitch black. The candle wasn’t much help last night so I brought my phone so I could use the flashlight on it. I go over to the trunk and roll the numbers to match the ones in my dream. Three, seven, one. There’s a click and the lid pops open. In the middle of the trunk there is a big leather book with mother’s initials on it. I start to flip through the pages one by one to see it’s her spell book. There are thousands of spells listed throughout the book. This is exactly what I need to help me control my magic. I’m so captured by the contents of the book I don’t even notice someone standing in the doorway. “So, this is what you have been sneaking out of bed for these past couple nights.” Milo says with his arms crossed at his chest studying me. F—k me. I guess I have to tell him now. “I have a lot to tell you and I didn’t because we just met and I’m still processing all this information. You’ll want to sit for this.” I gesture him to the floor where I’m currently sitting. He plops down beside me patiently waiting for me to begin. “My mother, Luna Fiona, was not a wolf. She was a witch. When Kane and I were born her powers disappeared and she didn’t know why. But she suspected that her powers were passed onto one of us. I guess I was the lucky winner. I’m also a wolf as you know. When I was upset in father’s office the other day this was why. He didn’t know that this would happen to me as hybrids are unheard of. When you and Kane flew apart when we first met I did that. I’ve also destroyed my bed as well before. My hands glow at times. This is her secret room and this book is her spell book. That’s pretty much all I know at the moment.” I explain to him. When I finish Milo is just staring at me unsure of what to say. We sit in silence for a few minutes before he speaks. “You’re a werewolf and a witch? A hybrid.” He asks confused. “It seems so. Sorry, I didn’t tell you sooner. It’s a lot to process. Only Kane and father know.” “Wow.” He says with an expressionless face. “Also, when I collapsed on you I had a dream or was transported somewhere. I got to meet my mother and she told me all the answers I need are in this room. That’s why I have been packing up boxes from the room to bring with me tomorrow.” “I can’t tell you I know what you’re going through. But we will get through this together.” He says embracing me in a hug. God, this man is so sweet and understanding. His hug sends electricity through my body and a desire I haven’t had before grows in my core. I pull myself out of the hug and climb on his lap and kiss him. Milo is stunned by my actions but hold my waist and deepens the kiss. The kissing continues and I begin to feel him up. I want him. I need him. I push him back so he is laying flat on the floor and continuing kissing him fiercely. After awhile Milo flips me over but instead of laying me on the floor he picks me up not breaking our kiss and starts to walk towards my wing. “Wait! We have to shut the bookcase!” I say breaking the kiss which makes Milo frown. Milo turns back and shuts the door and I make sure the book that opens the door is placed right side up. He picks me back up continuing back to my wing. When we get to my wing he immediately starts stripping me of my clothes. Once I’m naked he stands there admiring my body. “F—k, I have the hottest woman alive.” He says with a low growl. A growl of desire. We continue to the bedroom where I strip him of his clothes and take in all of his glory. God, he’s huge. I’m a little nervous since this will be my first time, but I’m ready for this. “Camilla, I want you. I need you.” He growls in a s****l tone. “I feel the exact same way, baby.” I say pushing him down on the bed. My core is burning hot and I know he can sense my need for him. He turns me over and takes control. “Is this your first time?” He asks me as he positions himself between my legs. “Yes. Celestia and I have been waiting for our mate to have us.” “Perfect.” He says smashing his lips into mine again finally giving us what we’ve been waiting for. After a few hours we f—ked multiple times. Each time was like an explosion of fireworks. Celestia and I are purely satisfied. Celestia and Grayson also enjoyed being together on an intimate level. All the s*x has made both of us exhausted. “That was the best s*x I’ve ever had!” Milo says flopping down on the bed gasping for air just like I am. After catching our breath we make way to the shower where we go for another round. With Milo I am on cloud nine. We both wash each other off which almost leads to another round of s*x. But my body is too exhausted to go again. I think I can say the same for Milo as well. After drying off we make our way back to my bed where we both fall asleep cuddled in each other’s arms.
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