Mother’s Secret

1154 Words
Camilla POV Kane and I have been searching the pack house for the secret room mother told me about in my dream for the past few days. Obviously, we have had no luck. Kane is working on finding the blueprints for the pack house to see if that helps us. Milo as thankfully been in several meetings with father throughout his stay. Otherwise hiding this from him would be rather difficult as he wants to be by my side at all hours of the day. He is a love sick puppy, however, I am not complaining. It’s quite adorable. Right now I am having lunch with Jane and Millie while waiting to see if Kane finds anything else. Millie hasn’t stopped going on about her mate Damon. I’m happy for her but Mille has a tendency to give too much detail about certain things. Suddenly the chatter amongst the dining hall quiets and I can feel his dominating aura as he strides towards our table. “Hello, my heavenly angel.” Milo says leaning down to kiss my cheek. “Would you like to sit down with us and have lunch?” I ask him. Jane and Millie just sit there staring at us. When I told them that I and found my mate and who was was their mouths dropped to the floor. They couldn’t believe that I was going to be the Luna Queen of the North American territory. It has taken some time for me to process that information but I have more confidence in myself now. “Well my work here at Silver Moon is just about done so, we’ll be heading back to the Royal Pack in two days.” Milo says looking to Millie and I. “Ohhhh! I’m so excited!” Millie squeals. “Milo? May Jane come with us please? Her mate obviously isn’t here at Silver Moon and I don’t want to leave her behind.” I ask with my big puppy dog eyes. “Of course, my love. What ever will please you. Jane do you accept our invitation to move to the Royal Pack?” Milo asks Jane. I didn’t think it would be that easy. Jane gladly accepts the invitation and Millie squeals in excitement once more. “Alright well I have paperwork to fill out and submit to the Council of Elders for our newest pack members. See you later, my angel.” Milo says now kissing my forehead and walking away. When Milo walks away it finally dawns on me that I have two days to look for this damn secret room. F—k. Why couldn’t mother just flat out tell me where it is. Jane and Millie excuse themselves to go start packing for our new home. I get up and decide to try and find Kane to see if he has found anything yet. I find Kane in the Alpha’s Library staring at blueprints for the pack house. “Found anything?” I ask. He gestures me to come closer as he stuffs his mouth with a blueberry muffin. He points out a few areas of interest he thinks we should explore. “We will check them out tonight when everyone is asleep. Think you can get away from lover boy?” “May be a challenge, but I’m up for it.” I tell him. Now I just have to think of a way to snake out of Milo’s tight grasp tonight. At night like I predicted Milo has a tight hold on my waist. It’s almost like he’s afraid I’m going to run away from him. I slowly slip out from his arm and replace my body with a pillow that smells like me. Milo seems to be a deep sleeper and doesn’t even move an inch. I creep out of the bedroom and then out of my wing tip toeing and shutting every door very softly not to make any noise. Once I’m out the wing I head for the Alpha Library to meet Kane. When I get there we go over the blueprints to the pack house and the potential locations throughout Kane has circled in red sharpie. After an hour we find door behind walls that we both have never seen but they are only storage closets for various things. We both head back to the library disappointed in our search. Kane sits down at the long wooden table looking over the blueprints again. I just look through the books in the library to see if there are any that may give more information about witches and hybrids. Looking through I see a book that looks different than most of the books here. On the spine of the book are initials that read FC. “Kane do you remember what mother’s maiden name was by chance?” “I believe it was Caulder.” He replies still focused on the blueprints. I go to grab the book but it doesn’t come off the shelf it just tips in my direction. Then the bookcase beside me pops open from the wall with a slow creek revealing a room. Kane immediately turns in my direction and looks at me in awe. “What did you do?” He asks. “Just pulled the book and on the shelf with FC on the spine.” I say pointing at the tipped book. Kane lights the candle on the table and goes into the room first, me following behind. The room is hard to see with the dim light from the candle and is extremely dusty. The room is stacked with a variety of different things and books. On the wall is a grand portrait of our mother. She’s looks to be a teenager in the painting. Her beauty brightens the room. Kane and I both take a long moment to take in the room. “Well, I think you found it little sister. Good job.” Kane says patting me on the back like a child. Something I despise and he knows it. The room is hard to observe and go through in the dark so we decide to come back tomorrow and try again. Walking out of the room we shut the bookcase back into the wall and make sure the book lays back where it was originally. Kane quickly sweeps around the library and hallway to make sure no one saw. When he clears the area we both return to our separate wings to go back to sleep. When I get back to my bedroom Milo is still sound asleep spooning the pillow I placed in his arms. God he is so handsome. I sure did hit the mate jackpot. I move the pillow back against the headboard and reposition myself in Milo’s arms. I close my eyes and drift off to sleep deep in thought about what Kane and I just discovered.
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