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Mrs. Adele Lang ford's villa was situated at the upscale locality in San Martin and her husband Simon Lang ford was once the mayor of San Martin but has retired and spends all his time doting his wife. Today was a very special occasion as Mrs. Lang ford's sister had flown down from overseas to celebrate her birthday with her. My shop has gotten the order for the decoration of the villa, for the birthday party. I was incredibly happy and excited about the order as coming to this place makes me very happy as both the couple were very warm and welcoming and gave a lot of space to new ideas and it was always fulfilling to get orders from them.   I parked outside the villa and told my subordinates to unload the things, while I check with the owner. I reached the door and rang the doorbell, suddenly the door was opened by a familiar person and I was shocked to see him. I kept standing there and looking at him, somehow I could not take my eyes off him.  Finally, I gained my composure and said, “oh! it’s you again! Hi, I am Lauren James and not Mia and I am here from the “Mystic boutique” to complete the order given by Mrs. Lang ford to decorate the villa and smiled at him. Carlos observed her carefully, smiled slightly, and said, “I am sorry for my behavior the other day I thought you looked like someone and misbehaved with you. I am extremely sorry for my behavior.”  I took a deep breath and sighed and said, “It’s okay sometimes it happens, there are so many lookalikes around the world so people tend to mistake them for someone else.” I was relieved that Carlos did not suspect anything. I had made sure that all the facts were correct and not baseless and within a given time he will realize that I am a different person altogether. Carlos held out his hand and said, “I am Carlos Vincent and Mrs. Lang ford's grandson and will be assisting you with the preparation as it is my grandmother’s birthday today and she flew all the way from Dublin to celebrate her birthday here with her sister and friends.”   I was shocked as I had not expected Grandma Lia to be here too. I hesitated for a second and shook his hand and said, ‘nice to meet you, Carlos, I assure you that I won’t disappoint you. I will make your grandmother’s birthday incredibly special, so shall we start.” She tried to take back her hand, but it was held for a while before he finally let go. I entered the big living room with my subordinates who were waiting for me outside and gave them instructions very soon everybody was on their toes and busy with the decoration. But suddenly while I was arranging the flowers on the stairs I saw Emily my assistant who was a little chick and was very pretty to look at glued in her place staring at Carlos. She called out her name and Emily immediately came out of her daze and ran towards her. He is so handsome, surely I can stare at him.’ Emily said in a trance. Lauren looked at him and found his deep blue penetrating eyes staring at her. She blushed and reverted her gaze away and scolded Emily for getting distracted and told her to focus on her work. But it was easier said than done she kept on bumping into Carlos, wherever she went to arrange the flowers. She had chosen very light-colored flowers and as orchids were Mrs. Lang ford's favorite, she made sure to arrange it at the entrance with different shades of color. The occasion was incredibly special and knowing now that it was Grandma Lia’s birthday she wanted to make it more memorable as she had a lot of good memories with her. While she was busy instructing and arranging the flowers. Carlos leaned against the stairs and kept watching her as if he had found his long-lost treasure. He was observing and thinking how can he be mistaken, she is alive and in front of him, without a doubt it was Mia. She has grown more beautiful, though her hair color has changed and she has grown leaner and she spoke like the locals and the facts about her were also correct but there was a glitch somewhere and I am going to find out he thought determinedly. I will let her think that I don’t doubt her and get to the root of it.   Avoiding him, I climbed up the ladder and was trying to give a final touch up to the decoration in the doorway. I was observing the beautiful delicate flowers which enhanced the beauty of the doorway when suddenly someone bumped into the ladder and I missed my footing and fell. I closed my eyes as there was no escape, but I was tightly held by strong arms when I was about to fall on the floor. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Carlos looking at me with concern. His hands were all around me and I could feel the burning sensation inside me. No one had the power to disturb my whole equilibrium and I closed my eyes again and tried to control myself. ‘Are you all right?’ Carlos asked with concern while steadying me. I am fine, I said shakily and thanked him for saving me from falling.                            
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