Farewell My Love

1298 Words
 ‘You do want me don’t you,’ he said it with almost fierce triumph, as though there had been a time when he had doubted her desire. How could that be? She had been so tingly and embarrassingly eager to give herself to him, so much so that she had practically trembled with anticipation every time he came near her. She did not draw her eyes away and suddenly made bold the strength of love for him and then as though to underline her unspoken desire she ran her finger lightly through the dark hair that covered his chest following them down until she came to the barrier of the trouser. Burying his mouth against her throat Carlos groaned, Mia you little witch you must know I have wanted you to touch me like that, you do things to me that no other woman can. Mia just stared at him lovingly not wanting to end it and love him till she could. ‘Mia,’ Carlos muttered her name in a protest and jerked past her tightly compressed lips warning her that she was pushing him to the very limits of his control, it wasn’t enough to feel the warmth of his body beneath her hands. love and desire mingled inside him.   A harsh cry, somewhere between pain and pleasure filled the room as Carlos writhed against her, his body hot with the desire. Suddenly he was lifting her away holding her immobile slightly above him, his mouth finding her breast and piercing her with sweet pleasure. The most languorous need she had known to show him her love was gone and in its place was a fierce, almost savage, hunger. Somehow they rolled on the bed with their clothes scattered all around them and Carlos finally let go of his restraint as he entered Mia and an explosive c****x gripped his body and Mia cried out his name, letting the mouth steal the sounds from her and repeatedly possessed her till they both were exhausted and he held her in his arms and slept peacefully. After a while, Mia opened her eyes with tears in her eyes looking at the man she loved dearly and making up her mind she silently slid from the bed and got dressed. She stood near the bed and watched him sleep peacefully and said, “forgive me, my love, I have to go away, I cannot be with you but I will remember you every day, you will always be a part of me, farewell my love.’ Then she walked out of the room. The sunlight of the morning penetrated through the curtains, falling over the sleeping Carlos on the large-sized bed. Carlos opened his eyes slowly, only to find his body tired, with a smile on his face he remembered the incident that happened the last night. As he turned over, he was shocked that Mia was not beside him. Then he sat up and remembered today was their big day she must have rushed back home. He got up hurriedly and drove to his villa where everyone was waiting for him. As soon as his mother saw him she asked him, ‘Carlos where have you been? we have been trying to call you but you did not pick up the phone, hurry up and go get dressed we need to reach the church on time for your wedding.’ Suddenly Carlos took out his phone from his pocket and saw many missed calls from his friends and family. Feeling guilty, he apologized to his mother and ran up towards his room to get ready. At St. Andrews cathedral everyone was seated in their allotted seats and were waiting for the bride and groom to arrive. Everyone had their eyes on the door, soon the groom arrived looking very elegant and handsome and everyone had their eyes fixed on him as he entered the church. Carlos saw his best man Samuel and Peter waiting for him near the altar. They were both a pair of astonishingly good-looking men but as compared to Carlos they were not even close to him when it came to looks. As they waited for the bride to appear Ann, Mia’s best friend arrived at the door and signaled Carlos. Carlos slightly worried went out and confronted Ann, ‘what is the matter? where is Mia?’ Her lips trembled as she spoke, ‘Carlos, I am sorry we cannot find Mia anywhere, she just left.’ What do you mean you cannot find her? Carlos's whole body trembled as he gripped Ann’s arms. She freed her hands and gave him a letter and said, ‘This is what I found in her room this morning when I went to get her dressed.’ Carlos read the letter and his eyes were burning in furry why oh! why did she do this to me….. The letter read, Carlos, I have thought about this many times and I am not ready to settle down after all I am just 20. I still need to make my career and see the world. Please forgive me if I hurt you and your family. You will always be dear to my heart and I love you the most. Please do not try to find me. And allow me to live my life according to my wishes. Mia Carlos gripped the letter and ran in panic and drove to the manor shouting her name, but he could not find her. Mia’s stepfather Stephen came out of his room and saw Carlos he told him to cool down and not behave irrationally. He informed him that Mia had left for the airport as she was leaving the country so there is no point in trying to chase after her. Carlos was in range and his heart was breaking into pieces. He rushed to the airport and on his way called to check the flight schedule of flights flying overseas but as soon as reached the airport he saw people rushing toward the airport, there were media reporters everywhere. He got off from his car and headed towards the entrance but was not allowed to go when he enquired he was told that there has been a plane crash due to some technical difficulty the flight was flying to Seattle. His body became numb, he couldn’t move, and he gripped the railing nearby. Just then Samuel arrived he grasped Carlos’ arm and took him aside meanwhile Peter his brother went inside to check the situation. When Carlos saw him coming out of the airport he looked at him hoping for some good news. But that was the last straw of hope, which was shattered, Mia’s name was on the passengers' list she was flying to Seattle. Carlos broke down and his friends brought him back to his house. His family was deeply devastated and embarrassed in front of everyone. But most importantly they also lost Mia in the plane crash. They had all moved on in their life after the incident but Carlos could never forget her the only thing that kept on ringing in his mind was why did she give herself to him that night when she was planning to leave him but lost her life trying to escape from their relationship. But no matter what, she was the only woman he had ever loved. Now after six years she was there again in front of him with a different identity. But he was sure it was his Mia and he was going to find out why did she leave him back then and how did she survive the plane crash.
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