The Abused

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The Abused Kirby's PoV Lia and I were taken aback when we saw the facade of Callie's shanty house. How could an angel live in such a place? It has no gate or at least a fence for security purposes. Their tiny house was made of cardboard and had a rusty roof. There was a broken glass window pane where you could peep through. We moved into this area just two months ago. Lia and I do not socialize with kids our age or play outside, so we didn't know this house existed in our neighborhood. Or is it even a house? "Callie! Callie!" We heard a deep baritone voice of a man shouting Callie's name repeatedly. The three of us trembled in fear, especially Callie. I could see in her eyes how frightened she was. She quickly went inside and didn't look back to say goodbye. "You worthless child! Where the freaking hell did you go? No rice, no food, no alcohol? fvck this damn house!" We heard the man shouting in a rage. Lia squeezed my hand when she heard Callie scream. We were horrified and held our breath for a second. Callie was getting beaten. I removed Lia's hand from mine. I should step up and save Callie. But Lia pulled my forearm to stop me. "No, Kirby," Lia said sadly. She's worried but also terrified. I couldn't stand hearing the rage of that man and doing nothing. I knocked on the door despite my racing heartbeat. "Kirby! I said 'no'--" Lia and I fell silent as the door opened, showing a tall and hefty man with a serious face. "What's the fuzz? What do you want, kid?" "You--" "Ah, we're lost, Sir. Sorry, just an honest mistake." Lia interrupted and hid me behind her back. The man gave us a dreadful gaze. I swallowed to clear my throat. I was going to yell at him, but he shut the door. There was nothing that Lia and I could do, so we returned home with a heavy heart, hoping that Callie would be all right. Lia wiped her tears when we got home. She felt sorry for Callie. If she hadn't invited her for a snack and karaoke, she wouldn't have been late. Her father would not be furious. But that's so sickening. Whose parents in their right mind would hurt their child? Even at night, I'm still thinking of Callie. More than her pretty face and angelic voice, I'm more concerned about her welfare. I hope her parents treat her well. I went to sleep very late that night, so I woke up late the next day. "Good morning, sleepy head." My mom greeted me when I saw her in the kitchen, busy preparing meals for our breakfast and packed lunch for school. It surprised me that Lia had already dressed up and was preparing another set of meals. "Is it for Callie?" I asked. She just nodded her head. She must really feel bad for Callie because of what happened yesterday. After breakfast, Lia and I went to Callie's house to see her, and together we would walk to school. Sadly, when we arrived at Callie's house, the same horrible ambiance greeted us. Perhaps, even worse than yesterday. We could hear the loud clattering noise of kitchen utensils and yelling of an irate man, whom we believe is Callie's heartless father. "You worthless bum! Get out of my house. You're a curse." We also heard a lot of cussing and scolding in our few-minute stay outside the house. I could no longer bear hearing those nasty words. I was going to knock on the door when Callie suddenly opened it. The three of us were startled to see each other. Callie walked away as if she hadn't seen us. I noticed her puffy eyes and the bruise on her right eye. "Callie! Lia yelled. Callie went on walking, so we followed her. The quicker we walked to catch up with her, the faster she stride. Lia began to chase her, and she was able to grab Callie's wrist. "Go away! I don't need your pity!" Callie said when Lia grabbed her wrist. Callie couldn't hold back her tears, she started to cry. Lia hugged her to sympathize with her. We sat on the pavement to listen to Callie. She told us that her father was a drug addict. Her mother has been in the hospital for about a month now due to severe pneumonia. Her aunts were taking care of her mother. "Have you eaten yet?" Lia asked. Callie shook her head. "The last meal I had was the burger and fries you gave me yesterday." Callie smiled bitterly. Oh goodness, if Lia hadn't invited her, she would have starved to death. Big sister gave her the meal she prepared earlier. Callie was too hungry to refuse Lia's offer. While Callie is busy devouring her food, I sneak my packed lunch inside her backpack. I have my allowance anyway, so I would not go hungry. We rested for a while after Callie finished her breakfast. She can't thank Lia enough. She kept on thanking her. 'Why don't you call a cop? Apparently, your father is physically abusing you," said Lia. Tears started to form in the corner of Callie's eyes, and we could see the fear in them. "Oh, no Lia. Please don't report my father. He was just depressed and sad because of my mother. Mama is recovering now, she will be discharged soon. Papa will get back to his old self." I hope so. Callie kept on begging us to stay away from their family matters. Though she appreciates our concerns, she does not want us to get involved. What can Lia and I do? But to hope that everything will be all right. - - - - - - The entire day of class went on smoothly. Jon and his g@ng don't bother me anymore. Maybe they got scared when they knew that my father was a retired American soldier. I was excited about going home. Of course, who wouldn't be? I waited for Lia and Callie in a waiting shed for a few minutes. I can already see Callie's broad smile from a distance. "Thank you," she mouthed. She was referring to the packed lunch that I secretly placed inside her bag. We walked together just like what we did yesterday. Callie went straight home. Lia and I were relieved to know that her father is still at his workplace. On that night, before I went to sleep, I still couldn't get Callie out of my head. Why is she always on my mind? And I'm excited about seeing her the next day. Really weird. I closed my eyes and finally fell asleep. In the middle of my deep sleep, I dreamed that I heard Callie's voice screaming for help. She's banging and knocking on our door. But the ear-piercing sound continues, and Callie's screams become louder and louder. I quickly got out of bed as soon as I realized that I wasn't dreaming. "Help! Help! Please, somebody help! My father will kill me!" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TO BE CONTINUED. . .
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