The Angel

1272 Words
The Angel Kirby's PoV "Oh, good lord, sweetie! Are you alright?" I'm not sure if I was dreaming or had anything wrong with my head when Jon hit me. "Sweetie?" I whispered. Why does an angel call me 'sweetie'? I stared into her eyes for a few seconds to see if she was real. Her brown cat-like eyes are so captivating. I looked more at her facial features, from her cute little nose to her thin pink lips. I can't believe that I'm going to meet an angel today. Her sweet and lovely face is lingering in my memory even when I close my eyes. "O, thank goodness, Kirby! I quickly opened my eyes again when I heard Lia's voice. I was not dreaming. She kept on calling my name, so I stood up to show that I was OK though my cheeks hurt a little and my knees were shaking. I was stunned when I saw the girl who called me 'sweetie', standing beside Lia. I think she's her classmate. Yeah, she probably is. I'm glad Lia has finally found a friend. "Are you all right now? Can you walk?" asked Lia. My sister is really sweet and has always been mindful of me. She always put me first before herself, even though she needs more attention and care than I do. Lia wiped off the dirt from my cheek. The girl next to her was shocked. I can see how worried she was. There was a blood stain on Lia's handkerchief. I have a wound on my face, which is why it aches. "Hurry up, let's treat that at home." Lia said and held my wrist. "Oh, by the way, this is Callie." Callie smiled from ear to ear. She smiles with her eyes too. She also has a nice name. But suddenly she frowned. And I wonder why? "Your little brother seems to hate me. I'm kinda sad," Callie said, pouting her lips. "No, Kirby is just like that. He's a timid, quiet child," Lia answered. "But he's a good boy. Do not worry." "Oh, I see," Callie remarked. "His eyes were scary, though," she added. Lia simply shrugged it off, but I was a bit offended. What's so scary about my eyes? We started to walk, and I let them go first. I walked behind them, even though they were too slow. They were talking about everything literally, under the sun. Unexpectedly, I was entertained just by looking at the back of Callie. Her shiny black wavy hair cascading down her waist, bouncing in the wind, is mesmerizing. It surprised me that a thirty-minute walk swiftly passed as if we were walking a few blocks. So, Callie is our neighbor. I don't know why I feel so excited about the thought that I will be able to see her every day. Lia invited her to come to our house and have a snack while singing in karaoke. "Is it ok?" Callie sheepishly asked. "Oh yeah. Of course. Come on, let's go, Callie," Lia held Callie's hand. I was silently hoping that Callie would accept Lia's offer. I want to hear her singing voice too. Can she sing well? "Ok, thank you, Lia." I was relieved that Callie did not turn her down. I went straight to my room to change my clothes and returned immediately to the living room where Callie was seated on our leather couch. She was waiting for Lia, who was busy in the kitchen preparing their snacks. I sat down in the opposite corner of the couch where Callie was sitting. I noticed the medicine box on the surface of the center table. Callie opened it then took a cotton and an antiseptic. "Hi, sweetie," she greeted me with a cheerful smile after she was done treating my wound. I hang my head in shame. I feel uneasy whenever she's calling me 'sweetie'. "Stop calling me 'sweetie', please," I said almost in a whisper. Her smile faded when I told her that, and she did not answer back. I think she took it offensively. I'm sorry, Callie. I didn't mean to offend you. The awkward atmosphere between us escalated. Good thing that Lia came in and brought us fries and burgers for snacks. Callie's eyes widened in amazement. She must be in love with this food. Lia gave her the largest portion while mine was the tiniest. I have no complaints, though. Seeing Callie enjoying the food makes my heart flutter. For whatever reason why, I don't know. After we ate, Lia told me to go inside my room because they were going to start singing karaoke. I'd love to obey her. Who would like to hear her voice? But I sat firmly in my seat. "Kirby! I said go to your room," Lia yelled. "Don't worry, Lia. I don't want to hear you sing," I assure her. She just rolled her eyes and sat beside Callie. She grabbed the mic and started to operate the karaoke. I also started to shut my ears. It's quite unpleasant to hear her sing. She's out of tune, but she likes singing. She sang her favorite ballad song in her high-pitched timbre. I clapped sarcastically after she sang. Thank goodness, I endured listening to her. Lia gave me a sharp look and furrowed her eyebrows. I was about to laugh at her, but suddenly I stopped when I caught Callie in the corner of my eye. She seized the microphone. It's her turn to sing. She sang a contemporary pop tune. Lia and I were amazed by her cute and stable voice. She sounds like the original. I now understand the term, 'she ate the CD'. We gave Callie a round of applause after she was done singing. "Oh wow! Fabulous! Marvelous!" cheered Lia. I was too stunned to speak, but I kept on clapping to show my amazement. Her face turned red because of the compliment she received from me and my sister. "More! More!" Lia and I shouted in delight. Callie browsed another song. She chose a mellow love song entitled My Immortal by Evanescence. Lia and I were blown away by the beauty of her voice. The emotion she's exuding is superb. I have heard that song a lot of times already but Callie singing it live, makes me want to cry. Why is it so sad? It hit differently. Her vocals are insane. She is so talented. When the song ended, she closed her eyes. I think she wants to cry too. Callie looked at the wall clock and was shocked when she saw that it was already 4pm. 'I need to go home now, Lia. Thank you for the wonderful meal and the karaoke. I really enjoyed it, Lia." Callie immediately stood up and grabbed her bag. Lia and I offered to accompany her to walk with her since her house is nearby our place, just a few blocks away. She refused at first, but Lia insisted, so she agreed. Callie walks fast. It's hard to keep up at her fast pace. She was worried, I think. It was just a few minutes later when we finally reached her home. Lia and I were shocked by what we saw. We couldn't say a word. "I'm sorry, Lia. I can't invite you to come inside," Callie said sadly, almost in a whisper. We understand her. "Callie! Callie!" We heard a deep baritone voice of a man shouting Callie's name repeatedly. The three of us trembled in fear. - - - - - - - - - - - TO BE CONTINUED. . .
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