The Rescued

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The Rescued Kirby's PoV "Help! Help! Please, somebody, help! My father will kill me!" In the middle of the cold and silent night, Callie's raspy voice crying out for help rung throughout the neighborhood. Neighbors near our house went outside their abode to see what the commotion was. I swiftly went downstairs to open the door for Callie. My heart was racing with fear as I imagined Callie's furious father coming at her. Worse, with a knife or something hard and sharp in his hand. Just like the typical thriller movies I have watched. I ran as fast as I could to get into the door. I felt that time was running out and Callie would be in deep danger anytime soon. I heaved a sigh of relief when I saw Dad open the door and keep Callie in his arms. Just in time, before Mr. Kim could grab Callie's forearm, Dad was able to save her. Mr. Kim's deep-set eyes were blazing in anger, for sure he was under the influence of drvgs. He was holding a rod. "Mr. Scott, please help me, help me! I'm gonna die!" Callie kept on screaming. It pricks my heart to hear her plead and see her petrified. How could a nice and innocent child scream in agony like that? Mom hid Callie in her arms and let Dad do the talking with Mr. Kim. Dad is so courageous. He is not a retired soldier for nothing. I can't even look at Mr. Kim's sharp eyes, as if they were on fire, and ready to devour his prey. "Give me back my daughter," Mr. Kim said to Dad in his calm baritone voice, yet so nerve-wracking for me and Callie. "You call her your daughter? You call yourself a 'Dad'? Shame on you," Dad answered back. I was so nervous. Dad is talking to a man who's under the influence. Mr. Kim might attack him. But knowing Dad, I'm pretty confident that he can handle him. But Mr. Kim threw the rod he was holding and pulled something out from his pocket, a dagger. "Mind your own business," said Mr. Kim and gritted his teeth. "Put your knife down, sir" Dad calmly asked Mr. Kim even though the atmosphere seemed so intense. My heart is pumping so fast. I have only seen scenes like this in movies. "Who do you think you are? Bossing me around?" said Mr. Kim and swung his arm in the air. I could see the dagger in his hand ready to pierce Dad's face. Dad quickly raised his forearm to defend himself. Lia and I yelled at the top of our lungs for fear of Dad's life. I didn't notice Lia was there until she screamed. Mom was sitting on the floor, enfolding Callie in her arms. She was trying to stay calm to protect Callie. Lia and I held our breath as we watched Dad and Mr. Kim wrestle. I know that Dad was trained thoroughly in hand-to-hand combat, yet it still frightens me to death watching him trying to subdue Mr. Kim, holding a knife. Dad took Mr. Kim's wrist and twisted his arm. The knife fell to the ground as Dad wrapped Mr. Kim's arm around his back. Dad is six feet two tall, a bit taller than Mr. Kim. He easily suppressed Mr. Kim and pressed him to the ground. Good thing, the community officers arrived just in time. They quickly responded and took Mr. Kim to the community hall to detain him. I don't know what happened there because they only invited Dad for interrogation while Mom and the rest of us went to the hospital. Callie was rushed to the nearest emergency room. They had to stitch the wound on her head. We stayed in the waiting area for two hours until they transferred her to the recovery room. We waited in the admitting room for Callie for another hour. She was asleep when the nurse put her into the hospital bed and injected the dextrose somewhere in her hand. The nurse left some instructions for Mom before leaving us. Lia was quietly sobbing beside Callie's bed. Callie needs to get some sleep and has to stay in the hospital for at least a couple of days for a full recovery. I could not hold my tears either as I looked into Callie's face while she was sleeping. Her head and right eye were covered in gauze bandage. Her eye was bruised and swollen. Her eyelid was also cut and needed some stitches. I can't believe that a nice and sweet girl would end up like this, lying in a hospital bed, bruised and battered. Worse, the reason behind this was his father. Callie awoke after four hours of sleep. She seemed disoriented at first, and then she cried when she recognized us. Lia burst into tears as she hugged her only best friend. Callie asked for water. Mom also offered her food, which she accepted without hesitation. She was famished, I could tell. "How are you dear?" A cheerful greeting coming from a familiar voice drew our attention. It was Dad. He smiled at Callie, but Callie was too shy to smile back. Maybe she was too grateful to Dad that she couldn't speak. The tears streaming down her swollen eye says so. "How's my father, sir?" asked Callie while her head bowed down. I shook my head in disbelief. Callie was so kind and sweet that she was more concerned about her father than herself. "Ahm. he's ok. The officers had to keep him inside the community hall. "Ahm, sir..." Callie said almost in a whisper. She wanted to say something but was too timid to ask. So, Mom and Dad gave her enough time to speak. "It's OK, dear," Mom said to urge Callie to speak. "Ma'am, sir, what will happen to me? My mother is still sick, and my aunts can't look after me--" Ah yeah, I also want to know about it. What will happen to Callie? She can't take care of herself on her own. I feel sad about her situation. She's too young to be concerned about her own welfare. It made me realize that I should be thankful to have parents who love and protect us from all harm. "The social workers will take care of you temporarily while your court case is in process. You will be fostered in a shelter until your Mama gets better. Don't worry dear. Everything will be all right," Dad said and patted Callie's head. I could see in Callie's eye that she was not happy with the news. "Sir..." Callie whispered. "I don't want to go to a social shelter. Can you please..." Callie stopped talking and silently cried. Maybe what she wants to say is, she wanted Dad and Mom to have her custody instead of social workers. "All right, let's see what I can do," Dad said. Callie's swollen eye widened in surprise. "Oh please, Mr. and Mrs. Scott, please take me. I beg." Mom and Dad were moved by Callie's tears. Mom hugged her so tight. I'm not a sentimental kid or affectionate. I don't easily get emotional with touching scenes, but I feel pity for her. I want to cry too. It melted my heart when I saw Callie's fleeting smile. I hope Dad will find a way to get Callie's custody. For now, we will celebrate and savor the moment that Callie broke away from her father's abusive hands. Dad cracked a joke to somehow lighten the moment. Laughter filled the room when we heard a knock on the door. "Good day, Mr. and Mrs. Scott. I'm Ana, a social worker. I'm in charge of Callie's case." The social worker introduced herself with a bright smile on her face. Lia and I stayed, though supposed to be, this should be a private conversation with our parents, the social worker, and Callie. Mrs. Ana explained the legal proceedings of Callie's case. She explained everything very well though I didn't understand some terms, but what I understood was that Dad and Mom have a higher chance of getting Callie's custody. Their meeting took three hours. After their long and complicated talks, a lot of questions asked, personal information, family backgrounds, and such, finally, the social worker announced the most anticipated and satisfying news I have ever heard so far: Mr. and Mrs. Scott, you may foster Callie. . . Please, take good care of her. I know you will. - - - - - - - - - - After staying in the hospital for a few days, Callie was fully recovered and ready to be discharged. The social worker appeared and told us that Callie could go home with us. We were all startled by the news. I can't believe that Callie will be with us, and together we will live under one roof. How amazing is that? TO BE CONTINUED. . .
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