The Adopted

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The Adopted Kirby's PoV I can't believe that Callie will be with us, and together we will live under one roof. How amazing is that? Callie deserves a better home, and a better place to live in. Someone who will take care of her and will protect her from all harm. Well, of course, everybody does. But sadly, many are so unfortunate in life, and one of them is Callie. But now, I am glad that she may finally live peacefully and abundantly. She needs a loving home, and we're just here, ready to let her feel that she is loved and cared for. I pray that she will get through all the traumas that her father brought her. I hope she will be healed and freed from all the pain and sadness he inflicted on her, "Welcome to our humble abode," Dad said cheerfully, opening the door for everyone as we entered our house. He was carrying Callie's small luggage. All she had was a bundle of old and faded clothes. Even her only pair of slippers was worn out. Callie's eyes sparkled with delight, but she couldn't lift her foot to step inside. Mom held her hand to make her feel welcome and Lia clutched her arm to hers. The three of them walked in first and sat on the long black leather couch in the living room. I followed after them. "T-thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Scott. T-thank you for your k-kindness." Callie stammered because she was too shy to speak. "Don't mind it dear. Feel free to do whatever you want," Dad told her to somehow ease the embarrassment she was feeling. "I am forever grateful, Mr. and Mrs. Scott, and to you Lia," Callie said. I'm a bit sad because she didn't mention me. I know that she doesn't have to thank me, there was nothing big I have done for her to be thankful for. But it surprised me when she called my name. "Thank you, Kirby," Callie said in her low voice, and she smiled at me. I don't know why I suddenly felt awkward. I can't even smile back at her. I instantly regret not responding to her lovely gesture. Her sweet smile quickly faded. Perhaps she thought that I disliked her. "So, let's have our dinner, shall we?" Dad broke the stillness that filled the air. "Oh yes, I almost forgot. Let me fix our dinner first," Mom stood and hurriedly went to the kitchen. All of us were left in the living room while we were waiting for Mom's special dinner. Yes, it is special because this is Callie's first dinner with us. Dad picked the remote from the center table and handed it to Callie. She politely turned down Dad's offer. "It's OK Mr. Scott, I don't know how to use that. We don't have a television in our home," Callie said in a timid manner. Lia and I were surprised. Every household in the Philippines has a television set nowadays. Callie's family were so poor, they didn't even have one. Dad insisted on giving her the remote and the freedom to choose which program she wanted to watch. "By the way dear, you can call me Uncle Johnny instead of Mr. Scott." Callie just nodded and smiled shyly for the nth time. "And please, call me 'Aunt Cora'." Mom shouted from the kitchen while she was busy cooking. Lia took the remote from Dad's hand because Callie was too timid to do anything but nod. "Callie! Check out the newest girl group. They're hella good!" Lia exclaimed as she switched on the television and excitedly showed Callie the newest girl group she was talking about. I took a deep breath. The newest girl group of what? A bunch of skinny girls with colorful hair, dancing and singing flirtatiously, wearing provocative outfits. I find them a not-so good influence on young girls like Callie and Lia. I have no interest in watching them. But Callie seemed so excited. She even asked what the name of that girl group was. "Girly Girls," answered Lia. Oh goodness, what kind of name was that? So cringeworthy. They both giggled when they heard and watched this 'Girly Girls' dance and sing. This is the first time that Callie exuded her emotions today. I noticed Callie moving her shoulders to the beat of the Girly Girls' song. All right, I must admit, I enjoy watching her. I think she loves pop music so much and is a big fan of it. "The dinner is ready! Come and get it!" Mom shouted from the kitchen, and she sounded joyful and enthusiastic. I believe Callie's presence brightened our humble household. Indeed, a ray of sunshine to our family. We all gathered then at the dining table, and Callie's eyes widened in amazement when she saw the sumptuous dinner that Mom prepared for us. A bittersweet feeling crept over me because I knew Callie was deprived of things like this, sufficient food on the table. Dad led the grace before meal as he always does. Then we started eating to our heart's content. I don't know why, but seeing Callie enjoying the food makes me happy too. I knew then that Callie doesn't eat fish because she's allergic to it. She loves seafood nonetheless. Mom asked her what food she liked. "Fried chicken," she answered. I like it too. I don't know why, but knowing her favorites sounds interesting to me. After we ate, Mom prepared each of us a glass of warm milk and a biscuit before we went to bed. Callie and Lia shared a room because Callie said that she cannot sleep alone at night. Lia doesn't mind sharing her bed with Callie, though she's not used to sleeping next to someone. I guess living with Callie means adjusting to some things. I wouldn't mind having her around, but I hope she will adapt to our way of life soon. That night, I couldn't find sleep. I can't understand myself anymore. I feel weird thinking about Callie being close to my room. I stayed up late that night because of that. The next day, a ray of sunlight and a knock on my door woke me up. I arose to open the door because someone kept knocking. I was still groggy, so I staggered on my trembling legs as I approached the door. "Good morning, sweetie." I was startled when I saw Callie standing right in front of me and greeted me cheerfully when I opened the door. I shut the door without greeting her back. I was so surprised. I felt ashamed of my 'just woke up' look and I couldn't face her like that. I'm such a mess. "Aunt Cora told me to call you for breakfast." I heard Callie talking behind the door. Her voice lacked enthusiasm after what I did. I'm sorry, Callie, I just woke up from dreamland. I said in my mind. I know Callie is still standing behind the doorpost and waiting for me. "Coming!" I shouted and immediately fixed myself before going downstairs. In just a couple of minutes, I went to the dining room. They were already seated around the table, waiting for me. I sat beside Callie because that was the only available seat. I still feel embarrassed about what I did earlier. But I just shook off the awkward feeling between me and Callie. We all eat silently, savoring our hearty breakfast. It's Saturday today and there's nothing to do but to study our school lessons. But Lia was too lazy to study. She would rather play or watch movies than endure the boring academic lessons. I was about to study my lessons when Mom told us to clean our rooms because our Aunt Cecil and her son, Jeffrey from Laguna City, would visit us. And they are now on their way. I took a deep breath. What a bad news. . . - - - - - - - - TO BE CONTINUED. . .
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