The Bullied

1339 Words
The Bullied Kirby's PoV When I saw Callie wearing a diamond ring while Mr. David held her hand, my entire world halted. The screams of my thousand fans seemed to ebb away. My teary eyes blurred my sight. I could no longer see their sparkling smiles in the dim light inside the arena. I feel so all alone in front of the festive crowd. Callie broke my heart. Good thing that I'm already done with my final act. I may walk out at any time. And even if I haven't finished my performance, no one can stop me from fleeing. I call it a day. It was tormenting to see Callie with another man-her fiancé. Why Callie? Why on earth did you allow that old man to ruin my night? It is supposed to be my most unforgettable night ever. I walked away from the center stage without saying anything to my supporters. I couldn't care less if they find me rude or whatever. I should have thanked them at least, but I'm too tired to do anything. I now felt exhausted because of those rigorous acts after seeing Callie with David. The last thing I heard was the blasting of confetti, and I was out. I went back to my dressing room to take a rest for a couple of minutes before packing up my stuff. My personal assistant seems to be suspicious of my strange reactions. I was supposed to be jubilant by this moment, but I reacted otherwise. "What's wrong, Kirby? Aren't you happy with your performance? That was dope, bro!" he exclaimed. "Nah, that wasn't," I told Josh. He isn't just my personal assistant. He is also my closest buddy. He can tell if anything is awry. "Callie and Mr. David?" Josh caught my attention. He must know something before I do. He sat back, and I looked sternly into his eyes. He should tell me what he knows. But before he could say anything, a knock on the door cut off our conversation. "That was awesome, sweetie!" Callie said cheerfully as she entered the room. I grabbed my backpack and did not say a word. I didn't even cast a glance. I'm trying to avoid looking at the ring on her ring finger. I was about to leave the room when she pulled the hem of my shirt, trying to stop me from leaving. I stood still and took a deep breath. What does she want? Rub it on my face that she's already engaged? After rejecting that old man a hundred times and now, right after my biggest night, she decided to take him as her fiancé? "K-kirby..." she muttered. I faced her and looked intently into her eyes, waiting for her explanation. I know that she doesn't have to explain anything. I am just a nobody to her. Her trainee. A fvck buddy. "Kirby, I couldn't say 'no'." That was all she said. I felt a knife pierce my heart and stabbed me a thousand times. Why? That's all I could think of. Then I left the dressing room before tears streamed down my cheeks. Damn it! I'm a pop superstar. I should keep my cool. But fvck this superstar image! I am in pain. I put on my wig and face mask hoping that no one would notice me. I hurried down the basement parking lot using the fire exit to get out of the arena. I revved up the engine as soon as I sat in the driver's seat. I want to get away from Callie. I sped up to the maximum speed I could when I reached the highway. I drove with a heavy heart. I can't go home like this, so I decided to visit the city overlook. The place where I took Callie when we were still both in love, or so I believed. Though I felt so exhausted, I still pushed through an hour's drive. I thought the city overlook and the urban landscape would help me escape reality. The first time I brought Callie here, everything seemed so serene yet so majestic as we held each other's hands. We were so enamored by the scenic view from the top. But now standing all alone, gazing upon the vast city lights, I could feel the cold rushing wind gliding all over my skin. Oh, how I miss Callie. I sat down beneath a tree and began to reminisce about the past. Of how Callie saved me from this melancholy of life. flashback... I have been bullied since I was in fourth grade, both at school and in our neighborhood. My father is a former American soldier, and my mother is a Filipina schoolteacher. We lived in the southern part of the Philippines. My older sister became ill and needed to see a blood expert, so we had to move to the capital city. It was a hard start for me and my sister to live in a city while having a strong provincial accent. Our classmates and neighbors often made fun of us. It confused me a lot why they were treating us like that? What was wrong with our accent? If it wasn't for my sister, I wouldn't want to live in such a place. As long as my sister gets better every day, we will endure their ridicule. I just bear in my mind that we will be able to adapt to their way of life, their accents, and all, eventually. That's the reason why I became so quiet. I refrained from talking to anyone. But you really can't please everyone. Whatever you do, they will always find a way to hate you for no apparent reasons. I distance myself from my classmates. They found me snobbish and rude. Most of the boys hated me because I was aloof. They always pick a fight, but I learned to be apathetic and brush off their derision. One day after class, my classmate Jon approached me outside school. He was a well-known bully throughout the entire campus. He was the tallest among us in the fourth grade. I know he will extort my money and bully me if I give him none. "Hey, kid!" he called with a silly grin on his lips. I ignored him. I have no time for bullies." You arrogant mouse!" he yelled when I had just passed through him. I made him furious, so he grabbed the neckline of my uniform. He tried to throw a punch in my face. Good thing I have a fast reflex. His fist never landed on me. I gave him a left hook instead, and he fell to the ground. I was about to leave him, but two other kids blocked my pathway. "How dare you mouse hit my face!" Jon shouted in rage. The two boys caught both my forearms and Jon started to hit me on my cheek, mostly on my abdomen. I tried to grapple real hard. I won't surrender. I would give them a good fight even though that last blow on my stomach shook the freaking sh1t out of me. "Kirby!" I heard a familiar voice approaching us. "Leave my brother alone or I'll call the cops!" It was Lia, my older sister, who came to save the day. The boys quickly fled, and they left me almost unconscious on the ground. I was about to close my eyes, but I heard another voice which was quite unfamiliar. "Oh good lord, sweetie! Are you alright?" "Sweetie?" I whispered. The strange voice was so soothing to my ears. It was so sudden. I wasn't sure what was going on. I felt my head laid down on someone's lap. Am I dead? I thought I heard an angel inviting me to go to heaven when I opened my eyes wider and saw the most beautiful face I have ever seen my entire life. Now I believe in angels. - - - - - - - - - TO BE CONTINUED. . . 
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