15 - Promises & Pendants

2125 Words
Scarlett walking into Mr. Mancini’s office bright and early the next morning. She was fairly sure she not only walked funny but had some weird sort of sappy look on her face.  The last two days definitely hadn’t been her game plan but it also taught her a lot about her sexuality. Number one, she loved s*x especially with Kris. Number two, she appreciated being dominated but loved being in control more so. And last but definitely not least, she was unequivocally in love with someone she barely knew but was damn sure she couldn’t live without. The s*x was amazing and the way he coveted her body was unreal but even just being away from him this morning was torture. It must have been the same for Kristos as well because in the five minutes it took for her to ride the elevator and make it to her father’s office, Kristos had sent four texts and three pictures of himself alone in the bed, naked. She was grinning at her phone when the door to the office closed a bit louder than it should have. She jumped startled and look up. “Scarlett, thank goodness. Are you here to tell me you are leaving? Have you called your mom? She is very upset. I…” Scarlett held her hand up to stop him midsentence. “Look, I will deal with my mother soon but we need to talk about us, my job and where this will go from this moment on. Do I still have a job?” He looked baffled. Scarlett thought she was being fair and quite clear.   “Of course you do. I didn’t handle it at all well I know but I am not a liar, I am not someone who diverts from the truth normally and it was eating me alive. You are stunning, well-spoken and everything a father would wish to have as a daughter. I couldn’t take it anymore. I want you to know everything about the family business. You are the only heir left in the Mancini line Scarlett. This hotel will one day be yours.” There was a lot of gravity in that statement. She would own one of the most sought after hotels in Venice one day. Scarlett Brianne Russo was actually a Mancini. The Mancini family was known for their modest wealth and running several of the most adored establishments throughout Italia’, France and one even in England. “I don’t want you to just give it to me. I mean…Hell I don’t know what I mean. This is a lot to take in. Can I ask you something?” “Of course, anything.” He looked a bit sad and broken for a moment. “Did you love my mother? Was she something to you?” His eyes became tormented and crestfallen. Scarlett could see he was in the midst of remembering things long past. Looking from the floor to her eyes he tried to maintain a smile. “I have since the first day and through to this moment you asked me, been head over heels in love with your mother. Unfortunately when we met her parents had a lot of sway in her opinions and choices. This is why she chose to leave me and go home. I was part of a then mob family and your grandparents refused to let her be party to what that might entail. I have never married or loved another since.” “We are a mob family?” “Not really, Mancini house ran things back in the forties for a brief time but my grandfather relinquished his position and retracted our family from the doings of the mob by the late sixties. We got into real estate and now are hotel tycoons, so to speak. I am the last surviving child in the line and you are my only kin.” Scarlett thought of all the times she pried into her mother’s mind on why her father had left. Why was she not good enough to be loved by him and was there a way to find him. Now Scarlett realized that all she had done in that line of questioning was cause her mother more grief for making a wrong choice. Time and again Scarlett’s mother reassured her that it was not her fault as the child but as young adults, they made the decision to move on.   “So what now? Business as usual? And what do I call you?” Anthony Mancini, quite possibly the kindest soul on the planet walked to Scarlett with open arms. Who was she to piss on fate? Should she be leery? Scared? Unsure? Possibly. But why fight the inevitable. She loved Mr. Mancini as family and a boss before she knew anything so why deny him as a father now? She hugged him back, as she had several times over the last few years but this time with the hopefulness of a daughter. “I will have the lawyers come in with all the paperwork tomorrow. You are already listed on everything it is just needing your signatures.” She smiled and pulled back from the hug. “I need to ask you to do something for me. You must promise me you will do it, no matter what.” He eyed her up and down squinting slightly. “As much as I am unsure about this, with everything the last few days has taught me, I will take a leap of faith. What the hell.” She walked over to his desk, grabbed a pen, a sticky note and wrote something down. “You will go to this address and rectify twenty something years of stupidity.” She said handing him the paper. Hope Carolyn Russo – 25614 Storrington Lane …. It was her mother’s home address and phone number. He looked at the paper and then to Scarlett. “Scarlett…I …” “YOU will go and handle her. She has never married, lied to me for years and cried anytime I asked about you. I think I am a pretty good judge on what will help her. Before you leave I will have a letter prepared for you to take with you. Make sure you get it from me please. I need keys and instructions on what to do when you are gone. Also. Please don’t be gone more than a week. I am not sure I am that confident.” She snickered slightly. He hugged her tightly again. The pride in his eyes was evident and Scarlett was trying to fight the urge to recoil into the recesses of comfort she normally lived in. She was going to just go for it and make life everything she never knew it could be without fear. “Now go get ready, book a flight and tell me what I need to do first.” Stepping back from their second hug Anthony nodded. “You are not on schedule today. Perhaps we can have dinner, go over everything and I will catch the first flight in the morning?” Scarlett concurred and headed to the door. Turning back to Anthony, dad, getting on his computer she stopped in the doorway. “Anthony?” He looked up and smiled. “Don’t chicken out ok? I am pretty sure the life you have been missing out starts today and you are supposed to enjoy it.” “I won’t Scarlett. I plan on doing what I should have years ago. See you at dinner, six sharp in the restaurant.” She headed out the door and to the elevator once more. She had to see him before he left. His flight was in five hours and Scarlett needed one more reminder of how good he felt inside. ~~ A week had passed and many texts, video chats and emails later Scarlett was happy to know that her mother and father were officially going to have a go in being together, Kristos was constantly missing her and texting and she was quite good at running a hotel. Jacqueline had worked every day of the week Mr. Mancini was gone and Scarlett was in charge. The two of them could conquer the world but in this instance they just needed to keep a multi-million dollar hotel afloat and running with ease. There were only two minor incidents but the on staff maintenance were able to fix the broken pipe and the angry double booking was happy with the free upgrade to the honeymoon suite. Walking into the presidential suite to ensure it was cleaned and prepared for Kristos to arrive, Scarlett stood just smiling at the bed. There was where she left her heart and found her soul. He was coming back that afternoon and she was more than ready. Scarlett had told Jacqueline everything and swore her to secrecy. Standing in the room her thoughts were interrupted by a clearing of the throat behind her. Turning abruptly the gorgeous, fresh tanned man leaning on the open doorway nearly took her breath away. His hair was lighter from the sun and his skin about two shades darker. But it was still him, it was her Greek Divinity. “Planning out our first night together already?” His smile was subtle, his scent floated over through the air to her nostrils. “I’ve had that planned since you left silly. My, My Mr. Drakos, you are even more gorgeous than when you left. Greece looks good on you.” She stood in the same spot unmoving. Waiting. Slowly he stood upright and took several steps towards her. Her breath nearly stopped and her heart was beating loud enough that she was sure he could hear it, even at a distance. His eyebrow was raised and his hands were extending towards her waist as he got closer. She didn’t move, letting him stalk her like prey. She enjoyed knowing how much he needed to be close. As his hands slipped onto her waist as she looked up into his eyes. “I missed you.” She breathed. “Not nearly as much as I missed you Scarlett.” His lips fell over hers with passionate caresses. There was not lustful it was almost loving. She moaned into his mouth when their tongues touched. His grip tightened on her hips. Pulling back he kissed her forehead. “Moaning like that destroys all sense of control in me Scar. You need to be more careful.” He winked. “Now, I am here earlier than planned because quite frankly, I had to see you and my brother was beginning to annoy me.” He snickered. “So what shall we do with this time?” Scarlett wanted to strip him down and kiss every inch she had been missing for nearly a week. But her responsible parts knew she had a hotel to run until her father returned that evening around six. “I have a hotel to keep running but I would like to see you at the very least for my lunch break?” leaning up on her tip toes she kissed his jawline. “Responsible and sexy? Hmmm, waiting until lunch break will be well worth it. I am going to shower, change and do a little business. Shall I meet you for lunch downstairs or are you want to come here?” he asked plainly. “Tempting as coming here is, I know if I do…I won’t leave. Lunch at one?” He smirked sideways and ran his hands over her ass. With a loud smack on her left cheek, Kris kissed her lips again and pulled out a box from his pocket. It was unquestionably a jewelry box but larger than a ring. Thank God. She thought. I am not ready for that. Taking it from him she unwrapped the white lacey looking paper and silver ribbons. It was a red velvet box. This was going to be expensive; she could tell just by the box. Opening it up with a small creaking sound, there was the most beautiful pendant of the Drakos family crest. They were said to be descendant of the mythical dragon riders in ancient times. Not that she believed in dragons but the stories were still fun to listen to. The symbol was a fire dragon intertwined with a water dragon creating a circle with one sword in the center. It was handmade and exquisitely executed. Reaching down Kristos took it out of the box and slid in around her neck. It was beautiful and she could tell it meant something to him. “Kris…this is beautiful, I …” “It was my great grandmother’s pendant. Been in our family for generations. I have always loved it just as I do you. So this means I own you…” he winked and she smiled touching it. “I couldn’t think of any better present. I will keep it safe and wear it with happiness.” Leaning up once more she kissed his lips softly and touched her hand on his chest. “I have to get back to work. See you at one?” He popped her ass once more and laughed. “I wouldn’t be anywhere else.” With that she walked out the door and headed to the lobby.
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