14 - When The Reality is Love

2148 Words
Scarlett woke with her body temperature being higher than she liked when sleeping. She felt skin on hers her mind was tuning back into reality and realized how far removed she had become when Mr. Mancini, her father, had told her the truth.  Kristos slept soundly curled around her and didn’t seem to be as swelteringly hot as Scarlett. She loved the scent of his musky manliness surrounding her but seriously needed to cool off. Lifting his arm from about her waist he startled Scarlett completely. “Trying to fly away little bird?” His voice was husky, sultry toned and nearly right in her ear. She shivered lightly and turned over to her back so she could see his face. He truly was one of the best looking specimens of man Scarlett had ever seen and living abroad, there were lots of hot men. His jawline was so chiseled and perfectly shaped, his eyes hauntingly calling souls when looking into your eyes. His naturally Mediterranean skin tone and lighter sandy brown hair rounded it out thoroughly. She didn’t normally like men with longer hair but he kept it either neatly pulled back or down and flowing constantly in a nonexistent breeze.       “Not flying away, just got too hot and was going to get out from the covers and find water.” Kris was looking at her face intently. He lay on his side facing her now. The desire to touch her was penetrating. Slipping his hand down her thigh, Scarlett shivered and smiled. She knew what he was thinking, it was written all over his expressionless face. He was constantly trying to hide emotions but she could almost sense the true hidden feelings. “Well, I will get you that water but I will warn you, if you try to get out of my bed, I might not allow it.” He grinned and slipped out of bed walking to the mini fridge. She watched his sculpted form walk across the room. Could she really have this man all to herself? She never thought that her body or personality or even just her face was good enough to attract someone at this level of gorgeous but Scarlett was more than willing to keep him. Walking back to the bed he sat down leaning up against the headboard and handed her the water.  She took it and sat up next to him. “You know, you can’t keep me here if I don’t want to be.” She said half taunting him to see where this line of conversation would play out. “I can and I plan to, at least for a little while longer. Before we go any further though, I want to know who the hell made you cry like that?” She looked at his eyes and sensed his anger. He really did care… “I found out some news about my life and family today that shocked me and had to deal with the fact that I have been lied to by the one person I love most.” Kristos tried to show no emotion. When he paid $2500 dollars to get information, the truth of her parentage was revealed. He knew this would throw her for a loop if she didn’t know, which he suspected he didn’t. “Ok, so ….” He pushed her to tell it. “My mother said Mr. Mancini was family, distant cousin when in fact he is my father and has known the last three years I have been here. Oh and my mom hid if from me on purpose telling me my real father walked away when I was born. I am happy in some ways to know I have a father but still, lying? I can handle just about anything but lying to me isn’t one.” Kristos froze inside. He couldn’t tell her what he was, who he was. He would have to lie to her for some time just to feel out if she would even be remotely okay with his profession. This is why I keep saying we should leave her alone! He argued with himself. Yes, but we are….DON’T SAY IT.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         “I am sorry you were lied to Scarlett. I can’t say that wouldn’t hurt me to find out either but perhaps there was something in your mother’s heart that felt you better protected by not knowing. You can’t judge someone’s reasoning without sitting in their shoes. Right?” Scarlett just blinked at him. She didn’t like what he said but there was a level of legitimacy to it. “I suppose so. And if we are being really fair, Mr. Mancini promised my mom not to tell me and broke that promise because he felt bad about lying. So there is that.” Kristos couldn’t help but smile. Maybe she would accept him after all. It truly didn’t matter in that moment because Kristos already knew how he felt.  Reaching his right hand over he placed it on her cheek and pulled her in. Kissing her right then was all he could think. Her lips were warm, full and begging to be devoured. She even seemed to purr slightly in her throat as he slowly slipped his tongue into her mouth seeking out companionship. Taking her water without breaking the kiss he threw it to the floor. Her body turned and she fluidly placed herself sitting on his lap facing him. There was only boxers and thin undies between them. Their body parts seemed to have intimate conversations of their own while the duo made out like hot teenagers trying to get some for the first time. His hands on her hips pulled and pushed her over his hard c**k repeatedly as they made out with heated need. Kristos wanted to make her his for hours on end. The prerequisite to conquer all his desires and positions with Scarlett were perceptible but the one thing nagging in the back of Kris’ mind was how he felt. This was the stage where he would tap out, find a way to leave or otherwise ghost someone. His feelings were stirred by a few other previously but the conundrum with Scarlett was it consumed his soul. He couldn’t leave, couldn’t say goodbye and definitely couldn’t fathom not waking up to her body cupped inside his own. Removing his hands from her hips, he pushed Scarlett back from the now frenzying caresses. “Scarlett, we need to talk.” Was all he could pant out seeing her breasts heave right in front of his face. “I don’t think talking right now was what either of us had in mind.” She started to lean back in to start the heavy petting once more. He putt his hands on her shoulders, steadying her at a distance. “Look, I want to make love to you right now more than anything but I have to tell you. I am bad for you. I am not a good man by any means and I have to be clear on that. I also have to be clear I am not the marrying kind or the super loving kiss asses the world produces. I am harsh. I like rough and dominating. You tantalize every fiber of my being and I want to own you. But in all honesty, I feel something for you far greater than I thought possible for myself. “ Scarlett sat there watching the difficulty saying these things put Kristos through. The man that paid for companion s*x. The Greek God that could have anyone he wanted not only because of his financial status but because he was gorgeous and had a voice that made v****a’s weep just to hear it utter a word. This cold calculated and dominate personality had just essentially told Scarlett he loved her. The heaviness of the situation was hanging all around her. He watched waiting for her words or reaction. The words he said, the way he looked at her, Scarlett definitely wanted him to have her but make love? That would be both their undoing. “You are waiting for me to say something. All I have is… I have decided that you are mine. No one else’s. No more Drakos Specials. No more anything other than my body and yours. Understood?” She had said the right things. In so many words she had revealed that she wanted him, cared for him and would accept no less than a monogamous relationship without saying the three dreaded words. Commitment, Need & Love. “Understood. Now take off your clothes.” He grinned watching her disrobe fully.   There was nothing hasty or harsh about the next hours they spent alone together in that suite. She made him come at her making love to him riding like he was her stallion. He made her come with his mouth, fingers and by laying over her, slowly, passionately making love. There were no words, no ties or dominations. It was just two people clinging to one another for the rawest emotional connections they could find. It was early evening and he had called for room service. She lay naked and sweat ridden on his bed in a pose on her back that made his lip curl deviously and his heart skip a beat. This was the reality of what he never thought possible for a man such as himself. One day he would have to tell her the reality of his lifestyle and employment choices but for now, he would revel in the verity that she wanted him as he was just then. They spent two days together in that suite. They didn’t leave. He wanted her to be only his for a time and she didn’t want to be anywhere else.  But on the eve of the second day, somewhere around seven thirty, Kristos knew the inevitable must be mentioned. Scarlett had just exited the shower in one of his t-shirts and a pair of his boxers. She was smiling and feeling very full of herself. “Scarlett, you know you have to face your father tomorrow. He has been blowing up your phone and we have been shut in for two days now. NOT that I am complaining. Truth be known I could be shut in with your for years and never tire of it but life is knocking and we should settle our fears and unanswered issues. Plus, my brother is expecting me at some point soon in Greece.” She looked pouty and sat in the chair across from the bed. “I don’t want to deal with any of it but I know you are right. Hand me my phone. Please.” She reached out her hand. Picking her phone up off the nightstand he walked it over to her and leaned down placing a warm kiss on her lips before relinquishing it. She took in the kiss and ran her nail down his chest with a hefty sigh of happiness. Swiping her phone open, she continued to send a text. There were over thirty texts from Jaqueline, Anthony her father and her mother as well. The first text Scarlett sent was to Jacqueline. ‘I am fine. I needed some time to think. Be back to work tomorrow.’ The second text was to her mother. ‘You lied. It will take time for me to get over that and forgive you but I do love you mom. I am fine and safe.’ The last to her boss and father. ‘I want to tell you I appreciate your honesty and finally coming clean. While I didn’t handle things as I should, it was quite a shock and I am not sure where we go from here. I can say I am glad to know and also excited to have a father. If I have a job still I will return to work tomorrow.’ She flipped the phone on silent mode and turned it face down on the table. “There. I have texted all the appropriately worried parties. Now, Mr. Drakos. I want some attention.” The growl from his gut and the smile on his face was telling. She only need ask and he was willing to give her anything. As his lips caressed her neck she whispered words in and out of moans. “How long will you be in Greece? I am not sure I can last too long without you touching me.” He growled and picked her up out of the chair. “I need to go for a little less than a week. Will you find a way to survive?” She giggled and slipped her legs about his waist as he walked her to the bed. “I will find a way; it won’t be easy though.” They both laughed and fell onto the bed in heated confrontations. They spent the entire night reexploring all the body parts and positions previously utilized. He didn’t want her to forget his touch while away in Greece. Scarlett didn’t want him to forget how she made him feel. They were a matched set of lovers too afraid to commit or even admit what they meant to one another. 
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