16 - The Man Behind The Curtain

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They had official been together somewhere near six months, four days and several hours. Scarlett snickered at the thought. Kristos had come and gone several days through out the months for work and visiting home in Greece but for the most part he booked his usual hotel room and lived at Scarlett’s apartment when she was not at work. They took so many stolen moments to have one another’s affections. There was nothing between them that was secret or left unsaid. Nothing except Kristos being a contract killer. He hadn’t been asked to do a hit in nearly the six months and it wasn’t all that bad being out of The Ghost business and just enjoying love with his soulmate. They had officially spoken of love and heartfelt nonsense about three months into the relationship. In the middle of a tie up your partner and have your way with them moment, Kristos’ tongue sensations had caused a moan and the fated words ‘I love you Kris’ to slip from Scarlett’s lips. Needless to say as much as Kristos wanted to deny that moment the only response he could have with her was an answer ‘I love you too Scarlett’. It was a Tuesday afternoon and Scarlett had just returned from market to her apartment to make baked manicotti for Kristos and herself that evening. He was lay on the couch in barely any clothing watching nothing in particular when his phone went off with four chiming sounds in a row. He knew that chime. He knew what was coming. ‘Special assignment’ ‘Federico Lombardi’ ‘Next Sunday – Charity event at Miragio Hotel – 15 million’ ‘Accept?’ He just stared at the phone blankly. She had stolen away his heart and his mind. Kristos, for a short time had forgotten his place in the world. Who he really was because Scarlett made him feel like a real man who didn’t need to be good at anything else but loving her entirely. He sighed, catching her attention. “Who is that Kris? You look annoyed.” This was what he didn’t want. To lie. Maybe he should just tell her. “Work needs me next Sunday to take a small assignment and close it.” That wasn’t entirely a lie…was it? He looked up from his phone to her. “Well that is fine, I will have a weekend of girl time while you are gone. I think Jacqueline said there was some party her father wanted her to go to. If I go he will be less likely to roast her further for being a lesbian.” Kristos looked at his phone once more and back to Scarlett. “If you are sure. I can say no and just stay home.” “Don’t be silly! You do you and I will be here when you get home. Will you be leaving Friday? Or Saturday?” “Likely Friday. I really don’t have to..” “Stop it. We can live a few days apart Kristos. Besides, your c**k loves only me so I am not worried about it finding its way home.” He laughed at her quick wit and slutty mouth. He loved that about her. She was so together, organized and such a lady but when they were alone? She was a beast. “Alright, alright. I will make the arrangements.” He laughed and watched her make food. ‘Crime?’ He texted back quickly. ‘Has a hit out on Sokard Business Solutions, your brother specifically. They want to seize the company.’ Kristos sat up suddenly. What the f**k? He re-read it a dozen times. What could Angelos possibly have done to piss off Lombardi? It was known that Lombardi’s shipping industry contacts were diminishing as Angelos grew Sokard into an industry mogul. Sokard was the primary security and financial house for the majority of international shipping and trade companies. Their largest client and sister company Drakos Shipping International had started to dominate the world’s shipping industry for the last two years. Before then Lombardi’s company was the top dog. But why go after Sokard? They only provided the financials and security. There had to be more to it than this. ‘Call.’ Was all he typed in the text. Standing he walked into the kitchen and placed a full kiss on Scarlett’s lips. “I have to take this call. I am going to step out on the patio for a moment as not to bore you love.” He popped her on the ass and she giggled. Kristos stepped out onto the patio just in time to catch the phone buzzing. He took a deep breath before answering. Pressing the code to enhance his voice scrambler, he answered. “Yes?” “What more information do you need Ghost. I believe the hit is pretty clear.” “I want to know what the motivation is to take out my brother. Would they not want to go for Drakos Shipping instead, this seems an odd turn on taking out a company. Dimitri or Darius should be the targets.” “The hit is for Angelos. If security is compromised then Lombardi can step in and take over that part in turn giving him access to everything.” “I will do this last one. Send all info. and half payment immediately.” “Last one? You can’t leave your calling Ghost. No matter how much you love her.” He stopped suddenly and looked around. The realization that his contact knew who he was, who he REALLY was, sunk in. They had to die. “So you know me then? I am correct in that previous assumption. That will not turn out well for you…You do realize that?” There was silence on the other end. A very long pause. “But you don’t know who I am. And that is the way it will stay.” “Oh, I have my ways and when I find out, we will have a very short conversation to end this. Threatening by mentioning her and watching me that closely tells me a lot of things. I will find you unless you want to propose a truce and some sort of accord.” There was silence again. Kristos could even swear he head something in the background. Something familiar. He suddenly knew where the contact was.. Greece. The sound was distant and faint but still recognizable since he lived there as a child and heard that sound daily. It was the horn near the docks of Pireas. Hanging up immediately, Kristos called J. “A phone call? That is rare. What can I do for you Ghost?” The voice was scrambled and unrecognizable. “I need information. I will mail you this burner phone and the last call made before you, I need to know where it is coming from. I can tell you the Pireas port is what I heard in the background. I need to know who this contact is, as they know who I am.” “No need to mail the burner phone. The contact is Aster Georgiou, oil tycoon extraordinaire.  He has many political leaders in his pockets and his son Myles Georgiou is worse than his father. I am pretty sure you are dealing with Myles as he has been following you for about three months. Currently he is staying in the hotel you normally frequent. He is blonde currently and sporting a much shorter hair style. This one will cost you Ghost but I know my worth and the security in keeping your identity secret. I want our agreement to stay in place.” Kristos was furious. He grew up with Myles. That f*****g asshole. “How did he find out it was me?” Kris asked because he was always so careful. “He was commissioned on a hit that you took from him for a better price and saw you near the scene. More of a hunch but put two and two together.” “We should work with one another J. I know you don’t want to get into it but if you ever decided you wanted in…We could filter all calls through you and split the money. 25% - 75%. Would keep me safer and since I don’t know who you are, you will always have the upper hand.” “Interesting idea. I will ponder it. He is calling you back.” The phone started buzzing. Yep. J and Kris should definitely be in business together. J knew things before they happened. “Go answer it and call me back when you are ready.” Kris clicked over and simply said. “What Myles?” There was silence and a long sigh. “So you know? That makes this easier. We will continue to employ you and you will do our bidding but now the prices go down. Lombardi is only five mil if you want the hit.” Kristos was pissed, fuming and really not in the mood to argue. He would take out Lombardi and find a way to stop Myles. “So how long has it been you Myles? A year? A few months?” “It has been five months. I tried to be like my father but with him down ill, I had to wing it. I will send you the info shortly for the hit. Stay alive Ghost. I have a lot of work for you shortly. We are going to change the world.” With that Myles hung up. This was not going to sit well and Kristos already had a formulated plan. Pressing redial, J picked up the phone once more. “So you told him didn’t you? Dammit Kristos, you have never been able to just let things slide awhile.” “I need you to be my guide and my filter. I will split everything 50-50 with you. But once I take out Myles and his father, the calls will start rolling in with panic. I want to be unknown and safe. I also don’t need you to get caught again. What do you say?”   J was silent and Kristos waited patiently for a response. There was some typing sounds, the sound of someone gulping a drink and then a dog barking in the background.   “Fine. You have a deal and if you f**k me I will send everything I can after you.”   Kristos laughed and hung up the phone. He was happy with the deal he just made. He would be safe and anonymous for the rest of his career thanks to J, The man who knows all. 
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