17 - Marry Me Please

1687 Words
“Wow that was a long phone call. Everything okay babe?” Scarlett asked walking over to Kristos with a fresh piece of Garlic Bread in hand for him to taste. Taking a large bite, Kristos realized he was feeling rather miserable about having to lie to Scarlett and take on another hit. He had been quite content living his life in happy, s*x filled ways. While he would eventually need to look like he was working, he had seriously considered disappearing from the contract killing world and stepping into normal billionaire existence. He had been vague and found ways to change the subject when Scarlett asked about his job. He left it that he was a networking agent for many prominent families throughout the world. He dealt with people and money. That wasn’t entirely a lie yet it still was. “Everything is fine. Just working with many personalities makes things very complicated.” He smiled and kissed her cheek. “You have to take me on a work mission one time or at least get me out of Venice some time soon. I would love to see you in action.” Kristos nearly choked. He was pretty sure she wouldn’t love it, not one bit. As a matter of fact it would probably be love life ending. He couldn’t have that. In that moment with her smiling face looking up at him, her body calling his soul to be close and his c**k needing to invade her personal space, Kristos made a decision. He was going to quit after this last hit. No more. Only Scarlett and him against the world. “Scar, I need to tell you something. I haven’t been entirely honest with you about my job… Sit down.” He looked at the couch and to her face with apathetic emotions. “Look. I don’t really have to work. I come from a family of old money. I …” She giggled, “I know you are a multi-millionaire Kristos. Money doesn’t matter but I already knew that.” He sighed and sat facing her, taking her hand in his, he let his tenseness take over his mouth. “Actually I am a billionaire. The Drakos Family line has billions in several directions. My cousins own DSI, Drakos Shipping International and my brother partially owns Sokard Business Solutions, which is Drakos backwards… I actually own a large percentage of Sokard as well. I am the current silent partner. What I do now is not exactly…Well not exactly on the radar. But I have decided I want to marry you, I’m in love with you and truly want to be with you for my lifetime. So I am going to go back to Sokard. Be a legitimate man again.” She just sat there and blinked. His worst fear was she figured out what he did for a living. Watching her process his words, he started to wince slightly when she opened her lips to speak. “You want to marry me?”  She croaked out in a half whisper. Kristos couldn’t help himself, he busted out into a hearty laughter that startled Scarlett. All his moments of worry and all she heard was ‘marry me’. Wait did I say that out loud? f**k. Nerves. Damn nerves betray me every time! He calmed his snickers and took a deep breath standing up. He held up a finger and walked into the bedroom. Returning rather quickly he sat facing Scarlett again. “Well this wasn’t exactly how I planned on handling this moment but yes, I have thought a lot about my life and you in it. I want you to be my wife without a doubt. No one is allowed to have you but me.” He held out a box for Scarlett to take from him. It was lush black velvet and a tad larger than a normal ring box. She just sat there holding it, her hand shaking. Kristos had never seen Scarlett with so much trepidation. It was as if she was having an internal struggle inside on whether to even open the box. He didn’t know what her mind was thinking but it was quite humorous to watch.  Taking the box from her hands he opened it facing himself so she couldn’t see. Their eyes were locked and she looked as if the water works of tears were about to fall any second. “Perhaps I should man up and do this properly. And don’t worry I already asked your father last week if I could marry you at some point.”   Taking her hand in his, slowly with passion and a bit of teasing leisureliness, Kristos slid the ring on her finger. “Will you Scarlett Brianne marry me? I never thought in a million lifetimes I would find someone my heart and soul would die without but fate had other plans. And here we are. You are everything. What do you say?”  The water works started streaming down her cheeks and she started to slowly nod. Pulling her hand from his she held up the ring and gasped. It was a seven carat diamond set as an octagonal halo sitting atop a knife edge Pave’ shank with milgrain edge detailing all set in platinum. Her eyes widened and she started to breath heavier. “Scar? Baby girl? Are you alright?” He leaned in to kiss her forehead and she placed the ring hand on his chest. “You…I…” was about all the coherent words that were able to come out. Reaching up and stroking her face with his hand she closed her eyes and kissed his palm. “Yes. Yes Kristos, I will marry you.” She breathed with her eyes closed and opened them upon finishing. “But this ring, this is…geezus it’s huge.” “I just saw it and thought it looked like you but if you don’t like it I can…” He started to take her hand and retrieve the ring. “Don’t f*****g touch it!” She squealed and pulled back laughing. “It’s mine.” “Yes love, it is yours.” He snickered. He leaned in to kiss her and she hungrily slid into his lap. There were several minutes of tongue sliding and hip grinding before the time was beeping uncontrollably in the background from dinner being completed. “We…Should…. Eat..” was the broken sentence Scarlett could speak between words. Pulling back from the kiss and standing with Scarlett in his arms he walked towards the kitchen. Shutting off the timer and the oven and cracking the oven door slightly, Kristos carried her into the bedroom. “Oh I plan to feast. First on you then possibly on dinner but right now, I need to complete this yes.” He growled in his chest kissing her lips again fully. This was not the life Kristos imagined. He was a trained killer. He could torture information out of anyone and had no problem watching someone’s last breath leave their body, even if by his hand. But this life, this one with Scarlett and love and s*x and daily life was something all more interesting. He went to bed with her on his mind and woke up the same. She was worth seeing this through and definitely better than paying for uninteresting s****l dalliances on the fly. Scarlett was his and no other would ever have her. ~~ Laying on top of Kristos panting from the marathon f**k fest they had just accomplished over the last hours, Scarlett softly kissed every curve and line of his well sculpted chest and abdomen. “My love I am spent. Stop teasing me with you lips, come here and untie me please.” Kristos’ eyes were heavy set and deeply in love. “I kind of like you tied up to the headboard. You are not in control and it drives you insane. I like this.” She smiled and slowly reached up to untie his wrists. “I believe, my little vixen, I like it too. Now, we should eat, shower and get some rest. You have work tomorrow and I have preparations to make for my trip next week. I will be gone Friday evening and back Monday morning.” She nodded standing up at the bottom of the bed untying his feet now. Her naked form stirred so many things inside him. It wasn’t just the lustful nature of wanting to procreate and pound inside her until his name was all she could moan. The things she stirred inside him were timeless, soulful, almost unearthly as if he might not be able to breathe again without her. This sounded dramatic, even in his own mind but it was truly how he felt. “I will miss you for sure but Jacq and I are going to dress up like monarchs and awe everyone at the party.” She winked and ran her hands up the insides of his thighs. “Stop it, Miss I never get enough orgasms…Let’s eat and shower.” He slid off the bed and walked up behind her pressing close. “Will you promise to only love me Kristos? Like deep in your soul will I always be the only one that awakens your soul?” “Oh my little Scarlett. My dominatrix behind close doors. You are the only woman who ever stopped me dead in my tracks and made my soul cry out for you. Believe me. I will never, ever love another like you.” She seemed satisfied with that response and pulled away to walk into the kitchen. Taking the now cold Manicotti out of the oven she proceeded to cut out two helpings on separate plates. Heating each one for a small amount of time in the microwave she placed his plate on the bar. Kristos had taken to the bathroom and found his boxers before sitting down to eat. Shoving a fork full in her mouth she sauntered into the bathroom and slipped into a t-shirt and silken white lace panties. Looking in the mirror, Scarlett held up her hand by her face in the mirror. She looked at the blinging sparkle that she had said yes too. Not only was she about to be a billionaire’s wife, she was going to be a Drakos. That name was known worldwide in many circles. This was exciting and scary all in one. She only hoped she would live up to the woman Kristos thought she really was inside. 
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