18 - The Enemy and his Sister

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The week had gone by entirely too quick. Scarlett had worked all week only taking Thursday afternoon and evening off to spend some quality time with Kristos before they were going separate ways for the weekend.  The leaving on Friday morning was much more difficult than Kristos imagined. Partially because he didn’t want to be away from Scarlett but mostly because he was leaving on a lie to stay in a hotel on the other side of town and pretend to be on a flight. He stood in the mirror looking at himself Saturday morning. “You have to tell her. Tell her you are out, you’re done… She loves you man. It will all be fine.” Kristos was in fact talking to himself in a mirror, in a regular hotel room, in the middle of the morning. It was Sunday and Kristos was fully prepared to get that night over with so he could start anew with Scarlett. The only things he wanted on the daily was her face when he awoke and her body next to his when they finally beckoned sleep. ~~~ The Miragio Hotel was all a buzz with patrons and preparations for the charity event gala in the main hall that evening. This hotel was three times the size of Scarlett’s and the main hall itself could hold over twelve hundred people. There were glass columns spread throughout part of the room neat the stage and cocktail area. They were to hold some of the more expensive and sought after pieces for the auction portion of the evening.  On the other far side was where the dinner tables dressed in exquisitely placed champagne velvet linens, gold shimmer napkins and full place settings of fine china and stemware. To even be part of the event, you had to pay eight hundred dollars a plate and were expected to at least bid on three items in the raffle. It was a black and white affair. Those were the only two colors allowed to be worn. Kristos had chosen the sheik Tom Ford Tuxedo Windsor base peak lapel tuxedo style. It was sleek, perfectly fitted and comfortable all in one. Not to mention Kristos’ body fit inside the black threads was tantalizing too the eye and all the womanly parts in the room he stood. The torment he felt inside his aching brain was tremendous. He was lying to her and himself. This was his calling, his money maker and a part of his soul that was so finely tuned, Kristos was infamous. The biggest problem with that was his love of a woman who might never understand why he did what he did and truly liked it. The pit of his stomach was twisting, standing looking in the mirror, as he prepared to head to the gala. It had been some time since he was in kill or be killed mode. This was not a choice, however. His family was in danger and the threat had to be eliminated completely. He would find way to not only kill Lombardi but also Myles for his devious treacherous threats. Glancing to his watch. The Gala had been started for nearly thirty minutes. It was time to make his entrance. It was time to complete a mission and find himself back in the warmth of love and desire. Faith in himself was all he ever needed but now, there was so much more. Heading down the corridor, his phone, the regular one, chimed several times. Stopping in front of the elevator, Kristos pulled out his phone knowing perfectly well who it was from. There was a strategically taken photo of Scarlett in black lacey underwear and push up bra on his screen. The hint of garter and black lace stockings suggested itself in the corner of the snapshot. He smiled and immediately felt a stiffness arise in his pants. Before any other reaction was possible the second photo began to load. She was in a slinky black slip dress that seemed to have a shimmer in the light. While it seemed to hit the floor perfectly draping over her voluptuous form, the slit up the right leg was nearly to the top of her thigh. A hint of anger and jealousy that his Scar would be in public like that was quick to upsurge.   “You are the sexiest woman I have ever seen. Please don’t let anyone else see the lingerie underneath that enticing dress. Everything contained within them are mine. I will spank you if you don’t comply.” He sent this text with the utmost seriousness but left it as is so she might take it a bit lighter than the thoughts running through his head. Killing anyone that looked at her in that dress was truly the only thought on his mind. “Silly man. Everything in this dress is ONLY yours. You know this. Let them look because they can’t have what belongs to you. Love you. See you tomorrow.” The only thing that kept Kristos a bit more calm that he wanted to be was that they were going to an event that Jacqueline’s father was part of. He loved Scarlett more than his own gay daughter, so Kristos took happiness in knowing she would be well cared for at least. The elevator doors opened. The space was empty. No one but some really light playing music in the background. Straightening his Jacket and shifting his calf muscle slightly to ensure his favorite artilleries, Zoey and Maya were strapped into place. He had brought both pistols with him just in case. After all, better prepared than not prepared at all. Right? The ride down seemed too long. While the elevator didn’t stop at any other floors it was the anticipation that killed Kristos. This night was important, critical even and quite possibly the last of its kind. He sighed and walked through the lobby to the double entry doors. “Invitation please.” The hostess stated in a quiet, mousy voice. Reaching inside his inner jacket pocket, past a silencer, the shimmering white pearl invitation with seal was found. Kristos handed the slim invite to the hostess. His face straight and unemotional. “The first floor is the auction and to the left is where dinner will be served the second balcony is for bar and music. We ask that guests refrain from the third floor unless all other lavatory options are engaged. The outside lawn is for smoking and any other smoke creating recreation. Please refrain from taking food outside on the back lawn. Thank you and enjoy the evening.” She moved slightly and pushed the door open for Kristos to enter. His hair was down, flowing and the suit was hugging him firmly. He chose of course, on a hit, to not wear any form of scent other than his own musky one. The event was in full swing and already quite full. The murmur of laughter, people talking and light music filtering down from the second floor filled his ears. The schematic and stolen layout of the gala was entirely correct. J had not let him down at all. Kristos walked about surveying the items for auction. There were actually some rare pieces he would love to have as part of his collection. The Authentic Roman Pugio dagger was particularly interesting and caught Kristos eye. He must have been staring at it for quite some time. The voice next to him near caused him to flinch. “Beautiful isn’t it? It has a whole back story and killed an emperor supposedly.” The voice was familiar and created a smile to creep across Kristos face. He looked up and saw a raven haired beauty with green eyes so light they were seemingly see through. True Italian in her features, Lucia Lombardi was still striking. Federico had been smart. He had brought his family just in case. “Lucia Lombardi. What the hell brings a lady like you to a place like this?” “Well Kristos I am impressed you even remember me. It has been a hot minute since we have seen one another.” “My dear, that voice and those translucent green eyes could belong to no one else. You are the only one the Gods would bless with something so enticing. How have you been little dove?” “I am no little dove anymore Kristos. I am a full blown woman now. I am well. How are you? Even sexier than I remember and quiet a bit taller. Not exactly the skinny Greek kid I remember at all those family functions. Definitely the better looking of the two brothers in my opinion.” “Still have a voice like butter and wit that matches the clever fox. I can say that body is definitely different than the skinny girl who used to chase me around and try to wrestle me down constantly.  Who is the lucky one that finally let you win?” Lucia laughed and pointed across the room. She was pointed to the stage were someone was setting up the microphone and making sure the podium had all appropriate paperwork. The woman in a black femininly tailored tux had short blonde hair, a bit more squared face and bright blue eyes. Kristos looked from the stage to Lucia and started laughing. “Seriously? You Lucia? The gorgeous being who could have anyone in the world fall to her feet in adoration is….” “Gay. Lesbian. Completely in love. Yes. She is amazing. Not what I expected for myself but one kiss and my life stopped being mine. It was ours.” Kristos smiled and leaned down kissing her forehead. “I am happy for you Lucia. You deserve it. Your asshole brother handling that well?” “He tried to get rid of Kendall but she took him down in less than thirty seconds and beat the s**t out of him for threating me. So daddy said whatever I wanted was fine and Federico had to stand down. She works for Daddy sometimes and is a beast. But such a caring lover. I am thankful and happy all rolled into one. Federico is still the same. A million women in one week and no one to call his own. He is sad and angry all the time. Daddy never should have made him the right hand. He can’t handle the power of running the family business. He is reckless and stupid but thinks he is a genius. Literally asked me to come tonight because he is afraid someone has put a hit out on him. What he doesn’t realize is I would let him die. He used to beat me senseless and try to hide it. The love of family is definitely not there for him from me. But that is nothing you didn’t know. What brings you here though? This isn’t your type of thing is it?” “No, no…not at all. Honestly I wanted the Roman Pugio and have been looking for one for some time now. Also the bronze Mesopotamian death mask. You know me. I always liked my collections as a child and now as an adult I will travel where I must  to get the items I desire.” She looked him up and down and nodded. Right as Lucia was about to speak the voice Kristos didn’t truly want to hear came in loud and clear. “Holy s**t! Kristos Drakos. What the f**k are you doing here?” The sigh of annoyance and disgust slipped out from his lips. “Federico. How are you?” “f*****g wealthy, full of women in my bed and everything I could ever want. Well almost but I am in the process of acquiring all those things soon enough… What kind of loser business venture are you here to try and have someone buy tonight Drakos?” Kristos took a deep breath. How easily, with no conscious Kristos could just snap this man’s neck in two. He wanted more than anything to do just that. “I am here to buy antiquities Federico. I don’t need to sell a business venture. I am already a billionaire. Remember?” Federico huffed. He hated that The Drakos family had always been independently wealthy. His family had money but not nearly one fifth the Drakos did. “Oh yes, that’s right. Over privileged family money. I remember now. Tell me Kris…how is your brother doing. Been some time since I saw him..” Is this fucker taunting me? I am going to put the bullet in your skull and revel in the fact that you will be alive for at least two seconds before you realize what happened. You f*****g asshole. “Angelos is very well. I visited him a few weeks ago in Greece. His company is double what it was worth two years ago. Prosperity is a Drakos trait.  Now if you and the lovely Lucia will excuse me, I need to place a few bids to start, so I don’t lose the items I came for…Lucia.” He bowed and kissed her hand with a wink. Lucia was amused at the way Kristos had always been able to put Federico in his place. She winked back and retracted her hand, turning to go find her wife.  Federico watched everyone walk away from him. In anger he huffed and stormed off to find a drink. 
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