11 - Waffles and Lies

1392 Words
Brushing out her hair and tossing the God like man standing naked in her shower doorway a side glance smile, Scarlett realized she was hungry. The burning sensation in her gut was the first clue but the loud grumble that radiated from her stomach was the second.  “Are you hungry?” She asked Kristos. What the hell? Now she is going to cook for me? Where does this oddity end? “Actually yes I am. I could…” She waved her hand in the air and slipped her robe back on her body. “Waffles. I want waffles. Meet me in the kitchen.” She smiled and left the bathroom with intention. Fucking waffles? Alright…. He wiped the mirror clean and looked at himself. What the hell are you doing? Leave. Go to the hotel and call this what it should be. Done. Fun. But done. In his line of work, Kristos was used to conversing with himself. There wasn’t anyone he could trust enough for his secret to be shared. Not even his own brother knew. “Kristos? Are you a syrup or a jelly person on your waffles?” She hollered from the kitchen at three a.m. “Syrup of course.” He growled loudly. Walking to the bar he sat in just his towel and watched her make waffles. This was the most baffling sight he had witnessed. s*x, aftercare and then sleep was usually his process. If his companion was lucky and he was hungry it was ordered and brought in. Never had anyone taken the time to feed him, let alone with homemade food. “The waffle maker takes a few minutes to warm up. I will be right back.” She walked past him and headed into the bedroom. Kristos heard some shuffling and other noises. Scarlett was gone maybe four minutes tops. She came walking out in shorty short pajama bottoms and a well fitted tank top. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun. She was quiet possibly the sweetest, sexiest thing he had ever seen in that moment. What the f**k are we doing? “Dark or light?” She asked pouring the batter into the waffle iron. “Dark. Almost crunchy on the outside. I had soggy things.” He said excusing himself into the bedroom. Slipping into his boxer briefs he came walking out in only them.  Her eyes couldn’t contain the staring at his package and the way his whole body moved with fluidity as he seemed to barely touch the floor while walking towards her. She pulled a plate from the cabinet and set it on the bar in front of him. Handing him a fork and knife as well. The light on the waffle maker changed from red to green. She opened it and with the fork in her hand she pulled out a perfectly dark waffle and placed it on his plate. He watched attentively. She poured more batter into the maker and got her own plate and fork ready. She placed the butter on the bar next to Kristos’ plate and handed him the syrup. “Eat.” She said smiling. “Special recipe, want to see if you like them.” “They aren’t poisoned are they?” he asked half joking. “Or drugged?” She laughed out loud. Shaking her head she tipped open the waffle maker and checked her own food. “I don’t have to drug anything. I think if I required something from you. One kiss or touch will get me what I want.” This comment actually didn’t just infuriate Kristos it scared the hell out of him, mostly because she was right. “You think me so weak?” “Weak? No. Strong enough to know when you are desired so highly you shouldn’t say no... yes.” Fuck. This woman has an answer for everything doesn’t she? After pouring a small amount of syrup over his waffles, he cut a piece and put it in his mouth. “Holy s**t this is delicious. What the hell is in this?” “Oh no sir. My secret waffle recipe is not shareable. Only with my kids and husband one day. Family thing.” She said shrugging and took a bite of hers. They each ate for a few moments in silence. Kristos was hungrier than he thought and these waffles were f*****g amazing. Nearly orgasmic, just like the woman who made them. “So do you work today?” Kris asked to break the silence. “Mmmmm. Yes I have a meeting at eight a.m. with Mr. Mancini. Then I work until four. Do you have work tomorrow?” Kristos wasn’t asking to get more questions about who he was and what he did for a living.  She was going to pry, they all did. Well, the ones who wanted to be closer to him always asked. “No, I have a free day tomorrow. I am not sure what I will be doing with my time. I will call my brother likely and work out. Who knows from there. A shame you are busy, I could think of a world of things I could do instead of spend my day alone.” His smile was satisfied. “You have a brother? Interesting. What do you do for work? Do you work with your brother?” And there it was, the beginning of the end. When the questions started, so did the lies. He hated it with Scarlett, it was actually turning his stomach just thinking about it but he knew the consequences of the truth in his line of work. She would have to die or would be forever vulnerable just being with him and knowing? That would make it two thousand times more dangerous. “Yes. Angelos. I won’t work with him. We don’t see eye to eye on business or politics so there is that. I am part of a networking group that solves problems for various business partners.” “Well, that is a very interesting definition of your job. What field? Oil and gas? Freight? Accounting?” She asked shoving another bite in her mouth. “People.” Was all he said. Taking the last bite of the scrumptious waffle Kristos was unsure why the hell he was telling her anything. This was highly unlike him. She looked satisfied for now with his explanations and a large yawn escaped her lips. “Let’s get you to bed before I go.” Kristos said plainly. It was time to end this charade. “Go? You won’t stay? I mean I guess you got what you wanted so you can go…I was just… Well Whatever.” She unplugged the waffle maker and strode past him into the bedroom. He was broken inside for a moment. Her pain and anger hit him like a ton of bricks. What the hell was he thinking? She was not someone he could play with and her upset didn’t set right. Leave now. He said loudly in his head. Walking into the bedroom she was slipping into the bed. Her gaze stayed everywhere but his face. This kind of ending wasn’t sitting well with him. “Scarlett. I am not a good man. You don’t want me to stay. It would be better if I just left and we move on.” She rolled over and left her back to him. “Fine bad man. Go. I am not stopping you.” She sounded sad and angry all in one. He stood to gather his clothes and leave but his body did the opposite. He pulled back the cover and slid in behind her. Spooning her and wrapping his arms around her waist he pulled her in. She was his in that moment and while he knew it wouldn’t last, he decided until morning was not big deal. Tomorrow he would leave. “I am sorry I upset you Scarlett. I just think you could do so much better.” He whispered in her ear. She nestled back into his body and reached her hand over his at her waist. She squeezed it for a moment and took a deep breath. “I will decided what I do and don’t want or need. If you want to go, go… but I prefer you stay. I am not done with you Kristos. We have much more to go.” She yawned and slipped her leg in between his before sliding into a deep sleep.  Kristos rarely slept soundly. Never did he stay a whole night with a woman and no matter what, no emotions were allowed. With those thoughts he kissed her neckline and drifted off into a deep sleep where his only dreams were of her. 
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