10 - To Tame a Ghost

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Somewhere between relaxing from the overwhelming s****l conquest and release of all her inner demons, Scarlet had fallen asleep half on top of Kristos’ body. At some point one of them had rolled over causing her comforter to cover them both for warmth.  She opened her eyes and realized the big spoon was still there. Kristos had curled around her backside and entangled her legs and arms with his. She desperately needed to pee but didn’t want to wake him. Stealth was not exactly her forte’. Sliding out of his grasp as carefully as possible, he seemed to be still out cold. She kind of smirked to herself knowing she had taken down the angry, aggressive, mysterious Kristos Drakos. Padding into the bathroom she relieved her screaming bladder and took a look in the mirror. Yep. She had it. The freshly f****d and really okay with it hairdo. She turned on the water in the shower to scalding-hot, melt your skin off temperature and waited for it to heat up.  Realizing her mouth was dry like sandpaper, Scarlett slipped on her mid-thigh length charcoal grey silken robe and headed into the kitchen. She leaned down to the bottom of the pantry and grabbed a water bottle from the pack. A slight breeze wafted across her nearly exposed upper thighs and womanly parts. Standing abruptly. She leaned up backing into someone. “That was a nice view.” His voice salty and rough, sending shivers through her spine. “Geezus Kris you scared the s**t out of me. I didn’t even hear you coming.” Scarlett panted out. “Hmmm, I don’t think I have ever stayed somewhere this long after…” He smiled and looked to the bathroom. “Shower?” he put out his hand for her take. “Umm, sure?” She was planning on a nice long hot shower on her own but who was she to say no to this man. Just placing her hand in his caused her entire body to stir. It wasn’t so hard to see she did the very same to him. He was completely naked and didn’t seemed concerned in the slightest at his already growing erection being wholly exposed.  She was led into her own bathroom watching his taunt, perfectly toned body move in front of her almost made this too surreal. For a moment she wanted to reach out and pinch that hot ass just to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. Opening the shower door, he bade her to enter. She walked passed Kris not taking her eyes off of his for a moment after dropping her silk robe on the floor right in front of him. The smirk on his face was both enticing and concerning. He had a secret, deviant side that she knew was coming. Not only from things her best friend Jacq had told her, but also the way he handled her, there was more to come. Standing in the stream of the steaming water, Scarlett started to relax under its sensations. Her eyes closed and she allowed the water to run over her body soaking in all the pleasurable warmth. ~~ Kristos’ POV There was more to this woman than simply a good lay. She was well rounded in all the areas he preferred and her performance on how to drive him crazy was perfection. Always was his pleasure paramount but this little firecracker had used him for her own personal orgasmic gain. While he was not complaining it was still entirely shocking and new to his psyche.  He had awoken to the empty bed and the sound of what he thought was rain. It had startled him. There was a sense of panic and dread when he wakened. It was that dream again. The one with him, standing alone in the rain with a smoking gun and his best childhood friend laying dead in front of him. They said his first assignment would make or break him. In some ways he realized it had done a little of both.  Focusing on the sound, Kristos realized it was not rain at all but the shower running from the bathroom across the hall. The scent of her s*x and skin was all over him. He smiled at the thought. She was amazing, alluring and exactly what he hadn’t been able to find, until this point. Getting a little ahead of yourself aren’t you Kris? She is just a woman. You can have… I have never had anyone like her. She invades my mind but also my soul. I think this one might be more trouble to our concentration and life than I am prepared for… Kristos Drakos was a sane man. He was a world renown assassin and only one knew his actual identity. He was personally worth over 800 million dollars and if you factored in his family’s money sitting untouched in a bank, he was a multi-billionaire weighing in at just over 32 billion dollars. He knew his limitations and his strengths. Rarely did he allow weaknesses to win and when they did, they were either annihilated or walked away from. His life was simple and full of whatever his heart desired. The only problem was his heart didn’t desire anyone in particular. Love is messy, his mentor told him. Love will f**k with your mind and your gun. Be careful, love can ruin your entire world or make it stronger. You have to know how to deal with either. Kristos was not ready to deny his attraction to Scarlett. She was going to be his, until he had his fill and the distraction was gone. It wouldn’t be long. His mind and body got bored with the opposite s*x frequently. Hazard of the job and the concentration he couldn’t deter from. With high stealth mode enabled, Kristos walked into the kitchen and saw her sexy legs leading up to an almost clear shot of her womanhood and ass as she bent over getting something from the pantry. Damn. I need to f**k the hell out of that for a bit longer. He snickered and walked up right behind her. He hadn’t lost his touch. She gasped and didn’t realize he was there. Fuck, she is so sexy. Her breasts were barely covered and the silk robe was just covering the imaginational parts of her body. “That was a nice view.” He said barely able to control the urge to slam her against a wall and take her again. Her response was sincere. She hadn’t heard him at all. Her breasts lifted and fell with her shocked panting. Damn those breasts would undo him momentarily. Control Kristos. Control. He would shower with her. He could feel her eyes on his backside while they made way into the bathroom. Caused him to tense his back muscles more as he was usually the ogling one. He loved women to perform for him. Watching them come by their own devices before he even touched them was a preference. He couldn’t wait to see how much this one turned him on doing that. Opening the shower door he waited for her to enter. As she dropped the silk robe, he almost lost everything. The thoughts running through his head were the speed of light and nothing short of deviant s****l positions he couldn’t wait to place her in. The most important of them all was his body shuddering while inside her and she moaned his name. Stepping into the shower behind her, he closed the door and licked his lips watching the water run down her body. She was perfect, at least in his eyes. Lifting his hands to her waist he pulled her from the water and touched their bodies to one another. She gasped at the roughness but didn’t fight. His lips found the crux of her neck and shoulder with small nips and biting. Kris placed his hands on her ass and gripped tightly. She moaned into his ear and it only intensified his need to have her surrounding him again. Patience. Your desire for this one is too much. Slow it down. He tried to talk himself down. The battle to not fall into the trap this woman was weaving around him was immense. Pulling back he turned and grabbed the skin softening liquid body wash on the shelf behind her. His arm reached right past her face. She flipped her eyes up to look at him intently and batted her eyelashes so slowly it caused his c**k to ache. She didn’t even seem to be doing it intentionally. She was deep seated in desire for him and he could see it. Turning her face she placed a long biting kiss on his bicep. The left side of her mouth curled up in a cunning smirk. Retracting his arm he opened the body wash and squirted some in both hands. Rubbing them together he began to wash her body slowly with his hand not missing an inch. She didn’t move and allowed each invasion of his hands on her breasts, hips and down the front of her thighs. He bent before her and washed her legs all the way down. She was breathing heavier than before and he could tell this was a vast turn on for Scarlett. Has no one ever worshipped every inch of you my siren? You definitely deserve it. Kristos thought while rinsing off her front side. Abruptly grabbing her waist he turned her around and looked immediately at her plump, firm ass. He wanted to grab her head and bend her to his will. He wanted to slam into her time and again until she had no words, only moans of pleasure he brought her. Breathe. Stop. He grabbed the body wash with a bit more force and started to wash her back side. Not an inch was missed. He leisurely ran his hands over her ass and thighs. The firm thickness of their curves made him stand at complete attention. Kristos’ breath was substantial and it was taking all the control he possessed within. Finishing her backside his control wasn’t there anymore. Leaning down he kissed down her neckline and across her shoulders. Her hand reached back and entangled fingers in his hair. This was only fuel to the fire he was trying to not start. Kristos ran his hands around her belly and down past her waist. His right hand finding her mound, she moaned as he gripped it and slid two fingers into the top of the slit. Her clit was hot like the core of the Earth itself and she was obviously aroused much like Kristos. Biting into her neck with some more force his fingers slid further into her crease and felt the extreme wetness already formed. Her body didn’t take more than close proximity to him for a reaction. This was a colossal turn on. Paying for companionship caused the wetness in a woman to be harder to work for at times. But this woman, Scarlett the sexy, wanted him just because he stood close. The only problem with the whole scenario was Kristos was beginning to think he wanted her even more than she did him. Kris’ left hand reached around as he pressed his body to her back and his c**k slide into the folds of her backside trying to reach its entrance. Kicking her ankle with his foot to widen her stance there they stood in the shower, his fingers working her s*x feverishly while he tried not to come all over her bottom just from her moans. Sliding in and out and up and down her entire s*x she couldn’t help but breath his name. “Ohhh. Kristos. Please.” Was precisely what she moaned in a deep throaty sound that resonated to his core. He wanted her to come all over him. He wanted to see her face when he brought her to climax again. The noises Scarlett produced were unlike anything he had ever experienced. Turning her around, he replace his finger and a much better angle and slid inside her while keeping his thumb on her clit. With his left hand he tipped her face up to look at him. Their eyes met and were frozen in a gaze that would have been unbreakable even if the world around them ended in a fiery blaze of death.  She was pushing her hips forward and back as he worked in and out of her s*x. Her eyes were heavy with need of release and he could feel the walls pulling and throbbing around his fingers. How he wanted to be inside her but patience was better. To keep his heavy layer of discipline, this must be how he has her for now. Her stomach began to quiver and her back arching. “Let me have it all Scarlett.” He breathed; their eyes still locked. Taking in a deep breath she closed her eyes for a moment and flicking them back open her mouth dropped and the primordial moan that came forth caused him to almost come instantly. She released her tension and the inner walls wrapped around his fingers, milking it hard and feverishly. He placed his lips down on hers and she accepted willingly. The eagerness of her whimpering into his mouth and the way she plunged her tongue on his, told him everything. If he wanted, she was his. If he desired, he could make her come at merely a touch. More than anything, she rocked something inside his soul that caused sensations he never felt before. He didn’t want to conquer this female. He didn’t want to know he could own her if necessary. Kristos simply wanted her to desire to be only for him. Her quivering slowed and he retracted his hand. Pulling back slightly, he allowed the water to run between them and reached carefully washing off her wet and throbbing s*x. His own erection still rock hard. He could endure this pain just to watch her come like that again for him and only him. She was watching Kristos intently and he looked at her curiously. She reached down and grabbed his c**k in her hand. The smile on her face was like something out of a mystery. She was going to have him her way. He tried to push away and move her hand. Scarlett growled at him and kept him in place by grabbing his ass with her other hand. This won’t take long; I am so ready to burst. He thought to himself as a guttural moan escaped his lips. She pulled and slid her hand up and down him with stealthy strokes. It was obvious she was not leaving until he was spent. Kristos was so far lost in the ambiences her strokes created. Placing both hands on the wall behind Scarlett his form was leaning over her panting and thrusting with her movements. It wasn’t much time of her working his c**k that his orgasmic wave hit hard. His moan was more of an internal screaming groan emanating from his chest. There, vulnerable and in her hand, Kristos lost all sense of control and reason. Her smile wasn’t sweet. The look on her face and across her lips was embittered with the desire for her own control to win. What have I gotten myself into? She slipped from under his hovering form and turned off the shower. Grabbing a large towel and wrapping it around her body she proceeded to dry her hair with a hand towel near the sink. Wiping the mirror clean Kristos stood leaning on the door frame of the shower watching her. The most curious thing happened in that moment. His heart skipped a beat and he was smiling. This can’t happen.
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