12 - Brothers Know

2129 Words
His eyes flew open at the annoying sound of an alarm going off. Her phone was plugged into the wall near the nightstand. It was a snippet of some heavy metal type song. Not really what Kristos expected from her taste palette.  Scarlett was still out cold and the sound didn’t even seem to faze the tranquility she was currently enjoying. The sound needed to cease. Sliding his finger across the screen to the dismiss choice, Kristos noticed the text message notification from Mr. Mancini. He decided, just in case, it was best to read it. ‘Need to reschedule. Come in at 1 p.m. and work the late shift please. Thank you. Respond so I know you go this.’   Kristos opened her phone messages tab and answered back with a simple, ‘received and see you at 1 p.m. boss.’ Resetting her alarm to noon, Kristos wanted to curl back into her for a few more hours. He knew she would feel good engulfed in his arms. The thought of her skin touching his again caused a stir in his groin. The way her body looked as she breathed made him want to wake her with his hands and lips in various places.  But his mind was reeling that he hadn’t left because the truth of the matter was he didn’t want to go. Perhaps talking to his brother would even up his mind and decisions. Maybe a distraction of family and whatever drama the Drakos Brothers, Dimitri and Darius were cooking up would be a welcomed diversion from what he was really thinking about. Slipping out of the bed, he walked to her small balcony with his own phone from his jeans pocket and dialed Angelos. It barely rang once before he answered. “Brother! To what do I owe this early phone call? Are you alright?” “I am good Angelos. I just needed to call and check in. Got some s**t going on here and wanted to hear my big brother’s voice.” His tone was questionable and slightly wavering. “What’s her name. Damn I have been waiting for this one.” How the hell did he know that? Was it that obvious even through a phone? “There is no woman… nosey. I just have some personal s**t I am working through. I am going to be in Venice a bit longer but when I am done, I wanted to see if you might have time for a visit? It has been awhile and since my birthday just passed, I thought we might celebrate.” “Yes I called you four times on your birthday and you didn’t answer. I would like a visit. I haven’t seen or heard from you in months. What are you doing to keep yourself busy? You don’t even touch your bank account very much.” Great now my brother is keeping tabs on me. Guess I will have to start spending family money so no one is the wiser. “Been doing some side… consulting jobs lately and just living on that.” There was an awkward silence. He could tell what was coming next was not a discussion he wanted to have. “So who is she? And don’t give me the bullshit comments like - there isn’t one, I don’t know what you mean, I don’t have time for…I hear it. I know about women too and you sir are f*****g done. She must be something.” “Geezus Angelos, you aren’t going to let this go are you?” “No. I haven’t heard you emotional in your entire 22 years of existence, so this is kind of a big deal.” “Fine. She is someone I met and mistook for a Drakos Special. After kissing her and some other non-disclosed things…we parted ways and Amanda was there. s**t wouldn’t… well… nothing would come up and I got rid of Amanda. Went and found this one again and here we are.” “Damn bro, you tried to take her and she wasn’t the special. I will have to hear a detailed account of this one day. Soooo… was she … everything you imagined?” This was a question definitely didn’t want to answer, especially to Angelos. This would be the tell all and Kris wasn’t ready for that. He knew however, that this was going to be a topic Angelos wouldn’t leave alone. For a few seconds he ran all the scenarios of answers in his mind. What could he say to stop the questions and move on. He could never really allow a woman into his heart or life. Who he really was and what he did was not acceptable to many, most…nearly all. How could you justify killing someone to someone you loved? Oh well… I only kill the bad guys?!?! Kristos knew damn well taking out a bad guy was a good thing but the way he did it was truly going to be an issue. Hell, his own brother didn’t even know who he was. Kristos decided firm and insensitive was the best tone to halt further questioning for now. “More. And no, I don’t want to discuss it. I will call you when I am done here in Venice and headed home to Greece.” There was a soft chuckle on the other end. “Alright, alright. I will leave it alone. But if you decide to bring her home with you, just give me a heads up, okay?” Kris huffed and grunted at the insinuation. Saying goodbye more abruptly than he should have, Kris hung up the phone. Looking at his watch, Kris realized it had only been about twenty minutes. He could curl back in with Scarlett or head back to the hotel. His body wanted to feel her heat, his mind wanted to run and his heart… well his heart was trying to take over for the first time ever. He grabbed his clothes, found paper and a pen from her small desk in the bedroom and left a note. ‘Had to head out. I will see you again soon. Boss said to come in at 1p.m. Look at text messages. ~Kris’ He read it several times. So impersonal, almost a brush off. He didn’t want it to be that way but he also didn’t need to say anything emotional. So he added a P.S. ‘P.S. You are beautiful, amazing (in many ways) and quite possibly the most intriguing woman I have ever known. Oh, and the waffles? Winner. See you very soon. ~ K~’ That made him smile a moment and realized it was much better. Slipping into his clothes, he grabbed his room key, wallet and headed to the hotel. There were emotions on the walk back that Kristos didn’t know how to deal with, almost like…Guilt. Guilt was not something The Ghost of Greece had ever really felt. ~~ Walking in past the front desk Kristos had the urge to look over even knowing she wasn’t there. There was some guy working. He watched Kristos walk in and all the way to the elevator. Kristos nodded as the doors closed. The hotel room had not been touched yet. Per Kristos’ request it wasn’t to be cleaned when he wasn’t around. They never asked questions which was one reason he loved this hotel. Family owned for over one hundred years they understood the individual needs of clients and made sure those that kept loyalty, in always staying at the hotel, would be taken care of regardless. Straightening up some of his personal effects all Kristos could think about was the way her body fit with his so flawlessly. She had taken him, had her way, put him in his place and cooked waffles. There was no reason to not want a long term relationship with this woman, other than the killer aspect of his life. Was it wrong to lie? To tell her he was in the networking business? It wasn’t entirely an untruth. Perspective, it was all about perspective. How he wished his sister were still alive. She had died of cancer that showed up at the young age of fourteen and by the week before her seventeenth, had taken her life. Althaea Hope Drakos was the light of Kristos’ life for many years and no other woman had meant as much as she. Althaea was honest, loving, blunt, tough and would likely have taken over the world if she had survived. The chain and symbol of healing in Greek around Kristos’ neck was Althaea’s and she gave it to him in her last breath. A single tear fell down his cheek thinking of her now. It had been so many years but her scent, her mouthy ways and the smile that could melt the world seemed still so current. Althaea would love Scarlett. He knew this yet he needed to fight to keep her at bay. Picking up the phone Kristos ordered some bourbon, coffee and an assortment of breakfast pastries. He needed to network with the J today and see if there were any jobs coming up or anything at all that would beckon him out of Venice where his emotions were no longer safe, so it seemed. ‘Missions?’ was the text he sent to J. There was no immediate response. Frustrating. Brushing his teeth and laying out on the bed, staring at the ceiling, Kristos recanted everything. Rationalizing ever move, touch and feeling. The vibration of his phone on the nightstand saved what came next in his mind. ‘Nothing now. Silence is golden. Enjoy your money and your time off. In touch soon.’ Fuck. That doesn’t help me.  He lay quietly with his eyes closed and before he realized it, there was a loud banging on the door. Had he fallen asleep so easily?  Never was his guard down. Popping up and opening the door, he knew it wouldn’t be her but he secretly hoped. “Jacqueline. You are working early today?” He said opening the door further for her to enter. “Mmmmm, Mr. Mancini called me in to switch shifts with Scar. Hope she is okay.” Without thinking, “Oh she is fine.” The smile on his face unavoidably telling. “Excuse me? Wait… You didn’t… “Jacqueline set down the tray and put both her hand on her hips. “I…well…fine. Yes. I left there an hour ago.” He said looking at his watch realizing he dozed for nearly twenty minutes. “So help me God if you hurt her, I will take you out. Are we clear? I don’t give a s**t how much money you have, how many people you know or whatever you claim. She is special and I won’t have her hurt.” Holy s**t she is in love with Scarlett. How funny but truly inspiring. “I wouldn’t dream of it. In all honesty she seems to have tamed me quite a bit more than I liked. I have known you since you started here Jacqueline and honestly, I think you a good person with a lot of solid integrity. I promise you, hurting her…well… emotionally is not my goal. I did tell her I was bad for her and she could do better.” Kristos revealed honestly. “You did? I am sure she blew you off. You have beguiled my best friend sir. I hope you realize what she is worth and treat it accordingly. And as for you being a bad man. I don’t think that is true at all. I believe you are a bit of a recluse but you seem to do everything with the honestly and truthfulness of your soul. That can’t be bad. I mean, it’s not like you are a murderer or anything.” Kristos became suddenly aware how little people knew of him and even with good reason, it made him sad. “Thank you Jacqueline. I appreciate the show of faith and kind words. She would be better off without me but I truthfully can’t get her out of my mind. I will most assuredly do the right thing by her. I promise you that.” He nodded as they walked to the door. “Oh I am due to check out today, however I am actually going to stay tonight and tomorrow.  I am going home to Greece for a few days but will be back on Friday of next week. Can you see if the suite is available then please?” She stopped at the door and smiled. She knew he was staying for Scar and possibly himself too. There was something there for sure. Was she jealous? A small bit but if Scar was happy then it was worth it. This man was falling for her bestie and she could see it. “I will get back with you shortly on it all. Thank you…Mr. Drakos.” “Kris. Always Kris from now on. Got it?” She nodded and closed the door behind. What the hell am I doing? He asked himself. Figuring out what love is and if it is feasible, dipshit. You are a highly skilled assassin; love should be a piece of cake. 
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