19 - Dressed to the Nines

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“Jaqueline? I am going to come out. Be honest. I think this dress is crazy.” Scarlett walked out in her black silken slip dress that touched the floor, ever so gracefully. The slit was the real problem for Scarlett. She hated her body as it was but showing this much intentionally? This was madness. “Geezus Scar. You look …. Geezus…. I think I am the wrong person to ask honestly. You know I prefer girls and right now, the thoughts in my mind are not entirely pure and friendship related.” Scarlett giggled and walked over to Jaqueline. She hugged her and kissed her cheek. “That was exactly the right thing to say. Why am I this dressed up though? I thought this was some party your father was putting on. This is a bougie, isn’t it?” “No, it is perfect… It is a fundraising gala that my father has made some major artifactual contributions to recently, not to mention he is best friends with the family who is hosting the gala. I don’t want to go alone because my ex will be there and my father constantly brings up his disappointment that I like v****a and not dicks.” She grinned and did a small twirl. “So what do you think? I couldn’t bring myself to wear a dress but I thought this evening pantsuit in black was appropriate?” Jaqueline had a fierce model figure that would grace any runway she chose to poise and strut down. There were about three years her androgynous look was highly sought after and she complied by gracing the runway but fell bored with the craziness of it all and retired to work at Scarlett’s family hotel. She was definitely the more masculine of the lesbian couple but still had a quiet beauty that most found attractive and drawn to when she was in their presence. “Jacq, you look amazing. I love your hair short like that too. The soft waves are very flattering on your striking eyes.” “Whoa, whoa there Scar. Don’t get too much into describing my pluses I might take it wrong.” She laughed, they both laughed but Scar questioned sometimes. “Well let’s get this show on the road. From what the invitations say we are a fashionable hour late. It’s time to head that way. Dinner and Auction will start in about an hour.” They headed out the door to the waiting limousine outside Scarlett’s flat building. The window went down and the strong male voice so familiar to Scarlett spoke loudly. “My girls definitely clean up well. Scarlett, that is some dress. Nice to see you dressed up Jacqueline.” He said as the door was opened for them both and they slid inside. “Thank you father. I decided I would at least attempt to make you proud this evening.” “The hair short suits you better than I expected. You did well Jacqueline. Thank you.” This was the standard way her father spoke whenever Scarlett was around. Respectful. Sincere sounding and even borderline loving. It wasn’t real. None of it. But at least Scarlett could help Jacqueline enjoy her night once in a while when her father was concerned. After a short fifteen minute ride, they pulled up to the front of the hotel and were escorted to the front door by Jacqueline’s father. The place was full of cars lining up still dropping off patrons to join the auction gala and other hotel guests coming and going. The large wooden antique doors were closed and one sole hostess stood waiting for each patron that wanted to enter the Gala. “Invitations please.” Her voiced grated Scar’s nerves. He was rummaging through ever pocket for them as his face started to show one of panic. How could a man worth so much and so highly respected be so irresponsible. Jaqueline pulled out the three invitations and handed them over. He nodded and smiled but the true look of disgust and annoyance was visible to Scarlett. Even after all this time, he was unable to love his daughter because she preferred a woman in her bed than a man. The door was opened and the sight that Scarlett saw took her breath away. Everything was shiny, beautiful and elegantly displayed. She wished there were money in her pocket and a rich sense of desire to be part of a world like this but truth be told she was happy running a hotel and not required to be pretentious, fake or even stuck up. “Isn’t this amazing?” Scarlett leaned into Jacq and commented. “It is actually one of the prettier events I have seen in some time. Thankfully, someone with taste designed this one. Let’s get a drink and take a look around.” Scarlett nodded and continued to take in all the sights and sounds. This was unlike anything she had ever been too before but reminded herself. Kristos was a man of wealth and family. Likely he would have her attend several things like this in the future.” She sighed and straightened herself up walking with poise and grace just for him, even though he was nowhere near her.   ~~ Dinner was being served and Kristos needed to make an appearance. He was stationed at table three near the front left side. The table was one of the more prestigious ones. Families with money and corporations that made multi-million dollar donations were always stationed at the front part of these sort of galas. His eyes skimmed the crowd. Federico was throwing back bourbon like it was water. The hit would likely have to happen sooner rather than later.  He hated to kill an unarmed, drunk man but this was a matter of Angelos’ life or death. He sat and listened to the man rendering a speech on stage. The descriptions of some of the most sought after antiquities was given. The money’s destination in the form of charitable donation was explained and then the twenty minutes of thank you’s for all the extremely generous donations was highlighted. It was thirty minutes of Kristos’ life he would never get back. “And lastly we would love to thank the Gregoria family for all it’s help in making this night possible. Without your connections, loyalty and generous time, we would not be able to make such a worth cause possible. Now if everyone will remain seated, dinner will be served.” The man spoke with confidence. The meal was elegantly prepared sea bass with some sauce that Kristos thought smelled weird but slightly familiar. The vegetables were lightly seasoned and cooked to perfection. He enjoyed a few bites of each before pushing the plate aside and checking out his target once more, subtly. Federico was searching his pockets for something. Kristos nonchalantly watched and realized he was a smoker. The fat stogie that Federico pulled out as he bellowed in laughter gave Kristos a very gracious yet small window of opportunity. The third floor was emergency use only and would provide a great vantage point to take out someone from a distance without being seen and quick exit strategy. This was perfect. Kristos could finish his job and be done way above schedule. Standing and excusing himself he headed to the second story. Within two minutes the second floor’s bathroom was flooding from seeming nowhere. Kristos exited the bathroom quickly through the ceiling tiles and found himself outside in the near hallway with some quick moves and stealth. No one had seen him go in or come out around the corner. Perfect. Ordering a vodka cranberry he sipped it and leaned into the bar tender. “This is a great hotel. Is it that old?” “Oldest in the districts. It has been rebuilt over the original foundation and walls on the first floor. It is said that Lorenzo Di Medici owned the original foundation’s building.” “That is interesting. I can’t believe…” Before Kristos could finish the hotel staff was rushing around the corner to the bathroom direction. His plan had worked. Closing off the second floor bathroom for the leak from the toilet he cracked purposefully was the best option to get to third floor without suspicion. “Closest bathroom? I am a bit new to this hotel and it looks like the ones on this floor are out of order.” He snickered smally.  “There are the ones on the first or third floor. Either I suppose since this one is out of order it seems.” Kristos nodded, downed his drink and headed up the stairs to the third floor. This was going to be easy and done quick. He couldn’t wait to get to his Scar. 
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