20 - Hit the pavement

1106 Words
Slowly making his way up to the third floor there was nearly no one around. One or two wait staff seemed to utilize the momentary possibility of being undiscovered while they take the extra few minutes break. Kristos stayed as hidden on the way up as possible. He was fairly sure no one saw him. He knew the balcony would provide exactly what he needed to quickly finish this hit and be done with the life once and for all. Federico had to die first. Myles second and then his life would be completely his own.    Surveying the bathroom quickly it was empty as expected. Steadying his foot up on the counter he pulled out his CZ 75 SP-01 tactical gun. Assembly was so swift it couldn’t have been timed. Kristos knew the extremely small window that had been presented and was going to ensure it was the only opportunity needed to end this war Angelos didn’t even know was started.   Gun at his left side ready to do its job, Kristos slipped out of the bathroom unnoticed and headed to the balcony. The music and chatter from below could be heard in slow waves of ambient noise in the background of his mind. The mind with a solid purpose on only killing the one thing that could harm his heart.   Turning down the small corridor to the left he circled around to the two French doors the beheld the veranda his final moments as the Ghost of Greece would take place. Pushing the door open, he slithered outside into the darkened shadows of the space. He could hear the bellowing laughter of Federico coming from below. There were maybe a half dozen people milling about outside. He was concerned. This would be so steadfast no one would look up quick enough to catch glimpse of him.   Watching intently, Federico was laughing and blathering on about some inconsequential bullshit that it was apparent no one around him was really paying attention to either.  Leaning out slightly, he pulled up his weapon to aim and fire without much hesitation. Exhaling slowly. His eyes were on the target and not even looking through the site of the weapon. He was just that good. Pressure on the trigger was beginning when his heart stop. Time stopped. His assured nature and perfect skill was murdered with only one half second. “Kristos?” Stepping back and lowering his weapon, the facial expression of death and determination met the gaze of the love of his life. Her innocent and fearful eyes were only overshadowed by the grimace of her pursed lips. This was the moment he had feared most and assured himself repeatedly would never transpire. “Scar. What the fuck.” His tone deep, dark and haunted in pain and difficulty.  She looked to his gun, his face and the courtyard. “Yes, what the fuck.” She said sternly and a bit louder than should have been spoke. “Scarlett. Go inside. I will tell you all I need to later. Not now. I have a job to do and I can not let you distract me more than you already have. Keep your voice down.” He said in a hushed tone. “Job? What the actual hell Kristos? Distract you? Explain quickly or I will be loud enough for half the country to hear.” Her eyes showed more surprise and upset than even anger. “Scarlett Brianne…Silence please. Go inside. I will not f*****g tell you again. And if you raise your voice I will be forced to silence you as well. Please… Scar.. I need…” Her face was twisted. Her mind was reeling. This was the last thing a breath of fresh air in silence would have likely revealed.  Scarlett couldn’t get into the lower level bathroom and upon reaching the second level, she realized the third floor might be the only option. Rushing up the stairs she saw the bathrooms and the bliss of being unbound with the need to pee and hold it in. Upon her exit she saw someone slip down the hallway and thought nothing of it, but it was his scent that caught her attention. HIS scent. She knew that masculine Aire waving on the unpresented breeze. Kristos? What in the world? Retracting from her revelry, Scarlett couldn’t help the next words that interrupted his. “What you need to do is tell me the truth. What the f**k is going on Kris? Why are you angry and threatening me? Why the gun?” He sighed and took a step towards her but not before glancing back at the courtyard. Target still in sight. Good. “Scarlett. This was my last job and I was going to come clean. I have a very small window to complete this mission and unless you want watch me kill a man, I suggest you leave.” She couldn’t breath. The world stopped. All the air in the surround vicinity had suddenly disappeared and she couldn’t feel her own heart beating.  The voice that came out of her body was nearly inaudible. “Kill? Kristos you aren’t telling me that you…” “Yes, I am. I have to do this Scarlett. Go inside now.” Kristos turned and looked at Federico who had finished his stogie and started to head back inside. Now or never. Looking once more at Scarlett with pleading eyes he raised his arm and gun to take care of the reason he came to this tragic moment at all. “If you do this. We are done. Understand that Kristos.” She spoke plainly. Without raising her voice, without wavering she matter of factly just stated the truth of her existence and what she could and couldn’t manage to understand. He looked at her and the popping sound echoed in his ears as she turned and walked inside. He swiftly moved in the door and down the hall opposite the direction of Scarlett. His escape route had been compromised and it was by the love of his life. Literally, the sound of his heart breaking would have been audible to anyone within a few feet. Scarlett felt nothing. This was his life? He was a killer? Why would anyone on this planet deserve to be killed in such a matter. As Scarlett descended the stairs the sound of screams and hysteria were all around. Calmly with no emotion, Scarlett walked out of the hotel and out into the street. There was nothing to be said or done. Kristos was a killer and she was in love with him. It would take something pretty hefty to get past this moment and feel again but one thing was for sure on Scarlett's mind. It was over and she was done loving someone so evil. 

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