39: What lies inside

1348 Words
"It's not that easy cat boy, it's not just loyalty, it's duty, respect, bloodline, I can't just give it up. And besides, if I join you, you still don't stand a chance against her, trust me, you have no idea how powerful she is" Kishra said. Quintin played with the bottle in his hand, then wove it at the waitress to bring him another. "Where on earth will I find someone who can aid me... I mean" He looked at her "You're not too bad Kishra, I'm actually, strange but true, enjoying your company, even if we're supposed to be enemies" "Don't start soft mouthing me, I'm not as easy to break as Naomi" "I realised that when we met earlier" The Waitress brought another bottle and he opened it. "So? Since we can't come to an agreement about Cleopatra, you want to go have s*x instead?" He asked her making her eyes widen. "That was bold" Quintin was drinking hard on the beer, his eyes even teared up, then gasped when he stopped. "Life's too short, if me and you can't agree to work together, then we can just have s*x and part ways" Kishra sat back folding her arms "I don't know what you're up to, but it won't work with me" "Fine then! No s*x for tonight, ok?" "That's not what I meant!" She said loudly. "Oh?" She leaned in "Sure, I don't like my mother, but I can't betray her, she does the most awful things to betrayers, and not even I am strong enough to defend against her. As for our little get together, that's different, I also like talking to you, even if you're as stubborn as a mulel" Quintin chuckled "So me saying were not going to have s*x, that's what made you rethink your approach?" She sighed "Oh just cut it out. I don't spread my legs that easily you know" "And that's fine with me. I was confirming what you said earlier" "About you and Naomi?" "Yes" "That's was a joke, I was trying to taunt you" He slowly nodded "Good, it seems it's not a werewolf thing then" "No" They sat quietly for a few minutes watching the dancefloor, their food came and they ate with minimal conversion and when the food was done not one of the two wanted to dance. "Let's go out for fresh air rather" She said getting up. Quintin stumbled slightly when he rose but managed to correct himself. "Are you seriously drunk?" She asked is seeing his little mishap. "I am sightly" He said but kept his composure, she couldn't help laugh. Outside on the main deck she leaned against the rails with her back soaking in the cool air. "So if you say you fly solo most of the times, what do you do then?" "I run a business in America" "What kind of business does a..." She reached forward and shut his mouth with her hand. Quintin was at first confused but then saw the loving couple pass close behind him, Kishra waited for them to make distance then she let him go, but he had his arm around her waist and drew her against him, she looked up at him surprised. "You are being too brave now" She leered at him. "What's wrong? Can't handle the heat? Does the thought of sleeping with the enemy put you off?" Quintin asked mocking her. Kishra made no attempt to get out of his grasp "Something is wrong with you" "I'm drunk?" "No, even before the alcohol..." She came a little closer and smelled his neck "Could it be?" Now Quintin let her go "What?" He asked feeling his neck. "How long have you been, this cat?" "Uh not long, about three days" "So you don't know what to expect from it right?" "I do, it's a beast, sharp claws, fangs, bloodthirsty, kinda like you am I right?' "You really think that's all there is to being what you are? Haven't you seen a wildlife program before?" "What's that have to do with what we are?" "Animals will still be animals... And I've figured out why you suddenly grew such a large pair of balls" She smiled eerily towards him. "I'm not following?" Quintin said. "Your cat, if I'm not mistaken doctor Ezbar used werewolf dna to create it right?" "Yes?" "Then that's it, you as a human Quintin, would never be brave enough to just grab me, your inner animal did" This time Quintin laughed "Oh that's bullshit, I change into that thing during the full moon, it's not who I am" "It's not the question of who, it's more the question of 'what' you are" Quintin walked around her and leaned on the rails "Say what you want, it doesn't prove anything" "You want me to prove it?" She said and he turned to her. "Sure" He held his arms wide "Knock yourself out" "Follow me" She said and entered the ship again. Quintin followed her up two stories until she opened a cabin door, when inside he saw this was a luxury sweet, it had more windows with a much better view of the ocean. "Wow, is this your cabin?" "Yes" "You really like to travel in style don't you?" He said scanning the place but turning back to her gave him a surprise. She was so close he wanted to move away but couldn't. "Observe" She said grabbing his shirt. "Observe what!?" He almost squeaked, thinking she's up to no good, but she ripped his shirt of in one clean tug. "Ge... that was an expensive shirt you know!" "Silence human" She said grabbing him behind his neck an threw him onto her bed. "I thought you were against this!?" "Oh, it's still the human talking, just stay quiet and give it time" "Give what time!?" She slowly climbed onto the bed with him, spreading her legs over his torso and sitting on his stomach. "I know that thing inside you was the one who reached out, you might be drunk, but that's giving it more space to move" "What are you talking about!?" He yelled seeing her slowly move the shoulder sleeves of the dress off on her right, this was like his dream, but instead it's not Naomi, it's Kishra, he closed his eyes, but that gave way to a spike in his scent receptors, and a smell caught him that made him lose all control. Kishra saw his eyes open and look straight at her, it was just as she presumed, he has no control over that thing in him yet, she didn't know what to expect, all she knew was she was in for something different this time. He reached up and twisted her down so he could be on top, a violent response came from each direction, they tore each other's clothes off and started, as Kishra would see it, mating. It was painful yet mixed with pleasure, she saw in his eyes the human finally passed out from his drunkenness, this animal he became was now in control, and it, though not gentle, was giving it to her like she has never felt it, she attempted at one point to turn him over and take control over the i*********e but he didn't allow her, forcing her down and keeping her pinned. She loved it, she didn't consider him strong, weak compared to her in fact, but this absolute domination he has over her was like ecstasy, and she wanted more. Grabbing him by his sides she forced her pelvis up and screamed of pleasure, is this what Naomi felt!? Is this why she liked him so much!? No! He was still human then! There must be another reason Naomi sought to protect him, what ever it was, this was different, Kishra knew Naomi haven't experienced this yet. They continued making love deep into the night until finally the both of them were too exhausted to carry on, and whilst laying to catch their breath they passed out on top of each other.
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