38: Loyalty

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"How long Frits?" Koos asked peering over his shoulder at the computer. "We'll intercept that ship tomorrow morning early at this pace" "Good, I can't wait to blow that Cleopatra fokkin sky high" Luna clicked her tongue "It's a suicide mission, why do you think Cleopatra is still alive today?" "Because your mother was too soft!" Koos yelled at her making her fly up. "Don't you dare blame my mother for this!" "Why defend her!? I thought you didn't care? If she killed Cleopatra back then we won't be risking our hide's now would we!?" "My mother didn't have to kill her! She had a firm grip on her, keeping her in check!" "Then where is she now!?" "I, I don't know" "And there you have it Luna, so rather help us! Or shut the f**k up!" Luna was furious "You disrespectful bastard!" "Calm down Luna" Dianne said "He's disrespectful yes, but look at this situation from his point of view, won't it be frustrating to you as well when you know you're going up against a foe you might not be able to defeat?" "That still doesn't give him the right to blame my mother!" "Then why if your mother knew of Cleopatra's dark heart, did she not end her?" Frits asked. "Because my mother had an even darker heart" Koos glared at her "You know what? Enough blabber from your muzzle! I can't take this fokkin s**t anymore" He said turning back to Frits. Luna folded her arms and sat down. "Is there any fokkin wolf out there who didn't go awol on us!?" He yelled not looking up. "Asena for sure, but she's missing. Kazeme, I think, but she's also missing" "Someone who didn't disappear?" "No, I know no one" "Just for in case we ever run into them" Koos said taking a pen and a pocket book out "Give me the names of that pack that went awol with Cleopatra" Luna held a hand up counting in her head "Fenrir, Skoll, Hati, Jasper, Jessica and Alice" "Who's Jessica and Jasper?" "Jessica is from the Tasmanian wolf clan, and Jasper is from the Black clan, the same one Michael and Dianne are from" "So Jessica is an Aussie?" Luna laughed "Yes, but she's one badass b***h, her jaws could open at a one hundred and eighty degree angle, she could take one huge bite out of someone" Koos wrote the names down then looked forward to the ocean, thinking of how their enemies were piling up just as they have back in Angola. *** Quintin was following Kishra through the ship now, it seems to her it's also rather new. She scanned the people, watched the heated pools as they swam, when she stopped at an onboard nightclub she turned to him. "Want to go dance a little?" "I'm not a club going kind of guy" He said watching the people inside dancing wildly to the trance music. Kishra shrugged "Met too" She answered and kept walking "So what do you like?" "I've never spent time in places like that, my mother has taught me to slow dance just before she died though" "Slow dance? Why would a fifteen year old want to learn that?" "It was her decision, she said over three years I'd be eighteen, and wanted me to know it for the matric ball" Kishra smiled and turned into another direction "Very well, I know a place then" She walked with slight increased pace, Quintin still couldn't believe he was walking with her so casually, the woman who most probably is Cleopatra's right hand. "So, why weren't you at Cleopatra's house that day I arrived?" She looked over her shoulder "I don't like that house so much, it's too fancy" Quintin laughed "Amen to that, I felt like a slug on a salt farm in that place" She giggled with him "How did you react when you saw Naomi as a wolf for the first time?" Quintin quickly scanned the surroundings, thinking someone might have heard her "Hey not so loud!" "Relax, the people here couldn't care less, they're too focused on spending their money" Quintin realised what we said was true, no one paid them any mind "Well in that case, I almost crapped my pants" "Seriously?" She asked. "Yes, she even pretended she wanted to eat me" She looked in front of her and Quintin could see she was laughing in her hand. "Are we really that scary?" "No, not at all... Of course you are! What's not scary about..." He looked around. "I know" She said and stopped in front of a lounge that seemed a lot calmer than the nightclubs. "Here, let's sit down for a bite to eat, and then we can dance" 'Dancing with the devil' Quintin thought as they sat down. "I still feel some tension from you, yes you managed to laugh a little, but you're not completely at ease" She said after the waiter took their order. "Just give me time, I'll settle in" He said not really knowing how he could. "Maybe we should get you drunk?" She asked and took a sip of her wine. "I doubt that's fair" "Were on a blind date, nothing is supposed to be" Quintin could somehow stomach the beer, and a couple of them later he could agree that it settled him. Trying as much as he could to forget the problems he had now, he took a good look at Kishra, she was as pretty as all Cleopatra's daughters are, and she somewhat reminded him of Naomi. "So now you're this lone wolf? Or are you here on orders from Cleopatra?" "I move solo, she only calls me for certain things, like Nina and Claire for instance" "What happened to them?" She looked away, something told him she doesn't want to bring it up, but then she looked back at him. "Have you ever voted before?" She changed the subject. "Voted? As in for a president?" "Yes?" "No, never even thought about it" "What if you wanted to vote but couldn't? And was forced to accept the president presented to you?" Quintin frowned "I, well, will probably be unsatisfied, I guess, why?" Her eyes went down to the wine she swiveled in the glass "I'm in such a situation" "How?" "You probably know Amarok's live forever right?" "Yes?" "My mother will, and to tell you the truth, I don't want to be in her shadow all my life, I want to be a leader of my own pack" Quintin's heart skipped, it was a long shot, maybe he could get Kishra to help him. "Does your loyalty to her run thick?" He asked. "She's my mother, and my alpha, so naturally yes" "So if I asked you to help me stop her..." He couldn't even finish his sentence when she burst out with laughter. "I knew it" He said downing the beer in his bottle.
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