40: Gift

1211 Words
Quintin opened his eyes and was met by Kishra laying close to him in bed, he moved away slightly but she remained quiet, that smile not fading. "There" She said after he said nothing "I proved my point" "What point? What happened last night?" He asked feeling his head hurt, and his loins were on fire, as if somehow he got sunburn there last night. "You sure you don't remember?" She asked turning around, but when the blankets came off as she sat up, he saw she was completely naked and averted his eyes. "I don't, remember a thing!?" "You can look if you want, that's what you wanted last night right?" She said getting up and strolling to her clothing cupboards. "I was drunk" He answered digging deep in his mind for answers. "Oh, yes you were, but you passed out from it" "I did?" "Yes, then 'he' took over" "He!?" Kishra smiled at him after getting dressed, but Quintin saw it was a basic throw over dress, he could figure she had nothing on underneath it. "It was the best s*x I ever had, thank you Quintin" "We had s*x!?" He yelled, now his mind was burning for answers. "Yes, but don't think this changes anything between me and you, I actually wanted to thank your animal... But he's just an animal after all" She looked at him with a wicked stare. "I have gift for you, it's to show you what kind of force you're up against when facing my mother, maybe that will teach you to rather back off" She said and walked to the door. "What gift!?" He said sitting up. She stopped in the open doorway "Get dressed, and I'll show you" She said leaving. Quintin quickly jumped up but realised the entire room around the bed was a mess, torn clothes lied everywhere, his clothes included, he managed to find his pants which were partially cut up and got it on, his shirt unsalvageable. When he came out of the cabin he realised something was off, there was a silence, a dead silence, on a ship like this? It made him worry, where is every one? Where's the music? The babble of voices? He headed down the hall slowly, his heart pounded in his chest. "Kishra!?" He called but his nose picked up something that was definitely off, that copper smell of blood, and a lot of it, fresh, not like that old rot stuck to Piet's Ratel. "Hello?" He called, this time wondering if someone else would answer, but was only answered by an echo. Quintin found a staircase and headed down, and there he found the first body, clawed to death, intestines spilled completely, he gagged holding down the vomit. A tingle of anger grew in him, he knew it could only be Kishra, he followed the trail of bodies, getting angrier as he went, until he entered the main casino hall, dead, all dead, every last person slaughtered mercilessly. "Kishra!" He yelled suddenly despising his decision to join her last night. "Kishra! You f*****g b***h!" "I'm right here cat boy, no need to scream" She was sitting to his right, he never even noticed her, but to his complete disbelief she was in her werewolf form, the dress she threw over in the room now laying on a table near by, in her arm hung a girl, in her teens, probably unconscious. "You utter monster! Why have you done this!?" "I told you, it's a gift, to show you I'm no pushover, and my mother is ten times as dangerous" Quintin was furious, he looked at the girl under her arm "Is she alive?" "Yes, I only knocked her out" Kishra said shaking her "Wake up young one, nap time is over" "Don't you dare f*****g hurt her!" "Or what? You clearly stand no possible chance of stopping me" Kishra snarled at him, making him step back. The girl opened her eyes from the shaking, she then looked up at Quintin, but her face seems to recollect the events of earlier, she looked up at Kishra and screamed. "Let me go!" Tears started flowing from her eyes as she kicked and shoved to attempt at her freedom. "Be quiet" Kishra said giving her a dazing blow behind her head and dropping her. "f**k Kishra you made your point! Don't hurt that girl!" Though a wolf, Quintin could see her smile "Werewolf males find it absolutely breathtaking when a female werewolf presents them with a gift like this..." She held her paws open to the c*****e surrounding them "A whole ship dead, and the last survivor at his mercy, it's to prove to him that she's capable of handling herself, not afraid to get blood on her claws, and prove that she's powerful" "Do you see any male werewolves around Kishra!?" Quintin screamed looking at the girl, her eyes still in tears, she was muttering "Help, someone help me" looking up she saw him "Help!" "No males, but I see you Quintin, you asked me if I can abandon my mother and join you, but my ultimate goal here was to come bring you back to my mother" "Not after seeing this! Even before! This just sealed the deal! I'll never stand next to you!" Kishra laugher slowly "Very well, I knew you weren't really a wolf, this just proved it, now I leave you two choices, come with me... Or I bite the girl" Quintin stretched his eyes in shock, looking down the girl was also in panic. "Don't you dare!" "You can't say that to me Quintin, I can do! what I want!" She roared and grabbed the girl, utterly bewildered Quintin watched Kishra lift the girl by the back of her neck and hold her high. "This is your last chance Quintin!?" He looked the girl in her eyes, her eyes begged him to move but he couldn't, what could he possibly do? Without a full moon, he was practically human. "I..." "Time's up" She said, opened her jaws and slammed them shut over the girls shoulder. She screamed in agony and terror, Kishra swung her jaws left and right a few times to make sure they sink deep, then threw the girl over to Quintin. When she struck the ground he was over her on his knees, searching desperately for a way to stop the bleeding, but Kishra laughing had his attention up again. "That's my gift to you as an individual Quintin, she's the first person I ever bit, I took care not to just go and spread my venom around like my mother did, because in essence it might be too devastating" "What do you mean!?" "Cleopatra is my mother, my father, is Akmah-ra himself" "What!?" "Yes, it would be interesting to see what she becomes don't you think? I will leave her, I'll give her control over her actions... But as you know, without the one who turns her there to control her, she will go on a rampage and kill everything she sees" Kishra said laughing madly. "The game will be over! Werewolves will be exposed to the world, and who knows what will happen next!? Unless, you kill her Quintin!" Kishra continued laughing.
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