Chapter 4: Memories

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*Lilith*                We drove for what seemed to be a few hours out into the country, in the distance we could see a beautiful castle surrounded by greenery and forest everywhere, it was an amazing sight. I got super excited when we started driving towards it “Oh My Gosh Lilith, the castle looks amazing!” Cathy said super excited “I know right? I always wanted to see a castle” I said equally excited. “Oh, I can’t wait to explore, and take a run. Maybe some pictures too” she said never taking her eyes off the castle. She’s probably making her plans right now to go explore about.                We went through a gate at the bottom of the hill and then drove up, it was probably about a mile drive and the limo came to a stop on a roundabout with a fountain in the middle. I couldn’t stop looking around everywhere. The road all the way up was lined with trees on the sides giving the way shade. The trees stopped as the roundabout clearing came into view, the trees had turned into bushes, lining around with a few openings leading to gardens, and more clearings to each sides of the castle. At the front there was a wide set of stairs and giant double wooden doors with pine trees at each side of them, the pine trees were probably for decoration. The castle seemed to be about ten stories tall and had a few towers that I could see from this angle, it was an amazing sight being this close to it.                  The man from the airport opened the door for us holding a hand, out for us, to help us get out of the limo “ladies” he said again “thank you” Cathy and I said in unison. As we stepped out of the limo. The doors to the castle opened and out came a beautiful short girl with curly brown hair that came down to her waist, green eyes that just popped out from her beautiful brown skin. Next to her was a man almost a foot taller than her, skinny but muscular. His skin way lighter than hers they seemed like total opposites.                “I’ve been waiting so long to see you again my dearest cousin, I’ve missed you so much” she said as she walked up to me and embraced me in a hug. “Cathy it’s so nice to see you again as well” she then went up to Cathy and hugged her as well, I was so confused, Cathy knew my family? and she didn’t have the decency to tell me!. “Wait, what?” I asked looking at Cathy like she had just betrayed me “It’s nice to see you too Odalis” Cathy smiled at her “Lilith I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you before. But once your memories return everything will make sense” she looked at me apologetically, what was she talking about?                I was starting to get mad; she knew I had family, that even I didn’t know about! not to mention she probably knew what was going on with me and she just kept it to herself? I needed answers and I needed them now “what do you mean once I get my memories back? I want answers now!” I said angrily “and you will get them” said the man that had walked up with Odalis. I looked at him confused he hadn’t said a word until now and hadn’t introduced himself either. I glared at him, waiting for him to say something “my name is Darcel, I am a warlock and I’m here to restore your lost memories, and assist with any questions you may have, if I can answer them.”                I was beyond confused now and everything they were saying was giving me a headache, making me feel worse than I already was, it probably didn’t help that I was also hungry. “Why don’t we go have some breakfast and we can talk while we eat?” Odalis suggested “yeah that sounds good” I said defeated, but mostly hungry. We all walked inside the castle, as soon as we did my mood changed immediately; I was amazed with what I was seeing, it was beautiful! There was a huge open space, with a giant staircase in the middle leading to the top floors. All over the walls there were giant paintings of people and wolves. Women in beautiful dresses, and men in expensive looking suits. Obviously, they would be expensive, they live in a castle! what a stupid thought. We walked behind the stairs where there was another huge opening. There was a window the size of the wall looking to the outside on the other side of the window, as I looked, there was a beautiful garden, and not too far in the distance a forest surrounded the castle, the sight was breath taking.                We walked into a dining room that was big enough to fit more than 500 people, maybe even more, it was huge. There was a big table in the middle and smaller tables around it. There were people there, eating and talking to each other, having a good time. Were all of these people my family? We walked over to some spots that were open at the bigger table and sat down. As soon as we did three women came over and set plates in front of us. I was thinking they were maybe maids? but they were not wearing a uniform so maybe not? Who knows?                “So how is it that we are related? And how is Cathy involved in all of this?” I started the conversation “Before I answer that I have to know if you have an open mind about the supernatural?” Odalis cautiously asked me, raising an eyebrow at me. “I believe in many things, and I met with a Witch just two days ago, so I would say pretty open minded” I said looking at Darcel through the corner of my eye. I started to get irritated again “good that will make things easier. I am your cousin from your dad’s side of the family. My name is Odalis Darkwood, daughter of Alpha Derek Darkwood, twin brother of Blake Darkwood, your father. We are one of the strongest werewolf packs in this area” she proudly stated with her head held high.                “Holy s**t!” I accidentally said out loud “My dad has a twin brother and you’re werewolves?” I said amazed at the news I had just received. “We’re werewolves” Cathy smiled talking directly at me and pointing her finger to me then back to her back and forth a few times, my eyes widened at the realization “wait, what?” I asked “I’m part of this pack, I was sent to you a few years after your memories had been erased, we were friends before also, so, they thought you would feel more comfortable having me around, even though you didn’t remember me” “wow” that was all I could say, I didn’t know what else to say, I was finally getting some answers. Suddenly I had a feeling that my nightmares had nothing to do with this though and there was something else, even though these might not be the answers I’m looking for it was a start.                After we finished breakfast, we headed outside the castle towards the forest to get my memories back. “I’m going to need you to lay down on the ground” Darcel looked at me pointing to the ground where he had laid candles all around, I did as he instructed, the candles lit up by themselves as soon as I did “ok, now cross your arms over your chest and close your eyes” I closed my eyes and felt him put his hands on my temples, and around my head. He then started chanting something in another language; I felt nothing at first then all at once memories started rushing back. 
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