Part 25- Alive

1223 Words

"I saw her today. She's alive!" I said, confused about what to feel. I saw the fleeting surprise in his eyes, but what confused me was his expression that morphed into ire. Nana Mena started crying her heart out. " Andrea..." she sniffled. "Dammit..." he whispered the word with indignation before releasing a deep breath. His reaction to what I had just said floored me. Neither happiness nor great surprise at the news was registered in his eyes, rather he was upset. It was not the reaction I expected from him. In my mind, he would cry for joy and waste no time finding them and getting his sister back to our home. It turned out I would be disappointed. Very disappointed that I thought I had come home with terrible news for him. I looked at him in the eye. "You're not telling m

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