Part 24 - Surprise

1401 Words

I decided to finish work early. I wanted to shop for something. I didn't have anything in particular in my mind, but if I saw it, I would buy it. "Already leaving?" I gasped as I turned around to see Fred with reports in his hands. He had those curious eyes as he peered at my shoulder bag. I glanced at the elevator. It was still on the ground floor. "You startled me. Yes, going somewhere or straight home. I think somewhere," I lightly chuckled. "I always see your cousins with you in the car. They are with you everywhere. Kind of weird at first, but then, it could be something," there was understanding in his voice. "They're not really your cousins, are they?" There was no use denying it. He was too smart for that. "I'm sorry I lied to you about them. Yeah, they're not my cousins."

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