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"Who gave you the right to tell her any of this?!" "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked softly, as tears ran along my cheeks. Lillian looked at me with sadness. "I wasn't...I'm not Sorina's sister, her father just couldn't give both his daughters over, and they had met Sorina already so she couldn't back out. I was an apprentice but Sorina was my best friend, I considered her my sister." Lillian glared at Jacelyn, then back at me. "Did Mateo know what my grandfather did?" "Later he did, but he never said anything, he knew what that would mean, and he didn't want to start a war." "So you married Mateo and Dad..." "Your grandfather picked her for him, but Felipe hated your mother, hated what she was...and felt disgusted that he would have to mix his blood with a witch." She took my arm, where my family crest had been branded on my skin. "If he hated her...why did he not leave her?" "It was power, but not the kind he wanted, honey, he made sure none of you kids could use your magic, only you four are branded with the crest. It was blessed so it would block your magic from developing." I looked at Lillian than at Jacelyn, now excited. "Can we break the seal? Could I get my powers?" "Oh, honey..." "Yes, but it's not pleasant." Lillian growled at Jacelyn. "Why are you trying to keep her from her magic, which she has a right to?" "She hasn't prepared in over twenty years! The things she will go through just to get them..." "Lillian, if she's the heir to the Dan magic, she just needs to break the seal...nothing more." Lillian was scared for me, but I wanted to right this injustice to my mother. She had been denied her magic, her birthright. It ends now. "Lillian, I can't let her die twice, if her magic is in me I want to be able to use it...for Mom." She hugged me tightly, and nodded sadly. "Fine, but I want to be there when you're learning." "I'd like that." I said, giving her another hug, then turned to Jacelyn, " what must I do?" "You must break the seal, and make an offering to...." "That's black magic..." "It's strong enough to break the seal, white magic won't even make a scratch on that!" "You're pushing her toward black magic when we don't even know what she can wield yet!" "Just stop! When will it be strongest, to break it?" I asked them both. "The 30th of October." "What? Not on the 31st?" "No, that's when it can get dangerous, with the veil only partially opened. It will do the trick just fine." "Okay, then in three weeks, meanwhile I'll come up with something." With that, I got up and headed to my room, just taking in everything I had just heard. Noting that I had three weeks to try and break the seal on my arm. On Saturday morning, I had forgotten my date with William, and was just running to the library to look some stuff up, when I happened to run into him. "Hey, I'm sorry!" "Just seems to be the way we keep meeting." he commented as I helped him with some books he had in his arms. I picked up a couple and handed them back. "Thank you, I'm excited for tonight." "Right, tonight, me too." "So we're still on?" "Yes, of course," I said with a playful slap to his arm. "Okay, then I will pick you up at 8." "Sounds good." I replied as he walked away. I took a deep breath, barely saving myself. I headed into the library and looked through some books, but found nothing. Then, to my surprise, I ran into one. Which I took and sat down. I flipped through the pages, and sat there for a while, when I found a page. "Those that practice magic are followers of one of the three. White magic is healing and following the path of good, and a kind of holiness. Black magic is the purest evil there is, blood, pain, and suffering is what makes these witches draw power. Then there are those who fall in a gray area. Those are rare but do still exist. Their power is from wherever they choose, neither source is stronger than the other for the gray witch. These beings are born with their magic, and grown by practice." I read a little more, and understood that with magic there must be a balance, for every life there must be death. I would need to give something in place to ask for my magic, kinda a right of passage from my ancestors. Sitting back, I had to think carefully about what I was going to do. I suddenly looked at my watch, and quickly put the book back. Headed back home to get ready. Once at the house, I put on a dress, knowing that William was a rich guy, I was sure he was going to try and impress me. Luckily, I had bought a few dresses: One which was lacy and red, with a halter top look, and a dark green cold shoulder, it was a little safer, it didn't show so much skin. "I like the red better." I jumped so badly, but took a breath and turned. Chris was sitting on my window sill. "Well, tell that to Amanda, I'm sure she'll be happy to oblige." I said. He snickered a little. "Where are you going all nice?" "I have a date." I said, pulling out the other things I needed and checking what shoes I was going to wear. Chris just stood there in surprise. "A date?" "Yeah, why do you sound so surprised?" "I'm not...but..what happened with Dalton?" "Wow, you actually used his name...I told you he and I are just friends." "So let me guess, you called William back?" "Yes, Christopher, I did. Again, why do you sound so surprised?" "Again I'm not. I just thought you wouldn't be so keen on..dating." I realized why he was asking, and turned to look at him again. "Well, I think it's time I put myself out there, and try, don't you think?" "With someone you don't know and have no idea what he'd do?" I wanted to tell him this was to see if the family was into magic, but I felt if I did he'd tie me to the chair. I was scared and nervous, because even though this was for a job, I really didn't know what Will would do. "I can take care of myself." "I know you can, I'm still not going to stop worrying!" I smiled, I guess what Dalton was telling me was true, but I wasn't going to mix things. Chris was a cop, it was his job to worry. "Well, if you can leave so I could get changed, I'd appriceate it." Chris looked at me, his eyes so piercing and focused, as he walked toward me slowly, I tried to take a step back, but he caught me by the waist, hugging me close to him. His attention was on my lips, then he looked into my eyes. There was a moment when I wanted to close the space between us, he was just so close. "Just watch yourself, not everything that shines is gold, as they say," he said as he let me go and headed out the same way he came, the window. He was gone before I could say anything else. I chuckled at my own crazy mind, that man was waking things inside of me, and it made me nervous. I finished getting ready, and at 8 William came to get me. I left a note for Lillian, and we headed out. I was right, William was pulling out all the stops, his car for one was a Mercedes-Benz GT Class. It was so nicely kept I was afraid to get into it. He opened the door for me, helped me in, closed my door. Once he was inside, we buckled up and drove to dinner. I had never been in a car this expensive in my life, and I soon realized why women rarely went on dates with rich guys, or if they did, they felt as if they owed the man something. I mean this car was well over $80,000. The whole show was expensive for them to put on. "I hope you're hungry, and like Italian?" "I am, and I haven't had too much of authentic Italian food." "Really, well, I'm glad I'm your first." For some reason that hung in the air, before he chuckled, and corrected himself. "That sounded bad! I mean I'm glad to show you a new experience with food!" "I understand!" I smiled back. I took in William, now really looking at him. He was curly haired, it was cut in a neat crew cut, he didn't have sharp features, but he looked nice. His eyes focused and determination was clear in his expression. He was tall, with light muscles, not someone that lifts a lot, more a swimmer then anything. I could see any woman wanting to be with a man like that, but looks weren't everything. For me, it was the energy he gave. He's confident, but nervous. Sounds educated but not a snob, but then again, I haven't really spoken with him very much. That's what made me nervous. I had no idea what we were going to talk about at all. I barely finished high school and never even seen a college campus, so this was going to be interesting. Once at the restaurant, he came to open my door again, and helped me out. I held on to his arm, and we walked in. The restaurant was definitely high end, with chandlers and fancy wine glasses, silver-silver wear, fancy cloth napkins. I felt like royalty, as they took us to our table. William, spoke Italian to the waiter, and turned back to me. The waiter went to get the wine. William asked for. "Wow, I had no idea this place was even in town!" "Yeah, it was something my mother and father added a few years ago." "Oh, well, thank them on my behalf." A little sadness crossed his face, but he quickly smiled. "Thank you, I'll pass it along." "II tuo vino signore." "Grazie, we're ready to order." "Sei il benvenuto, what would the lady like this evening?" "Vorrei la pasta al pesto, per favore." I said clearly, my mother would be proud. "Al momento!" said the waiter and took William's order, then left us alone. William was gawking at me. I had taken him by surprise. "You speak Italian." "I speak a few languages." "Like?" "Spanish, Romanian, Italian, and a little of French." "And English." "Right, and English." "Where are you from?" "Well, I'm a Mexican-Romanian mix, but I was raised here in the US." "Wow, well color me impressed!" We continued to talk about favorite dishes. Even with hunting, I hadn't had the chance to really sit down and have good food, besides the taco trucks, and diner knock offs. William was well traveled and even when he told me of the places he wasn't bragging, or not directly anyway. He comfortably told me of what he did for his father, which was a Timeshares company. That's where he lost me. I pretended to understand, but I was in over my head now. Soon the food came, and we ate calmly and without awkwardness, when the last voice I wanted to hear tonight spoke right behind us. "Will, what are you doing here?" "I believe I told you I was going on a date." "I heard you but I didn't believe it, and I didn't know you'd be here with her!" "Nice to see you too, Amanda, Chris." Chris gave me the side grin, but otherwise didn't show any other indication that we were on speaking terms. "Well, isn't this fun, mind if we join you?" asked Amanda while taking a seat across from her brother, and Chris took the seat next to me. I groaned inwardly, this was going to be a long night.
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