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The night went on, with Amanda reminding me of my place as a poor person that was beneath her and her family. Chris would ask her to stop, while William said nothing. He was embarrassed by her, but didn't say anything. I felt bad for William, because there really wasn't anything serious between us, this was our first date after all. I just pretended that Amanda was telling jokes, and would laugh or chuckle, but I really wanted to knock her teeth in. She ordered her food, while William tried to get our bill but it wasn't coming for some reason. So we had to sit there and listen to Amanda talk s**t about me. " Well, that was a delicious dinner. What did you think, Alicia?" "Exquisite." I said, and she laughed at me. "Been reading a dictionary I see!" I rolled my eyes and just got up. "Alex?" "I'll be back." I said as William stood up looking worried. As I headed to the bathroom, I went in and just dabbed cold water on the back of my neck, still fighting back my anger and from reacting. "You okay?" I quickly turned around and found Chris behind the door. "What the hell are you doing in here? You're going to get both of us in trouble!" I whispered harshly. "You're tough, I would've cracked already." He said, getting really close and wrapping his arms around my waist again, like earlier. "I've had practice. What are you doing?" I said, trying to push him off. He just held me in his arms. What was he doing? "Just holding you, is that bad?" "It's weird." "Do you feel weird when I do it?" he asked calmly. I realized I didn't even mind, and him holding me actually made me feel secure. "That's not the point, Chris, you have a girlfriend and my date are both sitting out there waiting for us." "You're right." he said as he suddenly but very carefully pinned me against the wall. I looked at him. His arms loosened around me, and slowly moved up my back, as he leaned into my neck. My heart rate shot up, and I closed my eyes. As I waited for the pain of his fangs. It never did. I gasped in surprise as he gently nipped along my neck. He went up until he placed a soft kiss along my jaw, my cheek... "Are you scared of me, Alex?" he whispered, his lips just a breath away from mine. "No." I gasped out, waiting to feel his lips on mine. "Why?" he asked as he ran a light thumb along my bottom lip. "You haven't given me a reason to be." I said, now looking at him. "Should I give you a reason?" he asked as he placed another kiss on my jaw. "I..no..or I don't know." I said. Finally, he just kissed my cheek, and stood back. "We had better get back." "What?" I asked, now completely confused, but I shook my head. I looked back and he was gone. What the hell was all of that about? I fixed my dress and checked myself, to see if he had left anything on my neck. Once sure, I headed back to the table. William was now standing, waiting for me. Amanda and Chris were in a hushed conversation at the table. "Ready?" William asked, looking annoyed. "Yes, just needed to...take a breather." He gave me an understanding smile, and pointed with his hand toward the exit. I led the way out of the restaurant, until we were out in the chill of the night. The car was already waiting outside for us. I looked around and didn't see the valet. That was strange. He opened the door for me. Once we were both inside of the car, he pulled out sharply, and sped away from the restaurant. "William, are you okay?" "No, I knew my little sister was a b***h, but I've seen her in a whole new light!" His comment took me aback. I never thought I'd hear that come out of his mouth. "Don't let her spoil tonight. I had fun and got to try something new, thank you." I knew I shouldn't, but I placed a light hand on his arm. He relaxed greatly under my touch. He took a deep breath and chuckled. "Thank you for that. I'm glad you enjoyed our date." I smiled at him, and the rest of the drive was quiet. Once at the house, he walked me to the door. "Well, if it weren't for my sister, I think that night would've been nicer, but..." "Like I said, I had fun, and learning something new, and getting to know you." He gave me a shy smile, and took my hands in his. "You're too kind, but thank you, and good night." "Good night, Will." again I really shouldn't, but I gave him a light peek on the cheek, and walked into the house. I didn't move from the door until I heard the car drive off. I sighed a little ashamed of what just happened. "Hey, how did it go?" Lillian asked. I'm guessing she had heard the door. "Good, until Amanda came to ruin the vibe." "You went out with Chris?" "What no, with her brother William." "Oh, just thought I'd ask.." "Why would you think it was Chris?" "Oh, my little girl, you're wired for hunting, not man hunting." "Meaning?" "The way he looks at you, sweetheart. Everyone has noticed. The way he finds excuses to see you, it's not like him at all." "Well, he wasn't the one that asked me out, besides he's taken, and I doubt the leech on his arm would let him go so easily." Sadness pasted over Lillian's eyes, but she gave me a smile and a nod. "Good night, my little girl." "Good night Lillian." I headed up to my room, and to my surprise, found a couple of red roses on my pillow and a note. "the smell of your skin, is forever now in my mind, and I await the time to have you close again." C I had to smile at how cheesy the note was, but it also sent my heart fluttering. What really was going with Chris, that he was suddenly so....I shivered at the memory of the bathroom. For the first time in my whole life, I was excited by a man. Smiling to myself, as I put the roses in some water. I went to change, and climbed into bed, now giddy with excitement, but I remembered that I needed to keep a cool head. I was walking into dangerous territory and it was about to get more dangerous. The next few days, I kept myself so busy: at the bakery, researching for both William's family and mine, and for the day I broke the seal on my arm. The only time I gave myself time to breathe was to train. I still ran the old running paths, even if I was now a little scared of running into Amanda and her minions. I was just running by where I had found the woman, when a rustling moved the bushes. I stopped dead in my tracks. This time I had brought a knife. My thought was that I was ready for whatever, but when a puppy came out of the bushes, whimpering and then barking toughly at me. "Hey, where did you come from, you little mutt?" I said jokingly and knelt down to greet it. It sniffed the ground, and then looked at me. "Come 'ere, I won't hurt you." It came carefully toward me, until it sniffed my fingers and wagged its tail. Then wanted to play. "Hey, wait a second, let me check you real quick." I told her and then checked for tags or some kind of ID, but nothing. "Hmm, I guess you're a stray. I want you to come home with me. I have no idea if Lillian likes dogs but we can always ask, come on!" I put her down, and ran with her right behind me. Once at the house, I listened for Lillian, and heard her in the living room, my guess, with John. I walked in and headed for the living room. Yes, John was here and he gave me a knowing look. "Hey, hon, how was your run go?" "Um..it went well, but..." "What happened now!?" I looked down and the puppy came out from behind me, she went straight to John, and he picked her up and started to pet her. "I found her along the running path, and I was wondering...did Mom ever have a familiar?" "A familiar, the whole family had the one, but she never got one after she married your father." "And I hate to be a bearer of bad news, Alex, this isn't even a dog, not completely, this little one has wolf in her." "Oh, is that bad?" "No, but if you do claim her as a familiar, with help of your power, she can change shape." "What like what wolves do?" "Well, not into human, but like a bigger wolf/dog, or even another species." "Really!? But you're okay with me keeping her?" "Yeah, just treat her right and take care of her." "Oh please Lillian, I've always wanted a dog!?" Lillian looked at John, then at me, and then the puppy really laid the puppy eyes on her. "Fine, but she's your responsibility!" "Thank you!" I said, giving both John and her a hug. Then headed out to buy some dog food and other things she needed. Once in town, I picked her up and went into the store with her. To my luck, everyone wanted to pet her and I even ran into Dalton, who she really liked. He left and I finished getting things. Once I brought everything, I walked out with her on a leash. "Okay, don't pull on this, I'm just trying..." I barely moved as Amanda slapped the bag out of my arm. It would've been me, but this time I had been paying attention. "You know you should really watch where you're going!" "You should really keep your hands off people. You never know if they'll rip one off!" I said calmly, but my puppy growled at Amanda for me. "Was that a threat?" Amanda got up all in my face. "Take it however you want, but you'll know when I'm threatening you!" "Oooo, so scary, little Alicia is so intimidating!" She teased. I felt my fist ball up, but I didn't punch her. "Get a life, Amanda, instead of ruining everyone else's!" With that, I walked away and turned to pick my bag up, but was surprised to see Calista standing there with it. "Mind if I walk with you?" "Not at all." I said, taking the bag from her and we walked away to Lillian's house. We walked in silence for a good way, until she brought me to a stop. "Why?" "Why, what?" "Why did you help me, when I attacked you, and you know it was me that almost killed you?" "Like I told your Dad, I don't hold grudges. I've always hated how people use friends, family, or just innocent people to take the fall for them. I know you attacked me. Don't ask me how, but I do, but I also know that you weren't to blame. Not completely. I'm not sure what I did for you to hate me, but.." "I don't hate you, it's just my brother...he told me he liked you...and I've seen you with him, all flirty with Chris, and now with William. I just wasn't sure what to make of you." "Okay, Dalton and I agreed we're friends. William just asked me out a few nights ago, once. And Chris...I don't know." "It's obvious he likes you better." I wasn't sure what to say. So we kept walking for a bit without saying anything.
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