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After a while, of silence, I stopped again, and turned to look at Calista. "What makes you think that Chris likes me?" "Please, even a blind man could see it." "Because if that were true, any man with sense, would break up with the person they don't want, and go after the one they do, right?" Calista laughed at me. "I don't doubt it, but Amanda is like a bear trap, once you fall into it, it's hard getting out. On top of her father being the richest man in town, he also has good connections, he would make Chris's life hell, just to make his daughter happy." "So much for a safe place to be." Calista smiled, and we kept walking. "Do you like him?" "Um..that's..I don't know." "Why not? I mean, have you seen the man?" "Yeah, I've seen him, but it's just..I've never...I've never had a boyfriend or really had a crush on anyone, so I can't even say if what I'm feeling is..." "Lust or love?" "Right." " See us supernaturals like to have fun, and vamps are notorious for simple hook ups, but you also have to try and take notice." "Of what?" "We wolves are not shy when it comes to our mates, touching, kissing, hugging, and sniffing are things we just want to say we do freely with our mates. Vamps like to get into your head, as they say, give you a little taste here and there, leaving you wanting more." I felt a shiver run down my spine, her description was so spot on. "Right..but he..hasn't been doing that with me." I lied calmly. "Well, be ready if he does. He'll be testing the waters if he's interested." "And they do these head games with everyone and anyone?" "Well, I wouldn't even know how they'd act with a potential mate honestly." "Hmm, well I'll keep that in mind." She smiled and we continued to the house. The week before the unsealing, I took Mina, that's my puppy's name, for her walk. When my phone rang. "Hello?" "Alex, it's William." "Hey, what's going on, I haven't heard from you for a while?" "After dinner, I wanted to give you the chance of the waters settling, but I was wondering if you ride horses?" "Um… a little." "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go horseback riding with me?" I was about to say no, but this was a chance to get into the house, so I had to swallow my nerves and agree. "Well, I might not ride so much but I would like to try, sure." "Great, I'll come and get you, and I'll have a set of clothes here for you to change into." "Change of clothes? What for?" "For riding horses, it will be chilly the next few days." "Okay, as long as it's not on Thursday, I made plans with my aunt for that night." "No, it's for Monday. Does that work for you?" "Sounds great, see yea Monday then." "Sounds good, bye." "Bye." I hung up the phone, and looked down at Mina, who looked worried, "what do you think it's a bad idea?" She seemed to sigh and kept walking. I followed her and just thought that Monday was going to be interesting. Monday rolled around and, true to his word, it was a chilly morning when William came to get me. He was dressed very laid back, which made him look more kicked back. This time he came in a truck, a big red pick-up truck. We jumped in and buckled up. Soon we were headed into very thick forest. It was also sprinkling rain. We were driving for maybe thirty minutes, when signs of a house and a ranch started to show. I started to feel a buzz along my skin, there was some kind of magic here. There was a guard and a guard house, next to a big, tall, iron gate which now that I noticed, was spread out wide. "All this land is your family's?" "Yup, it has been since my parents first moved out here." "Wow, its amazing!" He smiled with pride, as he drove toward the parking lot. I saw another truck next to a pink Porsche. It was a GMC Sierra, not the newest but still a good looking truck. William, parked the truck and turned it off. Then climbed out and opened my door. "Thanks." I said, jumping out, but he took hold of my hand. Then he turned to lead me inside of the country house. The grounds were well kept and bushes trimmed to perfection. Inside, I had to stare. It was all the beauty of an old English country house, but with a little more modern style, but still breath-taking. As we walked in, Amanda and Chris were walking down from up stairs. My stomach dropped. Chris was looking at me but then at mine and William's clasped hands. "What the hell is she doing here?!" "What we're doing is none of your business, Mandy, so back off!" William said sternly, pulling me away, down the hall, and out to the back of the house. He stopped and took a breath, holding his head. "Hey, are you okay?" "Yeah, she's just insufferable! I'm sorry about her." "No, little sisters, got to love them." William smiled at me, I was suddenly very aware how close he was, as he leaned in closely, his face slowly getting closer to mine. I froze, and didn't move. Which let him kiss me, lightly, I barely remembered to react, but just let him. I wanted to scream or just push him off me, but I fought it all down. He slowly pulled back, with an expression showing he had enjoyed the kiss. I forced myself to act coy, and smile up at him. He shook his head. "I'm sorry, I have no idea what came over me!" I couldn't talk, my throat had gone dry, but I just acted as if too shy to talk. He then placed his hand on the side of my face, and was about to kiss me again. When I heard a throat clear next to us. We both turned and it was an older man. "Yes, Westfred?" "Your father, would like a word, sir." He growled, but nodded. "I bet I know what about. Excuse me, I'll be back. Westfred show Alex to the changing room." "Yes, sir." William walked away and headed up stairs. As I watched him leave, my heart was calm again. "This way, miss." Westfred pointed with his hand. I walked and he walked behind me, he took me to the room and left me there. When the door closed, I released the breath I had been holding, and I was shaking really badly. I dropped onto the small couch, and just took deep steadying breaths. Then once I was calm, I turned to look at the get-up I was given and groaned. "I have jeans on, and even a long sleeve. I should've brought a jacket but I'm not wearing this." I said to myself. Then again, he had a better idea about horse back riding than I would ever have. So I was about to take my shirt off, when someone just barged in. "What the hell!?" "Get the hell out of my house, you stupid b***h!" Amanda yelled at me, but was soon followed by William. "Leave Alex alone, why are you always ruining everything?!" "Please, it's plain as day this gold-digging tramp is with you for the money!" "We haven't even done anything that had to do with money, just because that's what you are..." "How can you take her side over mine, I'm your sister!?" "You act like a control freak, b***h, not my sister, just like..." William stopped dead and Amanda looked very hurt. Without saying anything, I pushed past them both, and headed for the door. "Alex!" William called after me, but I was already outside, " Alex, wait!" "No, Will, I'm not going to pretend anymore, your sister hates me and I'm not going to smile and be nice anymore. I get it she's looking out for you, but I won't be the one to worsen what little relationship you do have, so..let's stop while we're ahead!" "Alex, I can't let you go...it's been like this my whole life. I never had control of who I saw, or talked to, or socialized with! That all ended when my mother died. I won't let Mandy ruin this for me!" "I'm sorry, Will, I can't...I just can't." I said and headed down the dirty road. "Alex, at least let me give you a ride back!" "I can take her back." I heard and dreaded turning around to look. It was Chris. William was pleading with his eyes for me not to go, but I wasn't going to keep playing with him. So I got into the truck with Chris and we drove off. Looking at the poor guy's face, was going to hunt me for ever. "That didn't go as planned, did it?" "What ?" "Dalton, told me what you were doing and it's smart but stupid at the same time." "Hey!?" "You start putting your feelings into the situation and it goes south real fast." "Really, like you and Amanda?" He didn't say anything about that. "I've done this before, I just never had a crazy sister, on my ass at the same time." He looked at the road, then looked at me in a very serious way. "You would've done anything to find the truth? " "Maybe." "Even get into bed with him?" I glared at Chris. I have done a few things in my past, but not that far. "I don't know." "This is a different level of job, Alex, it's deeper and more dangerous, there are chances you get pulled in too far, with no way out." I looked at him, then back at the road, then realized we weren't heading back to town. "Where are we going?" "A short cut." Something was telling me, this was a very serious situation. Then he stopped right in the middle of thick forest, then jumped out of the truck. "Chris, what are we doing here?" "You need to learn a lesson, one you're too scared to learn, so let's get the show on the road, shall we?" he said, taking his shirt off. I started to panic, as he was suddenly gone, and my door flew open. He pulled me out of the truck with his vampire strength. His eyes were completely white, and his fangs were bared. I didn't have to think. I pulled out my switch blade and fought him off. Then he did something I wasn't expecting, he went back to normal. His beautiful side caught me off guard for some reason. Before I knew it, he launched at me, pinning me under him. That's when I started getting flash backs, the way he was holding me down, and just the way I felt his body on me. My mind was locked into the memory, and I could see anything else. Just my attackers face. "That's right. beg me...beg me to stop!" I heard him, but it was Chris's voice. I looked at my attacker's face, the way he smiled as I had cried. Then I felt my anger, replace my fear. "No!" I screamed without thinking. I brought the switch blade up and felt it hit flesh. I gasped as I came out of my panic attack, and realized I had stabbed Chris in the side. He got off me. Breathing heavily as he smiled at my reaction, almost proud of how I had handled myself. "You did it." "Chris are you..are you okay!?" "Yeah, I'll be fine, but see how you let your fear take over? And how quickly you can knock out of it?" "Was that really necessary?" "It did the trick, didn't it?" "Yeah, I just stabbed you!" He grinned and he led me back to the truck. Right as we got to the door. "Oh, actually I did forget something." "What?" I asked. I couldn't imagine what he could possibly forget to do to scare the s**t out of me. When he pinned me against the truck and pulled me into a hungry kiss.
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