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I felt my body go into a kinda shock, but then I felt a fire go into a blaze inside of me. I had never wanted someone so much in my life. His kiss was better than I could ever imagine. He pulled my legs up and warped them around his waist. Just the little friction between us was driving me crazy, then he suddenly bit my neck. The mix of pain and pleasure sent me over the edge. As I came down from my high and catching my breath, I noticed Chris had gone super still. "Chris?" I asked, pulling my legs away from him. He looked shocked, " Chris, what's wrong?" "Let's get back to town." he said, just going around and getting in. I was confused about what had just happened. I got in the truck, and we drove off. The whole trip back to town was so silent and tense. Guilt started to settle, he was with Amanda, and I had no right to get in the middle of whatever toxic relationship there was between them. Once we stopped in front of Lillian's house, he parked and looked at me. "What happened in the forest..." "Was a mistake, and meant nothing." I finished for him, just as the guys said on the TV. Chris gave me a serious look, but then a smile spread. "Right, I'm glad we're clear on that. Second, have you thought about my offer?" I scuffed typical guy. "Yeah, and yes, I'll help you out." "Good." "On one condition." "What's that?" "You tell your boss, I'm not going to be getting in trouble because of you." He looked taken aback, but nodded. "Fine, but what if someone asks why you're working with us?" "Come up with something, you're such an awesome actor after all." I said and jumped out of the truck, " just let me know when you need information." With that I closed the door before, he could say anything. I walked to the door when I wanted to run and just bury myself. Being stupid enough to fall for an asshole who faked caring for me, to get into my pants probably. Once inside and the door was closed, I let my tears fall. I had trusted that not all men were the same. Had, for a glorious moment, thought that someone...could love me. Anger flared and I ran up stairs to my room. Grabbed the roses and the note and threw them out the window, and just cried. "Stupid...You're a f*****g i***t!" I scolded myself, burying my face in my pillow and screamed. After a while, all the crying got me to sleep, and I let it go. I just wanted to forget today, and forget about men. Somehow, I just couldn't get his touch out of my dreams, and when I woke up, the cold reality hit me harder. Tuesday was calm, Jacelyn came over and told me to drink some potion to ready my body to receive my magic. I was to drink only this and not eat all day. I agreed but talked with Lillian, she reluctantly agreed. She and I were going to be staying home for the rest of the week, just to be safe. After I took the first swig of the potion, the patio started to take effect. I wasn't feeling hungry or thirsty for the first part of the morning. The second portion was a little different. I started to get sick puking up what I didn't have inside my stomach. For the rest of the time, I was sweating and delirious. By the time I had to go to sleep, I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or actually awake. The next morning, I could have a light breakfast, but nothing with meat. I ended up skipping it. I was still feeling sick. A while after noon, Lillian helped me bathe in a tub of herbs and rose petals, carefully dried me, and covered me in a simple kind of robe. When five o'clock rolled around, my body started to feel a light currant, and abuzz with energy. Jacelyn, came to get us, and we drove for a while into the forest, then walked the rest of the way. We arrived at a clearing. To my surprise, John, Dalton and Calista were there and a whole circle of other women. Lillian, walked me toward a kind of alter. Then stood back. For a moment, I thought Jacelyn was going to lead the ceremony, but she had even taken her place in the circle. I looked around, when suddenly everyone knelt down on one knee. "It brings me pride to see you, my little girl." I felt a jolt in my chest as I turned to look back at the alter, to find my mother standing there. "Momma?" I asked in a small voice, she smiled and invited me into her arms. I ran toward her and was shocked to find that she was solid. I held on tightly to her as she did me, kissing my head. "My baby, you've grown up so much and ready to take your place." "Why didn't you tell me, Momma, I could've helped you?!" I cried, but she looked sternly at me, then behind her. "My fate was sealed, and I gladly accepted it because now you're here, ready." I nodded and she kissed my forehead. "What kind of magic will I get?" I asked her. "Nobody knows, if I would've trained you from when you were young, we'd have an idea, but I didn't and now I can't even start to tell you." "Even the fact of what side I'll be on?" "Even that, I don't know." I took a deep breath, and stepped back. "Then I'm ready." I said, standing tall. She smiled with pride as she looked at me. "As the one to bless the seal, my blood is that one that can unseal it. Just be ready for what's to come after be strong. My little girl, you've made me so proud." "Thank you, Momma, I love you." "And I you." She took her place at the altar, then I felt the full blast of her power hit me. "We welcome,our new sister to the circle!" She put her hand on my shoulder. "Alessandra Sorina Dan!" I said loudly, Mom's eyes filled with joy as I took her name as my own. Then took my marked arm, raised it up, and I held it up as she took a dagger, and made a cut on her finger, then made a kind of symbol on the mark. "Sangele meu. Cadoul meu. Puterea mea." she said. The mark started to burn and hurt, as she continued to chant, until she suddenly grabbed my arm right over the mark. A pulse of power ran through my arm, and time seemed to slow down. Then it hit, my whole body started to burn from the inside out. I fell to my hands and knees as I puked again. This time it was blood. My whole body was shaking and burning. I screamed when the feeling reached my head, then I opened my eyes, as if to throw a ball. I released it as the force of that hit everyone else, knocking them to the ground. Everything was calm, my arm still burned a little, but otherwise everything was calm. Carefully, I got to my feet, and looked around at the others, who were also getting up. Then I turned to look at Mom. "A gray witch has been born!" she declared to the others. They all cheered and hollered in joy, I guess. I turned to look at Mom. She continued with the rest of the ceremony. She made Mina, my familiar, and told me one bit of information I wasn't expecting. "My mate? I thought that was just wolves." "No, as a member of the supernatural world now, you have a mate." "Okay, Um...what do you have for me?" "A letter of his name." "Just a letter?" "Yes, would you like to know it?" I thought about all the guys I've been around lately, and was really just having mixed emotions. "Okay." "The letter is A." "That's a little disappointing, but is it his first name or last or second name?" "I can't say, all I can say is his name starts with A." "Huh, well thanks for the heads up." She smiled, but kissed my forehead again. "This ceremony has concluded. Welcome your new sister!" Everyone clapped and cheered, when I turned to say something else to Mom, she was already walking away, and just turned long enough to kiss her hand and send it to me. Before disappearing. "Good bye, Momma." I whispered and turned back to the others. Lillian came forward and gave me a big hug. " So why did you make me come out with nothing but a robe?" "Black witches sacrifice something when a new black witch joins their circle, just covering bases." I had to laugh, as I greeted everyone, and got to meet the white witches, the black ones had disappeared. Under the oath in the town, they couldn't kill any of the witches here. So they left. Soon we started toward the cars, and headed home. Back at the house, we had a little party. My stomach was still a little upset. So I didn't eat much, just nibbled. After a while, I excused myself and headed upstairs to bed, I took a quick shower, and got dressed. I looked down at my mark, it had no power anymore. I was set free tonight, and hopefully with a brighter future. The next morning I woke up with a fever. I didn't understand why, until Lillian explained that it was all backed-up magic. My magic was piling up inside of me. "How do I fix that?" "Training would help." "But I don't even know what I can do." "And you won't find out, lying in bed." I reluctantly got up, and got into my workout clothes. She took me to a place where it was quiet and open. She told me to focus and let go. I wasn't sure about what, so I just thought of flying. "Alex?" Asked Lillian. I opened my eyes and I was floating. I broke my focus and fell to the ground. "Ow!" "That was cool!" She said, coming to help me up. "I wish it didn't hurt so much." "Let's try something smaller. Oh, look, that rock." I focused on the boulder and it floated. It did take great focus, when I suddenly got a vision of something and I quickly turned around just as my vision saw Dalton came bolting toward us in his wolf form. I guess she caught my surprise, because suddenly, a huge Mina came out of nowhere and tackled Dalton. "Mina, stop, it's Dalton!" I said, getting in the middle. She stopped but glared at him. Dalton changed back to human, he was naked. I gave him my jacket to cover up, even if it didn't bother him, to be naked in front of two women. "Thanks, but I really need your help!" "With what?" "There was another attack, it looks like it was a couple days ago, but like before. I couldn't pick up on anything, and Chris told me you were helping." "I don't think it's a good idea!" Lillian spoke up behind me. "I know I'm still a little off, but I do have a deal with Chris." She gave me a look, she wasn't mad at me, exactly more like Chris using me, but she nodded and I called huge Mina. I climbed onto her back, and waited until Lillian was safely in her car before following Dalton to the crime scene. It wasn't far from the site where we had done the ceremony. I got off Mina, and walked toward the scene. Chris was talking to a woman. She looked young, maybe in her teens or early twenties. He barely looked up at me, and I kept looking around. When I walked into the house, visions played out in my head, from the person's point of view, they walked in behind her, followed her into the house, they stopped at the couch, she brought something to the person, then they pulled out something and stabbed her. When I came out of my vision, I was sitting on the couch right where the suspect had sat. "What do you have, Alex?" asked Chris, who was standing by the couch. I got up and went over to the young woman. "Was your Mom seeing someone?"
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