2009 Words
Over the next few days, I noticed that there was a type of tension. Between Chris and I, everyone was trying to avoid being in the same room as us. I didn't have a problem with him, but I wasn't catching something. I got into looking into the deaths in town, and I also realized that the attack on me had been a hit. From who I was looking into it, because if Julian was using magic, it wasn't from...Dad. I made a few calls to see if any of my contacts had seen my brothers around. Two of the six had. That was when I had been further north. They barely missed me. According to my contact, they had wanted to talk with me. I wasn't going to say that was the truth, but if it was Armando, then it could be. As I looked into these things, I happened to need to talk to Chris about something when I heard him talking on the phone. I could hear the person on the phone too. "I can't just up and leave right now." " Amery, desperate times call for desperate measures. I have three deaths on my hands, a lot of the super natural community is getting uneasy!" I knocked lightly and walked in. He looked up at me. Sighing. "Let me call you back in a few minutes." he hung up the phone and his attention was fully on me. "What's going on, it sounded like a job?" "It is, but it's in Vegas, three witches dead." "That seems to be a popular thing. Do they have any leads?" "No, that's the problem, like us the people that could help them don't and their wolves also have the same as Dalton and John did, no scent to follow and no trail of anything." "So why are they calling you?" He looked annoyed at the thought but he sat up. "Rumors fly..they heard about your ability and they know you're working for me." "What happened to keeping me on the down low?" "I tried but others talk too, there's a bit of a catch." "What's that?" "They don't know you're my mate." I scoffed. That didn't surprise me. "So?" He was now glaring at me with those pearly eyes. It wasn't my fault he wanted to keep me secret. "You're still working things out, Alex, I can't just have you jump right into things." "Kind have to, Chris, it's one of those things." Again I could feel that tension, but he nodded. "Fine, I'll make arrangements." I gave him a small headbow, and walked out of his home office. I walked outside into the cold. I couldn't feel it anymore, but I knew it was cold. "Hey girl?" "Calista? What are you doing here?" "Avoiding the house." "No news of Dalton?" "No, and Dad's worried, and poor Lillian is trying to keep him calm." I shook my head. When I heard Dalton had left with the b***h, I couldn't believe it. I know when a super natural finds their mate it's not something taken lightly, but something about her always seemed off. "What are you doing out here?" "Just trying to cool down." Calista smiled. "I heard Dad discussing things with Lillian. You two haven't made it official and it's driving Chris batty." "I thought we had? I mean I live with him, and we spend time with each other all the time." "Girl, that's part of it, but for a wolf or, in this case, a vampire, marks his mate as his...kinda like when a man gives a woman a wedding ring, but in our cases, the mark is the engagement, the wedding and the honeymoon all in one. You're that one creature's forever." "So Chris...is just going to bite me again?" I asked, confused. "Okay, it's similar to how a mother sheep finds her lamb around the lookalike, her scent is all over that lamb. A mate carries her mates' scent so other males or females know who you belong to." "Hence him marking territory." I said, a little frustrated. She chuckled. "But if we both know we're mates, why is he so frustrated?" "Because even though it's meant to be between you two, someone could try and steal you away. a mating is permanent." "What if we fall out of love?" "Love? Girl, this honestly doesn't start with love." I was so confused, so I didn't ask anymore. "So what Chris is feeling is s****l tension?" "Oh, yeah, he's probably imagining you two going at it in that office!" I had to laugh, as she did too. "You're awful!" I said, laughing. "Girl, you really have no idea how awesome you are. I'm not surprised someone like Chris is your mate." "Thanks, but it's all about surviving for me, it always has been." "Well, whatever you call it, it's made Chris fall head over heels." "How can you know that? I can't even tell?" "His eyes, Alex, his eyes tell you everything. The way he looks at you when you walk into a room, when you're close to him, if my mate looked at me like that...damn." I felt a chill run up my back after she said that. "We've been doing...some heavy flirting." "Heavy flirting...the hell is that?" "You know...we tease each other with words and we end up making out, but he won't let me take it further." "You do realize the man is like a hundred years old, right?" "Six hundred...and so?" "For those older men, you kind have to take the reins, they'll be doing that 'heavy flirting' for months!" "But I've tried and he won't...budge!" "Then you'll have to bring out the big guns, and I don't mean just show up naked, I mean do a little foreplay, you know, let his own mind drive him crazy, then when he least expects it...WHAM!" "When did he become a fly?" "You get what I mean, don't you?" "Fine, I'll try it." "And I don't mean going out and buying lingerie or anything. I mean something only you do, that makes him turn to look at you." I stood there trying to think, but nothing was coming to me. "I have a thought, but I'll let you know." "That's my girl!" she said, giving me a hug. Soon, we went inside and I grabbed some food and something to drink for both of us. When Chris came in, I looked up at him, and his eyes told me he was worried, but then softened when they spotted me. "Hey, everything is done. We leave tomorrow." "Okay, I'll go pack up." I said it but I didn't move, which he noticed and raised an eyebrow at me. "What?" "Now." I rolled my eyes. "I have a guest, Chris, I'll do it later then." That's when I noticed the tension again. He liked it when I argued with him? Calista gave me a look, she had caught it too.I sighed and took my peeled banana and bit it as I walked past him. Calista fought not to laugh. As we made our way upstairs to my room, I could feel his eyes on me. "Girl, you should've seen his face!" "I should've gotten the ice pop then." I said, pulling out my bag. I pulled out some clothes, and put them in the bag. That's when Calista saw my pajamas. "He hasn't given you one of his shirts?" "No..I haven't asked for one." "Girl!" she took the pajamas out of the bag and back in my drawers. She was about to say something when Chris knocked and walked in. "Calista, your father just called. He wants you home." "What am I five?!" "Hey, I didn't ask to be the babysitter either, but here we are." She groaned but gave me a look, which told me not to bag any pajamas. I smiled at her, gave her a hug and she headed out. I was chuckling as she left. "What's so funny?" He asked. I shook my head, and put my bag down. "Nothing, you know, Calista." He just had a serious face as he looked at me. "But you have everything you need, right?" "Yes, thank you!" With that, he walked out of my room and closed the door. As I looked at the door, it hit me how true what Calista was saying. Chris is in the habit of having women throw themselves at him, and for the first time, a woman that wasn't throwing herself at him was driving him crazy. I thought about what I was going to do to really push some buttons. The next morning, and I do mean early morning. About four in the morning, Nicholas came to wake me. I washed my face, and did some light makeup, and pulled my hair back in a pony tail. I got dressed and headed downstairs with my bag. Chris was already waiting for me. Once down, we walked out into the cold, and according to him. We were able to use a private plane, we got to where we were getting picked up and got onto the plane. Once on the plane, we took our seats. "How long are we staying in Vegas?" "Two days, maybe more?" "Oh, well, I didn't pack for more then two days." "I'll buy you more clothes if needed." "I know but I would've rather brought clothes from home, instead of wasting money on more clothes." I said it firmly, which made him look at me. Any other woman would be over the moon, to waste his money. Not me. Mate or not, I didn't feel comfortable with that I wasn't a gold-digger. The flight was quiet, as I went back to sleep. An hour later we landed, and once there we went straight to the police station. I was looking around at the big signs and the morning lights, it still looked amazing even if it was morning. We got out of the taxi, and headed inside. My glamour eye still worked, this office had fewer super-natural beings than ours did, but I could still see the demons, wolves and one she vampire. She was eyeing Chris with lustful eyes. "Chief. Gunner." I heard the voice and froze. I looked around to look at the man. I felt my heart stop. "I'm so glad you could make it." "This is my partner, Sorina Dan." Chris meant well, but I really wish he hadn't used my new name. Chief Gunner stopped and really looked at me. He recognized me. "Ms, Dan it's nice to meet you." "Chief." I said, putting my hand out, he took it and we shook hands. "We would like to see the crime scenes if that's okay?" said Chris. "Yes, of course, I'll happily take you myself." We got in a car, he kept glancing back at me, then when we got to the scene. We got out and he just looked at me. I got to work. There was something different. Who ever this was didn't seduce his way in, he didn't take his time to earn her trust, he just attacked and killed her. We went to the other places, and just like the first one. "You still have the third body in the corner office, right?" I asked. He just gave me a little disbelieving look. "Yes, she is." "I would like to see her." I said. The chief looked at Chris, he nodded and he took us to the morgue. The young guy pulled out the woman's body from a cooler. I touched her hand but nothing. This time the guy had been smart. I couldn't see his face. "What did you see?" "Nothing, this time he wore a mask and he didn't take time to seduce the women, he's just attacking them out right." Chris nodded at that moment his phone rang, and he went to answer it. I thanked the young guy and turned to be face to face with Gunner. "Little Alessandra Redcliff."
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