2010 Words
(Alex's POV) These past few days felt like a nightmare. I tried and tried to wake up but I couldn't. I felt myself pulled back into the darkness. I screamed and fought my way through, and when I finally made it out, I could hear hearts pumping..blood. If Jacelyn hadn't been there when I woke up I'd probably freaked out. I noticed I could smell scents, my throat was dry, but thankfully, water still fixed that, my body still felt tired and weak, but Jacelyn said it would take time to recover from the events. This morning, finding Chris still next to me gave me a kind of hope. He asked Jacelyn to help me get cleaned up and dressed. I was nervous with what just happened when he said he was leaving. The panic I felt..was that normal? Once I was clean, I couldn't help noticing how on edge I was. "Alex, calm down, you're safe." Jacelyn said, firmly. I could smell her fear a little, I was scaring her. I took a very deep breath and got out of the bath tub. She helped me into my clothes, and brushed my hair back. We were just getting done, when the door flew open. "Alex!" Lillian cried and tried to run toward me, but Jacelyn stopped her, "let go of me!" "She's gone through the change, Lillian, you need to be cautious." Jacelyn warned her. Lillian looked at me with tearful eyes. "My little girl, you don't deserve this!" she dropped to the floor in a sobbing heap. I walked over to her and hugged her. She sobbed in my arms. "You can't blame yourself for everything that happens to me, Lillian, I'm a walking target. It has nothing to do with what you've done for me." "I'm supposed to keep you safe, Alex, I promised your mother...I've failed so much!" "Lillian, no you haven't, this...this is just a new path that has opened up for me, you have nothing to feel guilty of." She pulled away, as she looked at me. "I don't even recognize you anymore, you've grown up so fast." I smiled and helped her up. She helped me get downstairs, where John, Chris and Nicholas were waiting. John's eyes lit up, letting his wolf look at me. I guess we weren't going to be as friendly as before. He was here as the Alpha, not as John. I lowered my eyes and kept walking with Lillian, as she led me into the dining room. She helped me get to my seat, and soon a woman brought out some food. Some raw and some cooked. I looked at the dishes, then up at the others. "What's this about?" "I'm sorry, dear Alex, but we need to see how far the change went." said Chris, taking a seat next to me. I looked back at the dishes, I could smell them all, but just to be safe. I took a cooked fried chicken leg. I bit into it and I dug in. I was so hungry. I finished the rest of the chicken. Then Chris handed me a glass of what I thought was red wine, until I smelled it. "You couldn't wait until after, did you?" "I need to know for sure, Alex, the pack has a right to know what's going on." said John. I sighed and took a sip of the blood. Somehow I could see the animal it came from, how old it was, and how it died. I dropped the glass, and got up, my head buzzing with information like crazy. I was going to be sick. "What's wrong with the blood?!" demanded Lillian. She tried to come toward me, but I put a hand out to stop her. "I'm okay, it's just...something to get used to!" "What did you see?" "That was pig blood, about two years old, it was farm-based and he was raised from a piglet by the farmers' family." I stood there and for one stupid moment I thought about Wilber from Charlotte's Web. "How did it taste?" asked Chris. "Fine, I couldn't get past the brain-busting images to enjoy the taste too much." "Interesting." said Chris, looking at John, who still looked skeptical. "If you're worried I'll go on a rampage, then I will stay inside, I won't go anywhere." "That's not a good thing, that's how a lot of vampires lose their minds a lot faster." said Chris. "Then what do you suggest?" I asked, wiping my mouth. "You can hang out with me, I'll keep an eye on you, and walk you through this whole change." "Chris, is it safe for her to be out and about like that?" asked Lillian. I knew she was worried too. "She'll be fine, as long as she doesn't attack anyone, she should be fine." That didn't help ease the already tense atmosphere. John looked at me with concern. "I'll be fine, John, just keep a close eye on Lillian." "You know I will." he said, his wolf peeking a little. I smiled, feeling relieved. A while later, everyone left, including Jacelyn, but I felt okay now that I had eaten something, albeit still tired from the loss of blood. I was sitting in a very big sitting room, by the fire. I looked into the flames as the memory of that night came back to me. Julian, my own brother, had been sent to kill me. He also had magic. I had't seen if he had burned his mark off but it had to be. "What's on your mind?" Chris asked, coming to sit across from me. "A lot, this whole change has been a lot." "You'll get used to it as soon as you get the hang of things." I closed my eyes, I could remember some of my dreams. Seeing how Chris had been a kid and his father would beat him for no reason, his brother and sister weren't able to do anything. I saw when Chris was changed. I could feel his fear. "Alex?" he asked, coming to kneel in front of me. I shook my head a little. "I'm fine, just tired still." "You'll be feeling like that for a while, you have lost a lot of blood." "You gave me some of yours." "Yes, yes I did." "Did you know it was going to change me?" He gave me a sad smile, and looked down at my hands. "You hoped." "What can I say, Alex, I'm a selfish monster. I couldn't lose you, not when I could do something about it." "What if I died, what then?" I asked, and what I saw in his eyes scared me. I understood what he wanted to say. He brought my hand to his lips and kissed it. "I'm just glad you made it back." I scoffed that was the statement of the year. I did come back, but as what, and would I be able to withstand what I was? After a while, I felt sleepy, and Chris helped me back to my room. The sheets had been switched for clean ones. I got into my blankets, for a moment I thought Chris would leave, but snuggled next to me. I was able to sleep without much trouble. The month of December was interesting. Snow was finally coming down and the cold was really settling. Chris was patient with me as my recovery was slow. With Jacelyn's help, I could drink blood without the images bothering me too much. Chris taught me to hunt, mostly deer and mountain lions. He taught me to use my nose, and to always listen to my gut. I can still use magic, now not as draining as before. Having said that Chris had me with him everywhere we went, we found out that I didn't need a necklace to be safe in the sun. What did bug me was that I couldn't see after a while. My thirst was low, I could drink or eat food. Another thing I noticed I could do was the power of seduction. I mean I could literally charm the pants off someone. I found out when I was shopping with Jacelyn I was buying new clothes and one of the employees, a girl I might add, was being a little bitchy. I cornered her and if it weren't for the fact that Jacelyn stopped us, I was pretty sure I'd be singing Katy Perry's song 'I kissed a girl and I liked it.' The girl had wanted to please me so much, she would've sold me the whole store, but I was reported. Chris was so pissed at me for using my powers in that way, while Nicholas snickered and chuckled behind me. Of course, I bet Chris has used his powers for pettier things than a shirt. It made me wonder, so I tried. I causally placed one leg over the other and arched a little. For a moment Chris looked confused, but then I gave him a coy smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it." I said in a soft husky voice. He walked up to me and kissed me deeply. When he pulled away, he chuckled. "Nice try, it doesn't work on me." he said mockingly, but I beg to differ, he wasn't mad anymore. I got up after he did and even Nicholas wanted to follow me out of the room. I went to my room and was reading a book, when Chris walked in. This time he closed and locked the door, that sent a chill up my body. He walked toward me, while taking his shirt off. My mouth started to water, I could eat him up. However, he stopped a way away from the bed. What was he doing? He was waiting to see what I would do, so carefully I got to my feet and walked around to him. His eyes were on me that whole time. As soon as I got close enough, the urge to touch him ran through my body. It was like that time at the hot springs, I wanted...him. I wanted to touch and be touched by him. When my hand touched his bare chest, a current of electricity just shot through my whole body. "What are you doing to me?" I whispered. It was more to myself than to him. Then very carefully he kissed me. That simple kiss set my whole body on fire. The kissing deepened and as his hands started to wonder a little, in my hair, along my neck. I couldn't stop myself. I wrapped my arms around his neck, then my legs around his waist. He walked over to the bed, and laid me down. I tried to take my clothes off or asked him to with my hands, but he didn't. That's when I realized what he was doing, I had to laugh at how much effort he was putting into this. I rolled us and straddled him. "You really had to prove a point, didn't you?" "Just showing you I can play too." "Well, that's too bad, this whole moment would've been fun." "You're still in recovery, you might feel back to normal, but you still have a lot to learn." "Fine, I'll keep my powers on low. Now can I finish my book in peace?" "You sure you can focus on the book again?" I scoffed and got off him, and pushed him away playfully. Then he leaned in and whispered. "If it was the real moment, we wouldn't leave this room for days." I looked at him, just wondering how the hell he had such control over himself? Before he kissed me one more time, before jumping off the bed, put his shirt on, and opened the door and was gone. I was surprised we both could just walk away from this heated moment without...having some kind of mental break down. I laid back, and looked back at my book, but I couldn't focus any more.
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