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We sat there for a moment. I wasn't sure how to feel that he was so glad to see me. At the beginning of my escape from my family, I headed in this direction, but Gunner wasn't the chief of police here. He had worked with Dad in a handful of cases, he was good, but Dad had also said he was the most soft-hearted slayer he had ever seen. He had manners. He spoke to Mom and I with respect when he came around our home. I had once heard his story and it was the saddest I'd ever heard. He had a family once; a wife and two daughters. Armando said the man had been head over heels in love with his wife, and cherished his daughters. Unfortunately, in this job, work would tend to find you. They massacred his family in front of him, which made this moment even more ironic. Because witches were the ones that had toyed with his family and now he was helping them. He finally smiled at me, and I couldn't help doing the same. He offered me a hug. I took it. "Girlie, I was shocked to hear you had run away from home. What happened?" "Mom passed away three years ago, Gunner, Dad wanted to marry me off." Emotion filled his eyes. "Your Daddy was a cold man, girlie, I always felt for you and your momma." "But I've been okay, running, but I'm okay." "Does your partner know?" "He's smart, Gunner, he knows I'm a slayer, but not who my father is." "When did you gain this new..ability, you have a lot of slayers looking into you?" "Let's just say things have changed, I'm finding myself piece by piece." He gave me a look. "Your Daddy came looking for you over here. He looked worried." I bet he did his good name would be ruined if anyone found out he was mixed with witches. "It must've been your wishful thinking, Gunner. My father has never worried. I don't think he'll start now." "Alex, people can change, and Felipe Redcliff is still human, as much as he tried to hide it." "That's definitely true, you can't hide from the truth." Both Gunner and I jumped as Chris came in the door, my throat went dry. How much had he heard? I'm pretty sure all of it, by the look he was giving me. Gunner cleared his throat and turned to Chris. "What's the next step?" "I have a contact here, they can give us more information, but it won't be until later. For now, my partner and I will keep trying to find answers and let you know if we find something." Gunner looked mad, but then he nodded. "Fine, but the first thing you hear..." "We'll let you know." Chris said, making it final, then turned to me, I nodded and followed him. Gunner grabbed my arm, making me stop. "Is there something more between you two?" "No, why?" He looked toward Chris who had walked out the door. "The man is giving me the stink eye, Girlie, he was jealous you were talking to me." I had to smile, Gunner, despite his age, looked good, so I could see people mistaking our talking for light flirting. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You're old enough to be my Dad, Gunner and Alexander, my ancient ancestor." He had to laugh, and we followed Chris out the door. Chris already had a taxi waiting for us. I shook hands with Gunner and got in the taxi with Chris. Which was tense. The poor driver actually swerved a couple of times, just waiting for both of us to start fighting. When he got us to the hotel we were going to stay at, Chris quickly paid the man and we got our bags and he quickly sped off. Chris checked us in at the desk. We got to the elevator and I wanted to break the silence but, I learned to let him talk first. We got out and I noticed he had two keys. He opened the door and invited me in. I walked in but didn't try to get comfortable. He turned to look at me. "Aren't you tired?" "Yeah, but I'm sure there's something on your mind and there's two rooms, so let's get this over with, shall we?" "So?" "Knock it off Chris! Now just get it out!" I said, leaning against the wall. He smiled, which had me a little confused. "It's nothing I don't already know." He turned away and grabbed a key off the table. "Just wish you had told me, yourself, instead of me hearing it from a stranger's mouth." "You know who my...father is?" "Felipe Redcliff, of course I know. Mateo changed his last name. Did you know? But I knew who he was, which makes this very ironic." he pointed between us. "Why because my father kills anything that walks and breaths without question?" "Yes, but as we both know you're not his daughter, so it's not in you to be like him, and second, because it's thanks to witches that I lost my thirst, which you show in your powers." "What?" "Witches, cursed me Alex, exactly what you do is what I can do but...just the pain part. I can only tell you how much pain and fear I make a person feel, in very rare cases, pleasure, but otherwise I feel it deep within me." I scoffed in disbelief. "So you've been using me this whole time, is it even true what you said to me?" "You feel used, manipulated, that's what this is, Alex." "Glad to hear it, I won't confuse anything between us again!" I said, taking the damn key from him and walked out of the room. "Alex, I didn't..." I shut the door in his face. I went looking for the room. When I did. I curled up and cried. All the bullshit times people thought he wanted me...yeah, he was looking at me like some damn meal. I thought about those....Ahh! I'm pissed with myself. How could I be so stupid?! I must've taken a nap, because by the time I opened my eyes, it was night time. There was a light knock on the door. I rubbed my face, and went to answer. It was Chris. "Alex..." "Time to go?" I asked. He looked at me confused. Then nodded. I grabbed my boots and got them on. Then followed him out. "Let's get you some food before we..." "I'm not hungry, let's just go meet your contact, then after maybe." "Alex, you need to keep your food up if you're hungry...." "Let me worry about that, you worry about you." I said firmly. We got into the elevator and soon found ourselves out in the chilly night. He hailed a taxi, and we got in. The driver took us to what is my guess is the "bad side" of Vegas. It was very dark over here, from what I could tell there was a strip club on every block. Call girls watched as the taxi drove by. We stopped and Chris gave him money to wait for us out here. The driver agreed. Chris got out, but right as I stepped out, he turned to look at me. "Stay close, and don't talk to anyone." He said, looking me in the eyes. I saluted him and he just rolled his eyes. We headed toward one of the more small buildings. It was unusual. When we walked in, it looked like an office. "Hello, what can we help you with today?" said the girl at the desk. I felt on edge, I could smell s*x and the damn air was filled with a strong but sweet or spicy smell. "We just came to relax. I would like to get Tanya." "Oh, she's fantastic! Right this way!" She led us into a door, and the full blast of EVERYTHING hit me. Music, drinks, blood, flesh, and as we walked in s*x. The place was packed with people. I looked around and caught sight of a lot of demons, wolves, and even vampires feeding on... "Is this a strip club or a food bar?" "Both, stay close!" I looked around at the dancers, some were demons, others were human. "What the hell is that smell? It's strong.." "Pheromones! I'm going to meet the contact, sit here and wait, don't go anywhere or talk to anyone." " Why can't we talk to her together?" "It'll be easier if I go alone." "Whatever." I said, and he headed in the direction of the booths. I turned to the bartender and asked him for a bloody mary. He chuckled and asked if I wanted real blood or just alcohol. I just wanted a drink. He nodded and made me the drink. I sipped it. Soon, a few guys came to ask me out to dance. One was a human, two vampires, and one wolf. I said I was there waiting for someone. They tried to convince me but I stayed. My body was feeling hot and on edge. After a while, I asked for some ice, and put it on the back of my neck. A whole hour later, Chris hadn't come back. I went looking for him and really wished I hadn't. I understood why he wanted to talk to her alone. She was a dancer, topless and vampire. He was so focused that he didn't even see me. I felt hurt but went back to the bar, or at least that had been the plan. Until I looked to the side, and who I saw made me stop dead in my tracks. Right there, at one of the tables, sat the vampire that had attacked me. He and his friends were laughing and carrying on like nothing. The dancer they had looked nervous, and from the looks of it, human. She had a bite mark on her leg, arm, and shoulder. Poor thing just couldn't dance with the fear. I looked around and found where the costume room was, and I went in. Looking around, I found a dominatrix costume and put it on. I have to admit this made me feel sexy and powerful. I put the mask on, and grabbed the whip and leather binds. Walked out and they caught sight of me. The one guy I was looking at sat up straight, I grabbed the pole and told the girl to leave. She did and left me the vampires. I had never in my life been on a pole or a dancer, but I was a fast learner. I did a few tricks that had the guy's full attention, then after a little dance I looked at them. "Who's been a bad boy?" I asked in a husky voice. "Me I have!" stood up one of the guys," I deserve to be punished severely." I looked at the one I wanted to get alone. He was also curious. "You look like the kind that likes to be tied up."I said, ignoring the other one, and pulled out the binds. The man laughed, but got up and grabbed me by the hair and pulled it back. I let my inner crazy come out, and I moaned as he pulled my hair and grabbed my face. "It seems to me you're the one that likes to be tied up and spanked like a naughty girl." "Yes, Daddy I like it very much!" I wanted to puke for talking like that to this asshole, but a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. "I'll be back boys!" he said to the guys, and I led him to one of the booths. Two could play this game. But he didn't stop in one of the booths, he took me into a back room. I could smell old fear and s*x here. He suddenly grabbed me and slammed me into the wall, as I started to get a stupid flash back. I controlled my fear and he started to roughly kiss me and started to rip my costume off. "I f**k you so hard..." I flipped him and now had him pinned to the wall, and used the one power I never thought I'd use. Seduction. I kissed him back roughly and ripped open his shirt, without thinking I bit him. His moans and groans made what I was tasting in his blood so real. I could see everything he wanted to do to me. "f**k, that's the sweetest bite! Harder baby!" He demanded and I did it. I felt powerful. I could feel him hard through his jeans, his scent was overwhelming, making me burn up with lust. What the hell had I just gotten myself into?

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