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Aren:     I woke up with my lips still tingling from that kiss last night. I couldn't help the cheesy smile on my face as I prepared myself to go down to the gym. His door is open across from mine. It's queer, but we had sat at the ends of our beds glancing at one another and texting throughout the night. I set boundaries between us because I really don't know how to do this and I really don't want to rush into anything that would lead me to do something stupid. I live my life one carefully thought out plan at a time and this guy is screwing with that system.     I had been the first to fall asleep. I always am. Even when its business. I love to sleep. Which is why I go to bed early most of the time. I hate those nights when I get minimal hours. I'm upset all day for no reason. The girls usually steer clear of me then. It happens so much that people actually think my bad mood is permanent.      Several wolves were already lifting weights and jogging on the treadmills when I walked into the gym. I recognized quite a few of them from the packs I had infiltrated to get past deadbeat alphas. I'm sure most of them recognized my scent because they bowed slightly some even stopped what they were doing to acknowledge me. It's a surreal feeling, really. Something I never imagined, mostly because I don't deserve it. All I did was kill a few guys. Hardly a reason to bow to anyone.     They recognize the one who has saved them. It's their wolves, not their hosts. Cali's voice echoed through the edges of my subconscious. I sighed looking them over and with one nod they all went back to what they were doing.     Pushing myself in cardio is all I've been doing. Cali has a thing about me lifting weights. Says I don't need to be stronger. After killing that first alpha I had a hard time balancing the added on strength and it only got worse as the years progressed. I had to learn to be completely gentle. Lambie walked in with a sports bottle that usually contained my protein shake.      Her scent is different now which means her mating process is complete. Cali let out a low whine in knowing that she is no longer ours. She's a luna now. Her own kingdom awaits her once this is over and I have to let her go. Too much is changing way too fast for me to let it really sink in. I'm going to be running on fumes for a while before it all really catches up. Before it all comes crashing down on me.      "Good morning, Alpha. Your morning activities are ready for you to attend. Alpha Shane is waiting for you in his study with Alpha Jerry," I smiled at her taking a long drink from the sports bottle.     "Thank you, Luna Lambria. I will be right up," she let out an excited giggle. The Wolves took advantage to discreetly check her out as she skipped out of the room. I cleared my throat making them go back to what they were doing.     "Dude, she's so hot. Alpha Shane is a lucky dog," was the last thing I heard as I walked out to get ready. Maybe not as lucky as they think.     After a quick shower, I joined everyone in Shane's study. They all sat on the leather couches talking away, freely before everyone stood up when I walked in. Seeing all these people here makes me nervous. They're all important to me somehow. People I have to protect now. There's not just four of us anymore. The responsibility has grown in a tenfold overnight and I'm not sure how to deal with that. So much change.     "I should punch you as hard as I can, Jerry," I said shaking this feeling. He burst into a roar of laughter looking over at Lambie.     "Good to see you as well, Aren. I see you have successfully finished taking over the world," we both laughed. I hugged him. Shane growled at us without looking away from his paperwork.      "Yeah, well you know me always up to something,"     "I brought you eighty of my best fighters. And before you ask, yes. My territory is very well protected. Impenetrable,"     "Thank you and I wasn't going to ask, but your reassurance makes me content with the fact that you're keeping up with good standards. Are you rotating every other week?"     "It's my pack," he smirked. I smiled going over to Gary who handed me a clipboard. "Yes, I am rotating,"      "Good," I smiled shaking my head.       We sat down and discussed my favorite subject. Battle. This is going to be one that stays with me. This is the one I fight with reason. As we discussed what's going to be happening and how we are to prepare for it. This feeling came down on me heavier. This is going to be messy. A lot of people are going to die and it f*****g sucks that I'm asking them too.      When we were done Shane and I decided that we were going on a trip to visit good old Alpha Uncle Jeremiah. He was quick to ask why and get nervous when Shane told him that he wanted to show me, his mate, all of his territories. I have a different motive. I need to see a little lady named Sasha and it just so happens that she is located near the area.     "What do you think about expanding towards California and Washington?" Shane asked while we drove to New Orleans.     "No, I've been to those. The Alphas there keep it pretty tight. They'll be good allies. Some of them are my friends. Alpha Dominic in Washington and Alpha Elijah in Oregon. Alpha Winters keeps his distance in Utah. Alpha Fredrick in Nevada is close with Gary and Marie. And Alpha Zeus in California was a bit upset when I refused his offer when he asked me to stay as his Luna," Shane growled making me smile. "He didn't want us back after a couple weeks there,"     My wolf loves it when he gets all possessive. She yips around inside of me like a lost puppy who has finally found her home. It gets annoying because she alters my excitement and while I'm really good at containing my emotions when she gets involved, I lose my grasp on them and parts of me I hate showing come to life.     "So, European countries. Do I have to worry?" he asked tightening his grip on the steering wheel. I wanted to laugh so bad but I really don't want him to ruin the car.     "Nope, European Alphas don't like women who take charge. They keep their women on a short leash. There's one alpha female out there and that's only because her mate died and they didn't have anyone to replace him. That woman is ruthless. Russian Alphas are a little brutal. They make a sport out of most wolf rituals. Barbaric,"      "One Alpha, in particular, Dmitri Kalashnikov had it in his head that if he kidnapped me, by force he'd have me. He tried taking me twice. I sent his men back in dog food cans. He fell more in love with me. He's really heartbroken right now. Hence the two guys who tried to poison us,"       Each question he asked upset him more and more. To the point where he had to pull over pull me out of the car just smell my hair and bury his face in my neck to calm down. I was showing off. I had to. Taunting people is the best part of who I am. I love it.     I ended up driving most of the way. My wolf scolding me urging me to shut the hell up, but she loved all of his possessive reactions. I have to admit I enjoyed them too.  Shane:       The more she told me about all the alphas she's met, the more my wolf wanted to mark her. My wolf didn't like what she was saying one bit, or how she was saying it so casual like it was the most casual thing in the world to her.      "Earth to Shane. Come in Shane. This is Aren Glass. Please report your location," she said waving her hand in my face.     "I'm here," I growled gripping the seat belt pulling it away.     That's when I noticed that she wasn't driving anymore. Aren had my door open. I looked over at her just as she climbed on top of me with a big smirk plastered on her face. I'm an i***t. Why am I even getting mad about something that happened when I didn't even know who she was? She turned the offers down anyway. Right?     "I like this. It makes me feel wanted. Just to make you feel as happy as I am. I have one thing to say, Shane. I never even looked at them. I never considered them when I first met you I didn't look you over I just knew you were mine and I didn't care what the hell you looked like. It was just you," she pressed her lips to mine before I could respond.     Not that I could respond to anything she said. She had left me speechless yet again.  The more I learn about her the more I see that she hides behind knowing who she is and doing what she has to put aside her needs. My mate is selfless. Sometimes a little selfishness is required for us to truly be who we are yet it wasn't something that graced her in the slightest.     "I'm hungry we're going to eat here. This is the best burger place I have ever eaten at. Like ever," she said jumping off my lap and walking towards the small fast food restaurant.      It doesn't look like anyone comes here. I looked around making sure there was no danger as she skipped excitedly inside. I turned to see if the doors were shut and that's when I first noticed. Were we always driving in this Jeep? This isn't one of mine. I have to start paying better attention.     Inside the place is decorated with Steelers logos, autographed football Jerseys, autographed footballs, collector's football cards, pictures of the games. There is one that caught my attention. Aren sitting on Troy Polamalu's shoulders holding a fist full of his hair. The biggest smile on her face. He had his hands on her calves holding onto her looking up with an almost identical grin on his face,      "I was beyond drunk that day. Gary and Lambie had to carry me back to the tour bus," she said with a smile on her face.     "So, you're a die hard fan?"     "Not die hard, but I love football. The Steelers have been my favorite. I followed my dad's footsteps,"     "Aren Glass, I knew you would come back here soon enough," a deep rigid voice said from behind us.      I turned to see a man in his forties dressed in dark blue Jeans and a white v neck. The human reminds me of that bald actor in the fast and the furious, except this guy, has blue eyes and a very nicely groomed blonde beard. I didn't know humans could be this big.     "Markus, dude, get me a triple Sasha super deluxe burger with fries a strawberry milkshake and deep-fried mushrooms," the man laughed.     "And for the gentleman?"     "He'll have the same. You can join us and I'll tell you who he is," she beamed. "Is Sasha here?"     "Of course I'm here. Do you think I would leave my hunk of a mate alone in this overcrowded place filled with desperate divorced fat lazy cows?"      There is literally only one woman sitting at the edge of the restaurant. Sasha is a tall, slim-waisted, soldier. The hard look in her emerald eyes sent chills through me. The kind of glare only a rogue who had been through the darkest instincts of a wolf and come have that cold stare. Her fuzzy dark hair is pulled back in two puffs that don't diminish her threatening look in the slightest. Her dark skin makes the color in her eyes stand out like two brilliant gems.     "Ummm..." Aren said looking at the woman who seemed to be offended. No one said another word.     She openly called the human her mate so he obviously knew about wolves and the woman in the back of the restaurant is also a wolf. One with power. Aren glared at her and motioned her to leave. The woman left a bill on the table and rushed out.     "Alpha Shane Blake, huh," Sasha finally addressed Aren. "Sasha Furenstien,"      "It's a pleasure," I said extending my right hand towards her.      She took it pulling me into her and bowed down placing her forehead against the top of my hand. That was only done by pack members to display loyalty. It caught my wolf's attention putting us both on alert.     "She part of my pack," Aren said when I looked at her questioningly.     "Really? You have a pack?" I asked looking her over.     "Yes, six hundred and twenty-two cast out wolves. Rejects because their mates were too young, human, or because they didn't find their mates at the age of sixteen. In Sasha's case it was racial," she said. "We are all connected to keep the darkness of becoming a rogue all the way,"     "All of her wolves are spread throughout the US and are very successful. All some of us need sometimes is a leader and encouragement to succeed," Sasha added making my mate look away.      The conversations we had were meaningful. Sasha must have been a beta female before she became a rogue. She keeps track of everything for Aren. Most of what the woman reported, Aren was already aware of.       The one lingering question is, how the hell does Aren keep track of all of this, have a career, and still have time for all of the glamour she displayed in the human world? Aaron once had to bail her out of jail. She was still drunk when he called me to tell me he was successful and that she was alright.      Aren finished all of her food while I struggled to keep up. A triple Sasha burger is a triple patty burger with pastrami, cheese, and onion rings layered in between each patty. Baffled by how my mate eats, her sports preferences, her love for cars, and her seemingly free-spirited attitude, not to mention her techniques for battle make her beyond perfect.     The more I learn about her the more I respect her and the further I fall in love with her. With each action and each word that leaves her lips. The more I want to be with her, to keep her at my side, and lavish her with affection. Her perfection is in a form of a goddess. "She's never been this happy," Sasha said when her mate began to pack in fries for her to take with us. Aren is with him arguing over a game. He's a Ravens fan. "She's a little difficult to be around at times. That girl has seen a lot and it hasn't broken her. I hope you aren't what finally pushes her over. She's beautiful but there is an ugly f*****g monster hiding inside of her. She doesn't bite to m**m, she bites for the kill," 
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