Book 3 Chapter 4: Mate

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-Damian- It couldn’t be… No, it just couldn’t. It was like the world stopped for a second, as the little female came into view. She was small, with long black wavy hair, light olive-colored skin and deep brown eyes that held both a darkness but also an innocence. She was little but curvy, and for a moment all I could think about was getting her out of her clothes and explore those curves with my hands, my mouth, my tongue … f*ck! Mate. No, no, no. That was a hard no! I refused to listen to my wolf, who practically shouted the word in my head. There was only one female for me, and that was Amelia. No one else! I refused it! I refused her! My wolf growled threateningly at me, as I spoke the words inside of myself. He clearly didn’t agree, and all I could think was traitor! Our Amelia was the only one for us, so why was he suddenly so interested in this little female in front of us? This half-blood, who had turned up out of the blue. I couldn’t let this happen. Amelia was the one, and she was waiting for me on the other side and here I stood and almost drooled over someone else. No, I refused her. Right now. I was going to say the words. “What’s your name?” Chris asked the little one, as he turned to her. This took her beautiful brown eyes off me. Thank the Goddess, but then I noticed her hand in Chris’s, and I was just about ready to jump between them and beat the sh*t out of Chris just for touching her, but then I reminded myself, she wasn’t mine, and stating such an obvious claim would be admitting I had accepted her. “Isabella,” she said in a small delicate voice. F*ck, that voice. It almost sent me to my knees. Her voice reached me in places nothing else could, and it warmed me. Sh*t this was dangerous because I wanted to hear her keep talking. I didn’t care about what, I just needed to hear that sweet voice. Maybe I could make her talk about the weather? Or maybe even better make her moan my name, as I buried myself deep between her thighs, marking her as mine … Oh no, this was bad. Very very bad! This could not happen! I shook my head trying to get myself under control. My wolf was clawing to be let loose and take this female as ours, making sure this time we didn’t fail in marking her completely and keeping her away from anyone who tried to hurt her. Mine. It was a no! No mine. No ours! I wasn’t having any of it, but unfortunately the Goddess seemed to like torturing me, because suddenly Chris asked: “Where do you live? We’ll gladly take you home.” The female suddenly got a sad expression in her eyes, and she let go of Chris’s hand. That part I was glad about, but her sudden insecure energy and the way she looked like she was ready to run, made me shift my weight back and forth. As if I was once again ready to run over there and state my claim, so I could be the one comforting her and making sure she was safe. “I-I … You don’t have to. I’m fine,” she stammered, looking at the ground almost ashamed. I knew exactly what her words and her shame meant, and I hated myself for speaking: “You don’t have a home, do you?” Her eyes turned to me and anger seemed to flare in them, as I stated what was quite clear. Her clothes were dirty and worn down. Her shoes looked like they had been worn until they were barely hanging on and then taped together to last a little longer. Her hair seemed all over the place, but that could just be from the run, except it looked tired as well, as if it hadn’t been taken care of in years. I hated to think about this little half-blood with no home and all alone in the streets in the middle of the night. It was very rare to come across one, and most of them lived in the human world. Wolves were harder on them because they knew they were part human. I had heard about them being hunted, but this was the first time I saw it with my own eyes, and it made me want to tear the males apart, not just beat them up. “That is certainly none of your business,” Isabella said, as she crossed her arms. That just confirmed what I had said. She was homeless. F*cking hell, I knew exactly what that meant. Why couldn’t she just have had a home, so we could drop her off and I never had to see her again? But, of course, the universe or Goddess or whatever, thought it was funny to get me stuck with the little wolf. “It is, and it means you are coming with us,” I said, more as an order and not as a request. That certainly didn’t seem like something the little wolf liked, and Isabella’s brown eyes narrowed, and her anger flared. “I don’t have to do anything you say,” she said, almost stomping her foot like a child. A small smile spread on my lips, which scared me, since I hadn’t smiled in years, but Isabella did something to me. Her little body almost shook with anger, clearly not liking my order, and it made me imagine all the things I could do to her to make her compliant, and she would love it. She might have a fire in her, but she would love submitting to me. I just knew it. I took a small step forward before I realized what I was about to do. Sh*t. I had almost made my imagination become real. I had pictured myself pushing her up against that wall behind her, pinning her hands over her head, kissing her senseless, before growling warningly at her. I knew she would tip her head to the side, giving me access to that lovely neck of hers, and then … wow, the picture in my head was so clear, it felt real. So, f*cking real, and that was dangerous. “Do you want to sleep on the street where people like them can get to you?” I asked while pointing to the alley behind us. Isabella looked behind herself, and I could see the fear taking away a little of the anger. I didn’t mean to scare her, but since I couldn’t touch her and make her compliant in a very pleasurable way, I had to use other means. I might not want her, but I couldn’t just leave her. My wolf wouldn’t let me. She needed to come with us. Isabella turned back to me. She still held onto her anger and her arms crossed over her body. “Who says I’m sleeping on the streets?” she just asked. I could see the smile on Chris’s lips grow wider, at her little attempt to be defiant, and I hated thinking about what was going on in his head. Isabella wasn’t his usual type, but Chris liked to try everything, and probably didn’t mind having a taste of her as well. Sh*t my fangs grew longer before I even knew it, and I was close to growling at him. I tighten my hands into fists at my sides, forcing my fangs to grow back to normal. “It’s pretty obvious you are not sleeping in a warm bed,” I said darkly, with a voice that was close to sounding animal-like. But you are welcome to sleep in ours. Promise it will be warm. Shut up, shut up, shut up, but my wolf didn’t seem to agree. “So? You don’t know me. Why would you care where I sleep?” We care. We care very much. “Sweetheart, we love to play heroes, and we can’t leave a beautiful female out here all alone,” Chris said, earning him a deep warning growl from me. “What?” he asked, turning to me. I shook my head, trying to get my control back. He was not calling her all those things. She was mine! Isabella, on the other hand, did not seem very charmed by Chris, but she did seem deep in thought. It was not strange she didn’t feel like trusting us, considering she had just been chased down the street. “We won’t hurt you,” Chris said, smiling at Isabella. “Promise?” she asked with a small smile. He nodded, and it seemed like he was able to get her to trust us. At least for now. It hurt, it was thanks to Chris we got her into the car, but better than leaving her on the street. I was in the driver’s seat again, and Chris was in the back seat with Isabella. I didn’t like the way he was looking at her, clearly with an interest, it made me want to punch all of his teeth out, but there was no way I would have a good reason for doing that. Isabella couldn’t be mine. I didn’t accept her. So, all I could do was watch her in the mirror, as we drove away.
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