Book 3 Chapter 5: Growling

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-Isabella- It was crazy I had even gotten in the car. Wolves didn’t like half-bloods, yet these guys seemed different. They seemed honest, and I had scented the air around them, seeing if they were lying while listening to their heartbeats. Steady as a rock, and nothing but the scent of man around them. Except for the one driving, his scent was different. Stronger. Musky. Almost like a drug to me, but why? Why was his different? I tried not to think about it, but being trapped in a car with him, it was hard not to notice it. I couldn’t see much but the back of his head and his hands tightening on the wheel. What couldn’t he do with those hands? Wow, where did that come from? I quickly diverted my eyes and looked out of the window, trying to concentrate on something else. What was happening to me? It was like he was calling me without saying words and I was being drawn to him. The guys in the alley had forced my submission, but I knew this very strong and even slightly scary man wouldn’t. No, I would be giving him my submission willingly. That was a crazy thought … I hated bowing to anyone. I didn’t like being controlled, and when he ordered me to come with me, I had told him no and felt the anger rise in me, but only rise. It never stayed or turned into a blazing fire. I had faked most of it. Why? “Is there a place we should go to, to get your stuff?” the blond man beside me asked. I turned to him and saw that charming smile on his lips, and those very light blue eyes giving me nothing but honesty and sincerity. I thought about where I was staying. It was an abandoned apartment building in the lower part of town. I had to climb the fire escape to get inside one of the rooms. I didn’t have much, except a sleeping bag, a backpack with little clothes, a flashlight and a few snacks. Was it really worth going back there? Unfortunately, I needed the extra clothes. “There is a place, yes.” -Damian- Isabella guided us through the dark part of the town. The abandoned and dangerous parts. She made me stop in front of a run-down and old apartment building, before she grabbed the handle and said: “I’ll be right back.” “No way, sweetheart,” Chris said, “we are going with you.” He grabbed the handle and went out of the car. Isabella had a small smile on her lips as we stepped outside but it quickly disappeared when she went behind the building. At first, I thought she was sleeping at the back of the building, but then she went over to a container and started to pull it after her. She let go of it, so it was right under the fire escape. Then she got up on the container, balanced on the edge, then jumped up to catch the lowest part of the staircase. Sh*t, the little wolf was so small, she couldn’t even reach from the ground. She then effortlessly began to climb. “We don’t all need to go up there,” I said, as Chris took a step forward. “I know. You guys wait here,” he said with a smile. I placed a hand on his chest, as he took another step forward. He looked at me confused, but there was no way I was letting him go after her. “I’ll go.” “You?” I raised an eyebrow. “Yes," I said. Chris just laughed and took a step back. “Go for it, but she didn’t seem to like you very much.” I was close to growling at him, but he hadn’t been wrong. She definitely hadn’t seemed very happy with me for stating what was so obvious and then ordering her around. I sighed, maybe it was best to let Chris go. I shook my head and then crossed my arms. “Fine. You go after her,” I said, a bit too bitterly. Chris just smiled before he climbed after her. Sh*t, it was hard to sit back and wait, but what the f*ck could I do? It was not like I could lay claim to her. Amelia was the one and only. The memory had faded a bit over the years, but I still remembered her clearly, with her golden hair and green-blue eyes. She was very tall and lean. I wouldn’t have to bend very forward for us to kiss, and she had the most beautiful and amazing smile, and her touch had been soft but demanding. Yeah, she was the only one. Isabella had no right nor claim to my heart. Only Amelia. “You’re growling.” I turned to look at Evan, who was leaning up against the other wall. He had taken the time to find a cigarette and light it. He was slowly blowing the smoke out in the air, as he met my eyes with his dark brown ones. It was his real color, but whenever he got just a little worked up like before a fight, they would turn pitch black. Not yellow like the rest of us, but black. It was almost his usual color sometimes, and while he rarely showed any emotions, his eyes told a different story. A dark one. “What are you talking about?” I asked, irritated, clearly on edge because Chris, the man-w***e, was with my mate. ALONE. “You have been growling ever since Chris climbed after Isabella,” he said calmly, yet his eyes were looking at me intensely. Scanning me for answers. “Don’t know what you mean,” I said while turning my back to him. He didn’t say anything else. He just kept to the shadows, as he loved to do, but I could feel his eyes on me. Did he know? I hoped not, but I had to stop myself from growling, or it would be hard to convince anyone Isabella wasn’t my mate. I felt relieved, as I heard the two of them climbing down. Isabella was the first one to reach the top staircase, and I stood ready to catch her, but the little female was more agile than I had thought and just let go, landing on her feet perfectly, just beside the container. She had a backpack with her, and a sleeping bag strapped to it. She looked almost like she was going camping. It was quite adorable, but soon the sweet vision was interrupted, as Chris landed in front of her, and blocked the sight of her. F*ck, I could kill that male! I could only agree with my wolf. I was close to wanting to kill him too. It seemed almost intentional, the way he blocked me from her. “Shall we?” Chris asked in a cheery voice, before he started to lead Isabella back to the car. He is important to the king. He is important to the king. He is … I tried repeating those words, as I followed behind the two of them.
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