Book 3 Chapter 3: Saved

1052 Words
-Isabella- All the guys turned their heads to the side, looking for the source. Even I tried to spot who it was that was talking, but I couldn’t see anything because of the massive bodies blocking my view. The one who had his hands on me, growled low. Clearly not happy, someone had interrupted their little ‘hunt’. “Go away, this does not concern you,” he growled. I shook with fear, and begged who it was, wouldn’t be intimidated and walk away, but there was no sound of feet walking away. The person seemed to come closer. “Let. The. Female. Go,” he growled. For some reason, his deep voice seemed to echo in my body, like a calling I didn’t know how to answer. Who was it that came into the alley? And was he just interested in taking me away from the little group, to have his fun with me himself? I shook with fear. He probably was. Cause who would ever want to risk their own life for a half-blood? “Why don’t you come and take her?” the guy challenged with a smile. “Finally. Thought you would never ask.” This time it was another person who talked. His voice was deep as well, but it seemed lighter, as if he was happy or excited. How many had come into the alley? But I didn’t get to find out before a fight broke out between them. There were five guys from the group who had surrounded me. Three of them charged first towards the strangers that had come, but they just barely reached these people, before they were thrown back. One hit a brick wall, another a container and the last one rolled over the ground and stopped right in front of me. I let out a little scream, wondering who these people were, so much power they had. The guys quickly picked themselves up from the ground, but now all five of them charged. The one who had his hands on me pushed me hard against the brick wall, knocking the air out of my lungs. I slowly glided to the ground, groaning in pain. I knew they would be back soon, ending their little hunt. Five against, what one, two? There weren’t many. I knew that from the scents I picked up in the alley. They wouldn’t save me. No one would. I was all alone. “It’s okay. You don’t have to be afraid, we are not going to hurt you,” I suddenly heard a voice above me say. I lifted my head and looked up into a pair of very light blue eyes. How was it possible to have such a color? The guy was fair, light skin and blond hair, and he had a big heart-melting smile on his lips. He was certainly very attractive, but as he reached for me I drew back in fear. “It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you,” he repeated his words in a slower and lower tone, pointing out the words strongly for me. I didn’t believe him, of course. No wolf didn’t want to hurt me. Most of them preferred to ignore me, but their eyes, filled with disgust as they looked at me, hurt me as well. It felt like I was beneath them, or trash, but something was different with this one. His eyes seemed honest. True, but they held something else as well. Maybe a darkness? The small and crooked smile on his lips, did make me a little bit calmer though, but I wasn’t so stupid just to trust him. “Here, let me help you up,” he said, holding his hand out to me. I raised an eyebrow, looking from him to his hand strangely. Should I take it? The hand. Could I trust him? I bit my tongue, as I slowly put my hand in his, and he carefully helped me from the ground. “I got her. She seems okay,” he said, as he looked down the alley. I turned my head, following his eyes, but I could only see two big dark shadows at the end of the alley. “Come,” the blond guy said, as he started to guide me down the alley. I heard groaning around us, as we started to walk away. Sh*t! Those were the guys that had chased me just now! And they were lying on the ground bloody and seemed half conscious. How was this possible? I looked up at the blond guy. He was certainly big and clearly strong. His clothes were tight around his muscles, but I knew he must be some kind of trained fighter, if he could take out so many. I felt fear spread through my body as I looked at the men on the ground. Was he going to hurt me too? I really hoped not. I was no match to the guys that had chased me, but I was not even going to be able to say anything to this one before he ripped me in half, if that was what he wanted. “It’s okay. I told you, you don’t have to be afraid of me,” he told me reassuringly, clearly having sensed my fear towards him. I nodded, but kept my guard up, as he let us out of the alley, where I was met by two huge men. Just as big as the blond one. One of them stood leaning up against a car. He had brown hair and dark eyes. Completely pitch-black actually. He seemed … scary. Even though he held a neutral expression, I knew better than to piss this one off. I quickly looked away from him and my eyes turned to the guy beside him. Wow, was all I could say, as I saw him. This one … I had no words, as my heart started to pump harder and faster in my chest. My palms suddenly sweaty and my body seemed to start to vibrate. I didn’t know why, but the man with black hair and dark green eyes seemed to take my breath away like no one else had. He was truly made by the Goddess, I thought, as I watched him hungrily.
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