Book 3 Chapter 2: Hunted

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-Damian- “Dammit, could he not have gotten someone else to pick him up?” I groaned, frustrated, as I turned down another street in the human town. Evan and I had gotten close to our destination, when suddenly a message appeared from Chris. He wrote he needed someone to get him ASAP. Usually, the guy could take care of himself, so if he texted someone for help, it meant he needed it. So, reluctantly, I had turned around and went back to get him. I wasn’t far from the place he had texted me to go to, but I wondered why he had come here. It was filthy and really not a place you wanted to walk around at night. I looked over at Evan, but I couldn’t read him. He always wore a very neutral expression. Nothing ever seemed to get to him. I looked for a spot to park, when the GPS had told me I had arrived, and found one between two cars just in front of a rundown apartment building. “I’m going to text him we are here, and he better hurry. We have got better things to do than picking him up from a one-night stand or whatever it is he has been doing,” I groaned, picking up my phone. “No need. Here he comes,” Evan said in his dark voice and pointed out of the car window. I lifted my head and saw Chris running down the opposite street, wearing nothing but his boxers. He had his clothes tugged under one arm and his guns in the other hand. He spotted us quickly and crossed the quiet road. He practically jumped inside the car. “Go!” he yelled. “What the f*ck have you been doing?” I asked. “Drive now. Talk later!” “Chris-“ “Go,” I heard Evan say calmly to my right. I looked over at him, but he wasn’t looking at me. I followed his eyes and saw him looking at a whole team of angry-looking males running down the exact same street Chris had just come from. They had homemade weapons in their hands, such as broken bottles, nails in big wooden boards. I didn’t hesitate but got the car going. Chris laughed like crazy, as we passed the males, who quickly realized their target had gotten away from them. “Dammit Chris, what on earth have you been doing?” I asked, as he started to get dressed in the back of the car. “Hey, don’t blame me, how was I supposed to know she was mated to a small city gangster?” Chris laughed, while putting on his boots. I just shook my head. One of these days he would get into trouble that not even we could help him out of. He was hell bend on ruining himself, and it was clear to all of us. “Stay away from the mated and married,” I told him, meeting his eyes in the rearview mirror. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll remember to ask the next time.” Evan and I shared a quick look, knowing very well this probably wasn’t the last time we would be picking him up because he f*cked the wrong female. “Really Chris, you need to list-“ But before I could end my sentence, I hit the breaks as hard as I could. The car stopped abruptly, and there was a loud slam sound as hands came down hard on the front of the car. I looked shocked at the female in front of us, who I had almost run over. She was hard to spot in the dark, but I could make out her small body and her dark hair that was sweaty and hung over her face. She didn’t stay there long, before she looked to her left and then ran away. “What the f*ck?” I heard Chris ask, just as a group of big males came running in front of the car going down the same street as the little female had taken. “F*cking hell,” I groaned before turning off the car. Evan was quiet as we got out of the car, but Chris seemed pumped. He was happy about the upcoming fight. Anything he could to distract himself. Especially because his little affair had been interrupted. “I get the biggest one,” he said before we followed the group. I rolled my eyes, as I followed behind him. The female hadn’t gotten far. Down an alley before she had been completely surrounded. -Isabella- F*ck me. F*ck me. F*ck me. This was exactly why I always stayed hidden, and never stayed in one place for too long. I didn’t want to risk being hunted. That was why I always stayed in the shadows, and never walked out at night, and I never ever talked to other wolves. Why had I followed that woman?! How stupid was I not? She had taken another exit and I had been right behind her, but then when I got outside, she was just gone, and it wasn’t long before this group of guys came around a corner in the alley and picked up my scent. I could do nothing but run. I was no match to any of the guys. I was a strong runner, and had hoped they would get bored, but the hunt was what they found fun. They didn’t give up, and then I almost got run over by a car! It had given them the best opportunity to catch up with me and trap me in another dark alley. I was pushing my back up against the stone wall, as they moved closer from every side. “Please,” I said, looking over each and everyone of them. “Just let me go.” They just smiled cruelly, as they moved closer. “It’s so rare to meet a half-blood. You don’t want to spend some time with real wolves?” I shook my head, hated how I felt so little. I was already a small person at 5’7, barely reaching up to their chests, but as they cornered me, I felt like the size of a mouse. It was both scary and humiliating, but I knew no one would come save me. Half-bloods were fair game. No one cared about us. “Just leave me alone,” I yelled at them, swinging my arm out in front of me, almost scratching one of them. They just laughed at my failed attempt to hurt them. As a half-blood I should not be able to change, but because my father was an alpha, I could, yet had always refined from doing so. Changing was life-threatening for a half-blood to do. The changes were too much for the body and the results could quickly become fatal. It was very rare for a half-blood to be born with that ability to change, but we could change a little. Like make our nails grow longer or sharper. Toon in our hearing. Make our fangs grow longer, but every half-blood was different. It all depended on the strength in the blood. Should I take the chance now and change, I asked inside of my head, just as one of them reached for me and pulled me closer. “No!” I screamed, just before he slapped me. His hand came down hard on the side of my cheek. He was forcing me into submission, and as a half-blood with no protection, I could do nothing but submit. It was almost an instinct, and it was the only way to protect myself. I leaned my head to the side, giving access to my neck, and I could hear them laughing around me, as if I was pathetic for doing so. I hated how weak I was, but I could not die now. I had a mission to fulfill. It was pathetic but anything for them to leave me alone. Just leave me be. I begged silently inside of myself. I knew no one would come save me and could only hope the guys didn’t think I was a very fun prey, so they would leave quickly, and not do too much damage, but the look in their eyes told me differently. Even their scent told me how excited they were. It was sickening, and I wanted to vomit. “Please, just-“ “Let go of the female!” a powerful voice echoed down the alley.
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