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Chapter Eleven Betrayal (Esha’s POV) I was having fun—real, genuine fun for the first time since starting university. The tension that always seemed to cling to my shoulders melted away as I laughed with my friends, moving to the rhythm of the music thumping through the room. I had my drink in hand, my body swaying in time with Cassandra and Sophie, the lights flashing in shades of blue and pink across the dance floor. For once, I let myself just be in the moment, not thinking about school, my family, or the complicated mess that was my life. Victor was there, too, hovering close but never pushing. He smiled at me between songs, his easygoing charm putting me at ease. He wasn’t like other guys, especially not like Andy. Victor didn’t have that cocky edge, that smirk that made me question every word that came out of his mouth. He was sweet and genuine—or at least, he seemed that way. His hand brushed against mine lightly as we danced, and though a part of me still felt that flutter of nervousness, I reminded myself that this was what I wanted. A new experience. A chance to let my guard down. After a few songs, Victor leaned in closer to speak over the music. “Want another drink?” I nodded, smiling. “Sure.” As he disappeared toward the kitchen, I turned back to my friends, still swaying to the music. Sophie leaned in with a grin. “He’s totally into you. It’s cute.” I laughed, trying to ignore the flutter of nerves in my stomach. “Yeah, he’s sweet.” Cassandra shot me a playful look. “And you’re into him, right?” I opened my mouth to respond, but then the thought of *him* flashed through my mind—Andy, with his infuriating smirk and that damn way he always got under my skin. I quickly pushed it away, determined not to let him ruin my night. “Yeah, I am.” Victor returned a few minutes later, two drinks in hand. He passed one to me with that same easy smile. “Here you go.” “Thanks,” I said, taking a sip. It tasted different—sweeter, somehow—but I didn’t think much of it. We danced for a bit longer, and I felt myself loosening up even more, laughing and spinning in the crowd. Victor’s hands found my waist, and for a moment, it felt nice. I was finally living the kind of life I had come here for—free and untethered. Letting everything else slip from my mind and enjoying the moment. I wanted to keep these memories, to look back and see myself embracing my new world without fear or reservations. But then, slowly, something shifted. I blinked, my vision growing hazy. The room seemed to tilt slightly, the music becoming muffled in my ears. I frowned, trying to shake the feeling off, but it only got worse. My head felt heavy, my limbs slow and uncooperative. I tried to focus on the faces around me—Cassandra, Sophie, Victor—but everything started to blur together, like I was watching through a fog. Panic fluttered in my chest. Something’s wrong. My pulse quickened, a sense of unease creeping into my mind. I tried to speak, to say something to Victor, but my tongue felt thick, my mouth numb. All I managed was a quiet, slurred sound. Victor turned toward me, his expression soft but… calculating. “You okay, Esha?” he asked, his hand tightening around my arm. But there was something off in his tone, something in the way he looked at me, that sent a chill down my spine. “I—” I tried again, but the words wouldn’t come. My legs felt weak, and I stumbled, leaning into him for support. “Whoa, easy there,” Victor said, his voice calm. *Too* calm. He guided me toward the stairs, his hand steady on my back. “Let’s get you somewhere quieter, okay?” No, I wanted to say. No, I’m not okay. This isn’t right. My heart pounded in my chest, a surge of panic rising as I realized I couldn’t control my own body. My limbs felt like lead, my vision swimming, and all I could do was nod weakly as Victor led me away from the crowd. I tried to pull away, tried to resist, but my body wasn’t responding. I wanted to turn and yell out for my friends, but my muscles barely twitched, my legs moved sluggishly, and my head lolled forward as Victor half-carried, half-guided me up the stairs. The distant thrum of the party grew fainter as we ascended, the music and laughter fading into the background. The cold, sinking dread filling my chest only grew stronger. No. This couldn’t be happening to me. Victor opened the door to one of the rooms upstairs and led me inside, closing it behind us. The soft click of the lock sent another wave of panic through me, but I was powerless to do anything about it. My body was betraying me, slipping further and further out of my control. I turned my head slightly, looking at Victor through blurry eyes. “Victor… I don’t… feel right…” He smiled—an unsettling, almost predatory smile that twisted his once-genuine expression into something cruel. “Yeah, I figured you wouldn’t. But that’s the point, isn’t it?” My stomach dropped as his words registered, a sickening realization dawning on me. He did this. “You’ve been on my radar since the first day of school,” Victor continued, his voice low and matter-of-fact. “But I knew you weren’t going to fall for the usual s**t. You’re too smart, too careful. So, I played the part. The nice guy, the nerd who just wanted to get to know you. The perfect, safe guy you would want to be around. It was easier than I thought. Easier than any of my friends thought it would be for me. I guess I’m winning this bet.” He took a step closer, and terror shot through me as he sat down beside me on the bed. I tried to push him away, but my arms barely moved, my body sluggish and uncooperative. I wanted to scream, to call out for help, but my voice wouldn’t work, my throat constricting as I struggled to breathe. Victor leaned in, his voice a sickening whisper in my ear. “But now? Now you’re right where I want you.” My mind screamed in protest, but my body remained limp, paralyzed by whatever he’d put in my drink. I tried to summon any strength left in me, tried to fight, but the world around me started to darken, my vision fading as my consciousness slipped away. No, I thought desperately. No, this can’t be happening. I fought to stay awake, to stay aware, but it was no use. My eyes fluttered shut, the last thing I saw was Victor’s cold smile, and then everything went black. The darkness swallowed me whole.
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