+CHAPTER 4+ Past

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"It has been years dad, 25 years dad. 25 years that felt like 50 years without her in this pack." Aaron whispered with his head hanging low. "Shut up Aaron. I don't want to talk about it." Simon warned his son in a low growl. Telling him to leave the topic while he filled his glass with vodka from the small bar in the corner of his office. "You never want to talk about it dad. You never do." Aron looked up at his father, his eyes were bloodshot as if he had cried for hours before coming to his father's office. "And yet you never leave a single chance to remind me of the daughter who had been dead to me before she actually died. I had warned you before Aron, stop dragging the past in the future. The lycan council won't be lenient enough to spare us with just a warning again." Simon bit out while drinking his vodka in one go as if he wanted to wash the bitter taste Aron's words had left in his mouth. Aron gave a hollow laugh at his father's words who was his alpha too. "You didn't want to talk when her husband died, you didn't want to talk when her daughter called. Let me ask you a question that when will you want to talk!? When dad? When it will be too late?" Aaron bellowed. "Watch your words pup! You are talking to your alpha." Simon roared. "No, I'm talking to my father. Aren't you afraid of the Goddess's punishment dad? You abandoned your own granddaughter when she needed you the most. Didn't her hiccups haunt you?" Aron snarled. When Aron's brother in law had died in an animal attack her daughter had called Simon. They all had been having a pack dinner at that moment. Everyone had heard as Simon had told his own granddaughter that he wished that she was dead along with her father too. Everyone in the pack had heard as the little girl on the other side had hiccuped as she was tried to keep in her sobs when her grandfather hung up on her before telling her to never contact them again. "Leave it as it is going, son. Her parents are dead, my daughter is dead. Let that child live her life in peace." Simon sighed before he started heading towards the door. He wasn't ready for this conversation and it seemed it he never will be. "She is not dead dad. Amelia is alive." Aaron announced. Simon's shoulders stiffened at Aron's words, he stopped in his tracks. His head snapped towards his son. There was no way Amelia would have survived~ It was impossible for a wolf to survive it's mate's death. Aron had to be lying. "Don't lie to me on this son." Simon warned as he tried to control the trembling of his hands. Amelia can't be alive~ "I am not lying dad her daughter is a wolf just like us but she has no idea about the wolf that resides within her soul." "I'm not asking about her daughter, son. Tell me about my daughter. Have you seen her?" Simon asked in an unsteady voice. It was the first time Simon called Amelia his daughter out loud since the day she left with that human guy. She had chosen a human guy over her family~ "I have seen her, she's in pain dad. She's in so much pain and her daughter has no idea what she is doing to her own mother." Tears streamed down Aron's eyes. "What do you mean?" Simon asked in confusion. "Don't talk in riddles and tell me the damn matter." Simon snapped like a mad man, his eyes shining with tears. "After her mate's death Amelia's wolf had died but her daughter kept her alive on life support. Amelia's soul has been riped in two but her body is still alive. She has been in a coma for 2 years. She has been in pain for too long." Simon fell on his knees at his son's admission. Amelia was alive~ His daughter was alive~ "I have talked to the doctors, they have said that there is a ten percent chance of her waking up but we both know that it is a lie. She had a zero percent chance of surviving. We have to pull off the life support." Aron whispered the last line as a plea as more tears streamed down his face. As he got on his knees beside his father. "I can't! I can kill my own blood." Simon whispered as an involuntary sob escaped from his lips. "You can abandon her for years and now when she needs us to ease her pain, you are backing out." Aron touched his father's shoulder but Simon shrugged his handoff. "Tell her daughter to do that. I can't see her after 25 years only to lose her once again." Simon whispered shaking his head as he panted for breath. It seemed like someone had tied and an invisible noose around his neck, choking him. . . "The doctors had tried to pull off the life support multiple times but her daughter had refused to let her go. She is a child dad and she is scared. She needs your help, she needs our help. She's just a little wolf who fell on the wrong side. She needs help as much as her mother." When Simon did not respond Aron insisted once again. "We have to introduce her to the world where she truly belongs. I can't do this without you. Please, dad." "Have you met her daughter?" Simon asked in a low whisper. "No, I haven't yet. But I'll soon, with or without you." Aron said with a finality in his voice. Questions will be raised if Simon let Amelia's daughter into this pack, the questions that he was not strong enough to answer. Simon was scared to meet his daughter and granddaughter. He was scared of the past that was catching up to him so fast. Simon was watching a storm coming towards his family, a storm that can change their lives or destroy them all in a blink. He had never thought that an impulsive decision of the past could lead him to watch his own daughter's death in front of his eyes. He was reaping what he had sowed~
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