+CHAPTER 3+ Stranger

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Rebecca smiled while looking at Jessica who was currently dancing her heart out. She looked lost in vodka and music, not even slightly bothered by the people around her. Maybe a few shots can do that to a person. Rebecca gave Jessica's remaining vodka shots a longing look. She knew she can't drink, she's here to look out for her friend but she wished that she had someone with whom she could be careless and act like the girls of her age. Someone who will look out for her when she's at her lowest. Someone who will hold her hair back when she will puke her guts out after drinking alcohol. Someone who will love her just like her parents had loved her, with all their hearts~ Sometimes she thinks that she's going to die single because she had so high preferences for a life partner. But she couldn't help it because she had seen love in it's purest form between her parents. It was love that drove her mother into a coma after her father's death. The doctors had said that her mother is never going to come back from a coma and it's better if Rebecca let them pull off the life support and end her mother's agony but Rebecca was too selfish to let her go. It was a bitter reality that her mother was as good as a dead person but Rebecca can't let her go. But even in her current state, Rebecca felt that she wasn't alone and if she let her mother go she will be alone in this world with no one to call her own. On her father's death, Rebecca had lost both of her parents and the only family she had ever known. Her parent's marriage was based on love and where there is true love there are always people who stand in the way of true love and in her parent's story, her mother's family stood against their relation. But despite all the hurdles they made it to a happy married life and a small home until that animal attack. The thing that hurt Rebecca the most was that no one from her mother's family attended her father's funeral. Rebecca had called her grandfather when her mother went into a coma, thinking that he would help her but her grandfather hadn't even listened to why she had called him. He had bluntly told her to never contact them again. He didn't hold back in giving her a piece of his mind by telling her that he was happy that her father died and he wishes Rebecca would have died with him too. Rebecca had cried like a baby that day. She was amazed by the fact of how true love can extract so much hatred. But whatever! It's not like she knows anyone from her mother's family. They can keep their faces stuck in their hatred filled ass. She doesn't give a flying f**k about them if they don't care about their own daughter who's been in a coma for years. At this moment the vodka looked so tempting. So f*****g tempting!! "Can I buy you a drink..?" A deep husky voice came from her left side. Without looked at the person Rebecca replied. "Of course you can, only if you are into lesbians." A fake smile was plastered on her face. When silence greeted her reply she thought that the guy must have taken the hint and left her alone but she was proved wrong when full belly roll laugh came from that guy. When Rebecca looked up she was greeted by a guy worth painting. God help her if she was able to paint she would definitely have painted him, Naked. The guy's eyes were of two different colors. The left one was of royal blue color while the right one was a mix of orange and red color. He had midnight black hairs that reached just below his ears. He was wearing faded blue jeans and a black color shirt that had 'p***y Eater' written on it in neon color. Rebecca's face heated when she got caught while looking at his shirt. It took everything in her to not to stare at the scar that marred the left side of his face. It ran from his left brow to his nose, crossing the middle of his royal blue eye. "I might have believed you if you hadn't looked at me like you want to tie me on your bed dear." He whispered in a husky voice, winking at her. Rebecca looked away. Clearly embarrassed that he caught her while she was checking him out but her embarrassment didn't stop her from denying the fact that she was checking him out. "I wasn't looking at you. I just zoned out on you!" He seems like an A-one arrogant bastard and fueling his ego was the last thing Rebecca wanted to do. "Little one you don't have to be shy about your attraction towards me. I normally have this effect on women, you know they just can't resist my Godly charms." Gosh, the bastard was so smooth at this. He's attractive and he f*****g knew it. "You may normally have some effect on women but I'm not one of the women you normally meet. So back the f**k off!!" Rebecca sneered at the stranger. Deciding on not waiting for his reply Rebecca pulled her phone out and started checking her **. After some time the stranger questioned again. "Are you talking to someone? Maybe your girlfriend?" There was laughter in his voice. The way he was teasing her clearly indicates that he had caught her lie of being a lesbian. "No, I'm trying to ignore you. So can you please take the hint and leave me alone." Rebecca replied bluntly with an extra sweet smile on her face. Throwing his head back the stranger laughed again. "You are definitely different from the others dear." With his otherworldly beauty, Rebecca was sure that he can get any girl he wants but Rebecca wasn't any girl. She was a woman who believed in love and miracles. Besides that, she was not here for flirting with random guys. She was here to look out for her friend. She gazed at her drunk friend who looked like she was having a good time. It seemed like the stranger caught her gaze. "Really?? You are rejecting me for a human girl? And I thought that your kind can't fall any more from your current position." Looking at Jessica, the stranger grunted. What the f**k!! "Are you mad or you are just trying to be? Aren't we all human? Or are you trying to create new species besides mankind? Lemme guess your specie would be named as 'Dickwads who can't take no for an answer'." Rebecca mocked with an arched brow. Her question had the opposite effect on him. Instead of flirting or teasing her, he looked kinda puzzled more precisely he looked confused as f**k. And then he left her as if his ass was on fire. Rebecca looked towards her friend who was still dancing without a care with two weirdos rubbing themselves all over her. Rebecca gagged at the sight. Okay enough socializing for tonight, time to go home! She turned to go towards the bathroom before she could drag her friend back home. ●●●●●~^~●●●●● "I have found the girl Aron and it seems like she had no idea about what she is. What do you want me to do with her?" The stranger asked on his phone, the same stranger who was sitting with Rebecca just a few moments before. His gaze was fixed on Rebecca while he talked on his phone. "Keep an eye on her from a distance. Follow her until I figure out what I have to do with her demon." Aron ordered from the other side of the phone. The stranger smirked. "I'm a mercenary, not a baby sitter wolf. Find someone else to do this job. My work here is done. Now we are even and I don't owe you anymore." Without listening to Aron's answer the stranger cut the call but he never took his eyes off Rebecca.
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