+CHAPTER 5+ Hospital

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Rebecca was not a violent person. She had never in her life made a bad comment about anyone or even despised anyone. But currently, she was on the brink of committing a murder. She had seen her mother living with the memories of her family. Her favorite topic was often her family, the family that had forsaken their own daughter because she wanted to marry a man who they thought was not capable of giving her the happiness that she deserved. They never came to meet her mother not even when Rebecca was born, not even when her father died. And now they were suddenly back in their lives and they have enough guts to demand from the doctors that they pull off the life support from her mother. Rebecca can't understand that how can they be so cruel towards their own daughter. Here Rebecca was working her ass off to pay the medical bills of her mother in hopes that she will come back to life and these cruel people wanted to destroy Rebecca's hopes. Parking her car, Rebecca went to confront the doctors who even considered those horrendous people's requests. "Hey, Rebecca!" Rebecca turned towards the source of the voice and found a smiling Jasmine. She was the head nurse at the hospital for years. Jasmine was in her late 40's but the wrinkles on her face didn't affect the bright shine of her eyes. "Hey, Jasmine. Can you tell me where to find Doctor Robinson?" Rebecca demanded, not wasting any time. "He's in his office but he's busy wi..." "Thanks." Jasmine started but Rebecca didn't wait for her to complete her sentence. With rage ruling her mind Rebecca headed towards Doctor Robinson's Office. It had been two f*****g years! She had been paying the hospital for two f*****g years while working her ass off out there. How the hell can they even consider someone's request of pulling off life support from her mother? Just because they gave birth to her mother didn't mean that they have a say in this matter. Amelia was Rebecca's mother and she was not letting anyone take her mother away from her. Opening doctor Robinson's office door with a bang Rebecca entered only for her eyes to fall upon the person she had met a few weeks before at the dinner. The man who had her mother's eyes. Rebecca ignored him and narrowed her eyes at doctor Robinson who had a panicked look on his face. "Rebecca, can you please give us a few moments? I'll talk to you shortly." "I didn't come here to talk Rob! I came here to remind you of your hospital's policies. I think it's clearly stated in your policies that only the family member paying for a patient's treatment has the right to make decisions for the patient!" Rebecca sneered while banging her fist on doctor Robinson's desk, making him slightly jump in his seat. She didn't even give a f**k about the stranger who was staring at her in astonishment. "Rubby I would like to introduce you to Mr.Aron. He's a financier of our hospital." Doctor Robinson indicated towards the stranger Rebecca had royally ignored. "Hey, Mr.Aron. Do you mind giving me a few minutes alone with doctor Robinson? I have an important issue to resolve with him." Rebecca offered Aron a tight fake smile before looking back at the doctor. "Actually Mr.Aron claims that he's your mother's brother. He's technically your uncle and he's the one who wants to pull off the life support from your mother." Rebecca's eyes snapped towards the stranger but this time in resentment. "How dare you!" Rebecca shouted on top of her lungs before she lunged at her f*****g uncle in fury. Holding him from his shirt's collar Rebecca growled at him like an animal. Before she could punch the daylight out of him, Doctor Robinson was behind her in a second, pulling her off from her so-called uncle. "Rebecca..." Aron started in a startled voice only to be cut off by his niece. "Don't you f*****g utter my name from that filthy mouth of yours!" Rebecca hissed at him venomously. Pushing Doctor Robinson away she turned around and she pointed her finger at him. "And you! I'll sue your f*****g hospital if you dared to harm my mother. I'll f*****g drag you to court! You know what! I'm going to shift my mother to another hospital where she doesn't have enemies like this snake." Rebecca gave Aron a hostile look over her shoulder before turning to leave. It was better for her to leave before she did something drastic like stabbing her darling uncle. "Rebecca, she's been on life support for years, don't you think she had suffered enough? How much longer are you going to hold her in this pain." Doctor Robinson's words stopped Rebecca in her tracks. Rebecca swallowed the lump formed in her throat before she turned her head, looking in the doctor's eyes. "I'm not going to let go until she comes back to me. You were there when I lost my father, Rob. You were their friend, how could you expect me to let her go? I can't lose my mother too, I can't let her go, she's all I have left." Tears welled up in her eyes but she kept them at bay. She didn't want to cry in front of that man, she wouldn't show him her weak side. "She's on life support but at least she's alive. You are asking for too much from me. I can't let go of this hope of my mother's coming back to life." Rebecca's parting words left tears in Aron's eyes. He had never thought in his wildest dreams that the girl he had met at a small diner a few weeks ago will turn out to be his niece. She had been right in front of his eyes and he hadn't recognized her. His niece was just a little girl who was afraid to let go of her mother. Aron was ashamed for asking her to let go of Amelia. In the desperation of easing his sister's pain, he forgot that he was not the one who had been there when Amelia needed him the most. He wasn't there when his little niece needed him. He felt like an i***t for not explaining to her about his kind first before coming to the hospital. Aron had made things more complex for everyone. And the worse part was that little Rebecca had no clue about the wolf that was residing within her soul. There was something wrong with her wolf~ * 'It will be a cold day in hell when I'll let those bastards near my mother.' Rebecca mumbled to herself. Her heart was ringing in her ears. It felt like she had been introduced to a tickling bomb that was going to explode at any moment. She can't lose her mother~ Taking her phone out Rebecca dialed the number of the only man who would help her in the current situation. Calton~ Her childhood friend. Rebecca breathed in relief when Calton picked her call. An involuntary sob escaped from Rebecca's mouth. "Rubby! Is that you? God! Why are you crying?" Rebecca sobbed even harder at hearing his voice. "Gosh Rubby! You are scaring me. Tell me what happened? Just calm down. I can't help you if I don't know what the problem is." At Calton's concerned voice Rebecca controlled her sobs. "I don't know what's happening. God! I have done every single thing. I have paid the hospital bills on time, I have worked so hard to save her." She explained in between hiccups. "I swear I am going to kill myself if they took her from me!" Rebecca threatened her friend. Calton was a lawyer and Rebecca knew that he was going to be the only one who could help her in the current situation. He was among the best lawyer in the country and he had the capability to sue the hospital. "Don't be irrational Rubby! Tell me where you are and I'll be there." Calton asked in a panicked voice. "I am at the hospital right now. I am not leaving until I take my mother to another hospital where there is no harm to her life." She mumbled while wiping at her tears angrily. "Listen to me Rubby, stay there and I'll be there in an hour. Just please don't harm yourself. Promise me you won't do something stupid." There was undelaying desperation in Calton's tone. "Promise." Rebecca whispered in her phone while her eyes caught the sight of Aron, her f*****g uncle. Who was standing there with a sympathetic look on his face. God! What they want from her now? Two years ago Rebecca had called them for help and they had hung up on her. Telling her very clearly that they didn't give a f**k if she was alive or not. And now after so many years, they came back in her life only to take her mother away from her. The hell Rebecca was going to let that happen! They will harm her mother over Rebecca's dead body.
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