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AKIRA I would have appreciated a bit more support from Skylar, but instead, she just threw me to the wolves. Oh, Heavens, I can't believe I just said that! I don't know what the fuss is about, it's not such a big deal, it's a teeny tiny white lie! "It is a big deal, Kira. Lies spread faster than the truth! If word got out, it would bring a great deal of humiliation to the Alpha. He will be the laughing stock of the other packs, and even his own would disrespect him. Some would do anything to drag his name through the mud out of jealousy, and they would use your lie to do just that. Having your fated mate living with her boyfriend right under your nose is the biggest insult!" Skylar was good at convincing people to do what she wanted, but then again, everything she said made sense. Something I considered a small lie or a joke could actually ruin the Alpha's reputation, and I sure as hell don't want to be held responsible for that! "Fine, I'll go talk to him, but don't expect me to apologize to him. He should apologize for his short temper!" Skylar just gave me an encouraging smile and told me to go and talk to him and try to convince him to come back inside. "Adjust those big girl panties you have on and go get your man, Kira." I just rolled my eyes at Zion and told him that I would get back at him later for that chirp. The Alpha was not my man yet! I took a few deep breaths, told myself over and over again that I totally got this, and marched outside. He was having a serious looking conversation with his Beta. He paused for a few seconds, then picked his head up as if sniffing the air, and then they both turned towards me. "Hi, there, hope I'm not interrupting anything important?" I said, and before they could answer, I turned to the Beta and said, "We haven't been formally introduced, I'm Kira, and you are?" He looked at the Alpha first and then answered me after a bit of hesitation, "I'm Michael, pleasure to meet you" Okay, I think I broke the ice with that, now for the more difficult part. "Roman, can I speak to you in private, please? Seems we got off on the wrong foot, and I want to clear a few things up." Destiny was unusually quiet. The least she could do was offer some backup or a bit of encouragement, but not even a squeak could be heard. Guess I would have to handle this one on my own. Michael had politely excused himself, and as for Roman, he didn't even utter a word. He agreed to my request with just a nod and stood there with a straight face waiting for me to speak. "I am sure you already know of how I found out about my true identity and how I ended up here. So I am not going to bore you with all that or about my battle to accept it all, nor am I going to play the victim. I just wanted to make it very clear that neither Skylar, Zion, nor myself meant you any disrespect today. I admit, I did attempt a bit of role play, call it light humour if you want, but know that there were no intentions to cause any harm or humiliation. Zion and I have been best friends since high school. Many believe us to be a couple. And we play along for the fun of it. He has a boyfriend, who is totally awesome, but I have no idea how he's going to handle all of this. Zion and I still have a lot of catching up to do because he, like me, only just found out his true identity. He's apparently of Skylar's bloodline. Soooooo, that just about sums it up, and I hope that there's no hard feelings." I took a deep breath in and out after that mouthful and waited for a reply, but instead, all I got was awkward silence, and he just stood there, hands stuck in his pants pockets, and just stared at me like he was trying to read me or figure me out. F*ck this! I didn't have the patience for whatever games he wanted to play. I turned to leave, and just as I was doing so, he called out to me. "Akira, wait. Please don't leave. Thank you for explaining yourself. I admit I may have overreacted. All that happened recently is a bit overwhelming for me, too. I am trying to adjust as best as I can. I should not have jumped to conclusions. I will apologize to Skylar. She would never disrespect me, and it was wrong of me to doubt her." How the heck could he sound almost apologetic when acknowledging that he was in the wrong but at the same time be so egotistical? "You're not God," I said in a low sarcastic whisper. It wasn't meant to be heard, but unfortunately, it was, and he said laughingly, "Lucky for me then because I don't believe in God." I rolled my eyes as I was annoyed at his comeback and without saying anything more turned and headed back inside. He continued to laugh softly and followed me inside but at a distance. I asked Zion to join me for a walk, and we excused ourselves and gave Skylar and Roman some privacy to talk. Damn that Alpha for making me feel all anxious, frustrated, and excited at the same time! I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame, and it scared the hell out of me because I had never felt like that before for anyone! "The Alpha is smoking hot! Like freaking Greek God hot! If you don't want him, I'll totally tap that!" I gave Zion a playful slap after he said that and then told him he could have him. "He's so full of himself! I don't need that egotistical jerk in my life, and besides, he's ancient. How old do you think he is?" and Zion guessed that he was maybe in his late twenties. "I also think he's about there, and he's probably already been with God knows how many women. Can you imagine how he would humiliate me if he found out that I'm still a virgin?" Zion laughed and said, "Bestie, no ifs about it. He's your so-called fated mate, so he's going to find out reaaaaallly soon. Okay, okay, my bad, that was a terrible joke, but on a serious note, whoever you end up with will be the luckiest guy who walked this earth, and he will know it. He will treat you like the queen you are, and if not, well, then he'll have me to deal with." Enough talk about that jerk! I asked Zion to forget about Roman and tell me how he's been handling all of this. He let out a heavy sigh and then said, "It is what it is, Kira. What can we do but try to make the best out of it. I thought my parents were pranking me at first too, when they broke the news to me, then Gran brought out an ancient looking book and asked me to join her in chanting some weird words from a passage. She held my hands, and as we continued, I felt like a surge of energy or something go through me, and every candle in the room lit up! It was freaking awesome! I'm not going to lie to you, I kind of love the fact that I have this gift. I can't wait to learn how to do more stuff. I would have loved to use my gift to get back at some of my past bullies, but Gran said that our gifts must not be used to intentionally harm anyone. The spirits or ancestors or whatever would get angry, and we apparently have to always keep them happy so that they will continue to protect us. So bummer about that, I had thought of some pretty cool stuff I wanted to learn and have those bullies play lab rats and get back at them for scarring me for life!" I just giggled at his dramatics. He then jokingly asked if we could switch cos he preferred having a wolf instead. A part of me wanted to say that I didn't want any of it, but then again, and strangely enough, I felt a special bond with Destiny. Zion and I continued catching up with everything that had happened, and then he blurted out suddenly, "I still can't believe that soon, you of all people are going to be a Luna of a pack of freaking Wolves! Has anyone explained to you how this whole thing with becoming the Alpha's mate, s***h Luna is going to happen? Are you guys going to have a wedding ceremony or something?"
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