4. Acting Spoiled

1424 Words
Wyatt's POV: I looked over to the Chloe girl, a blush immediately covering her cheeks with a rosy tint, my face was emotionless as usual. I was the "ruthless" alpha after all, so I became just that. Chloe cleared her throat She started moving a little bit closer to me. "So, Wyatt, as I said, my name is Chlo-" I cut her sentence short while staring daggers at her. "You will address me as alpha, is that understood? I don't know who you think you are, but so far you have not made a good impression, little girl." She hummed and smiled seductively, giving me some weak apology. "Of course, Alpha, my apologies". She slowly bit her lip. I shuddered with disgust as I realized how slutty this girl is. I was mind-linking to Logan when this Chloe girl addressed me as Wyatt. Who did she think she was? She was 17, trying to seduce a 22-year-old man who raised her? "Uh alpha?" he said over mind link. I realized I had stopped mid-sentence with her distracting me. "What Logan? I am not very happy right now." "I can tell, would you like me to get them both settled in?" "That would be great. I need to go for a run." "Of course, alpha right away." "Anyways girls, welcome to Silver Dawn" I turned around and walked away. And with that, Logan explained to Chloe and Aspyn that he would be taking them to their rooms as I had some "alpha" matters to attend to. The one thing I couldn't stand someone being was a w***e who was just out for the Luna title, and I could read this girl like an open book. Aspyn's POV: There was a very awkward silence as Chloe just stood there staring at who I assumed was the Beta, like he wasn't good enough. Obviously, she assumed the alpha would have been giving her a personal tour. He clapped his hands together. "So, shall we get going? I can show you both to your rooms. I am Beta Logan, by the way." Chloe stopped while reapplying her lipstick "I guess, so I mean we did travel 2 hours just to come here, so the least you could do is show us our rooms." I couldn't believe she was acting so stuck up, but at the same time, it was Chloe. Through gritted teeth, the beta managed to remain happy. "Right this way." I walked up the stairs with Chloe and Beta Logan. I still hadn't said a word since we arrived. I hadn't even looked up. I was too scared to. We walked down the long hallway, Chloe's heels clicking every step of the way. He stopped us at the bedroom door. "Okay, so Chloe, it looks like this is you." Chloe looked at the door, "Ugh finally I am so tired and so hungry." Chloe reached her hand and turned the knob opening up the bedroom. "Let's go, Aspyn," she commanded. I have had my head down ever since we exited the car. This was the first time I had spoken since we arrived as well. I couldn't ignore Chloe even if I wanted to. "Y-es Chloe I am coming." I said quietly, almost, whispered like I started walking into Chloe's room with her when Beta Logans hand stopped the door. "Actually, Aspyn, it seems we have a room right next to this one just for you." He smiled at me and let go of the door. I smiled politely but I witnessed Chloe's face distort like she was disgusted. "Um, that isn't right, Aspyn is my personal maid, so she should be sharing the room with me for anything I need." Beta Logan faked a cough and looked at Chloe. "Sorry, Alpha's orders, he wanted you both to have your own space." He shrugged my shoulders. "Now, Aspyn, would you mind following me?" I looked at him the first time I lifted my head up, he saw my lip shaking a bit and c****d his head. He was also probably looking at my sunglasses. I waited for Chloe's response to the question. Chloe sneered and made a shooing motion with her hand. "You heard the beta Aspyn, go, Alpha's orders." She smiled but I knew it was fake inside. She was burning with anger. I looked at Beta Logan and I didn't know what to do or say. "Okay then, well Aspyn uh follow me." With that we heard a loud slam of what I could only assume was Chloe's door. The beta walked me to my own room and opened the door for me.. I hesitated but entered the room slowly looking around with my mouth slightly opened with shock. "Well, I hope you can get settled. Um, just let me know if you need anything, if you'd like a shower, there are fresh towels on this cover here and if you get hungry just let one of us know." He smiled. I ended up just staring at the Beta like a dear in headlights and then bowed and nodded my head. "I hope you can get settled in okay", He exited my room and closed the door gently behind him. Aspyn's initial thoughts on arriving: We arrived at the silver Dawn pack at 9 AM, just like we were supposed to. I was pulled out of my daydream once Chloe exited the car. I waited about 3 minutes before exiting. I got out of the big SUV and both the Alpha and Beta were looking in my direction. Thank goddess I had my head down. Who was I to look an alpha in the eyes? I slowly moved my way over toward them, keeping my head down the whole time, not saying a word as I listened to Chloe's pathetic attempt at trying to seduce the alpha on the first day we arrived. Thankfully, they didn't try to talk with me, not that I didn't want them to, but I felt I didn't deserve their words. I heard Chloe address the alpha by his first name and I froze for her, she had no fear. The alpha scolded her a little bit and then I realized he had walked off. I heard who I believed was Beta Logan say he was going to show us to our rooms. He led us down a long, beautiful hallway and we stopped at a door. He explained it was Chloe's room, which I assumed was where I would be staying as well. But I was scared when Beta Logan said it was alpha's orders and that I had my own room. Chloe slammed her door. I could tell she was angry even though she was acting civil. Beta Logan and I arrived at another door, and he opened the door for me. I have never had a door opened for me, so initially, it shocked me. I didn't want to be rude, so I slowly walked in. I looked around the room. It was huge compared to the small room I had spent my life in. I was pulled out of my amazement when Beta Logan looked at me "I hope it is to your liking." I wanted to tell him this was the most beautiful room I've ever seen but I couldn't get the words out, so I just nodded. Beta Logan left the room, and I was left alone. I don't remember the last time I had a peaceful moment where I wasn't getting screamed at or punished. I didn't know what to do with myself, so I just slowly walked over to the bed and sat down. I fell backwards onto the bed. It felt like I landed on a cloud. I grasped the locket with my two fingers. Wherever you are mom, I know you're looking over me. With that thought, I drifted into a deep sleep holding the locket close to my heart. Wyatt's POV: I have been running for some time now. I stopped at a small lake to get a drink of water. I heard rustling behind me. I immediately showed my teeth and began to growl. I got into my fighting stance while watching the bush move. Our territory was very protected, being the strongest pack in the pack lands there should be no reason anyone should even be here. The bush started rustling again. I pounced on the bush, tackling the intruder and pinning them down. When I saw who it was, my eyes widened. "Lila?"
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