5. Reunited Siblings

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I was holding down a small black wolf. I stared into her eyes and my growl seized slowly. She was staring back at me, like she had no fear. I c****d my head to the side, one of my ears folding down and resting on my head. I slowly got off of her when I realized I recognized her scent. My wolf was much larger than hers. In comparison. I was a huge black wolf with shining gold eyes. Just then I heard a voice "It's been awhile big brother." The small black wolf then stood up shaking, her fur. I knew it! It was Lila. I hadn't seen my sister since I was about 15. When she got sent away to live with our aunt Renee at the age of 11, our mom and dad knew Lila had special powers, so she was sent away to learn how to control them. I just stared at her while deep in thought. "Damn, I can't have a hug or anything? It's only been 7 years since I last saw you." Lila sat down staring at me waiting for a response. It finally pulled me out of my trance. "Lila, what are you doing here? And why the f**k did you think it would be a good idea to sneak up on me like that?" I went behind a tree and changed back into human form, my wolf Grayson whining in my head for me to switch back. Grayson didn't have the best temper, but I guess that was fitting since I was also an asshole. "Ughhh I never get to be out unless we are fighting some stupid f*****g rogue or going on one run per week." Grayson whined. "Oh Grayson, stop bitching would you? are you a wolf or some little p***y?" I laughed. I heard a growl "f**k you Wyatt." I finished putting on my clothes and walked out from behind the tree. I noticed Lila had also changed back. She ran up and hugged me. I squeezed her back. She suddenly left the hug and looked at me with worried eyes. She grabbed my cheeks and stared at my eyes close to my face. "What the f**k are you doing?" I backed away. Lila laughed, "I'm sorry, but I had to see if it was true." "If that was true?" my expression switched to confusion. Lila rolled her eyes. "You'll find out. Anyway, I am gonna be crashing here for a little bit since I turned eighteen. I am finally able to come see you." "You can stay IF you don't cause any trouble." I teased. "Pfft, what trouble would I cause? I already know about the two girls." Lila started walking back toward my house. I jogged and matched her speed, "Woah woah woah, how do you know about them?" She looked at me with annoyed eyes. "Did you really forget my power?" I internally smacked myself, of course. I completely forgot that Lila could sense people's presence, she also can tell what powers a wolf has just by looking at them. "s**t, I'm sorry it's been kinda crazy in my life lately." "Stop apologizing, you're an alpha for f**k's sake." I hit her shoulder in a playful way. We finally made it back to the house. When we entered, we were both greeted by Beta Logan. "Alpha welcome back-." He was mid bow when he looked at Lila. "LILA? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" I looked at Logan and sighed "For f**k's sake, Logan, be quiet." Logan and I both noticed Lila was just standing there staring at Logan like her breath had been taken away. "Lila?" I tapped her on the shoulder. She came out of her trance shaking her head and looked up at me. "S-sorry I'm okay." she smiled I looked over to Logan. "Is dinner ready?" "Yes, alpha, would you like me to grab Chloe and Aspyn?" "Yes please." Logan bowed and walked upstairs. I walked to the dinner table, sitting in my chair at the end of the table with Lila taking one of the middle seats. Aspyn's POV: I was woken up by Beta Logan. I was grateful he woke me up because I was in the middle of a nightmare.I noticed I didn't have my sunglasses on and grabbed them, but it was too late because I noticed the worried look in Beta Logan's eyes. I tried to come up with an excuse and ended up telling him that I had an accident in my old pack and I did it myself. What a stupid excuse. He did tell me there was a pack doctor and that maybe she could look at it. In my 19 years of living, I don't remember ever seeing a doctor and I definitely don't remember anyone caring whether I needed to or not.To be nice, I just nodded my head. I haven't said much since I arrived at Silver dawn, mostly because I was afraid of being punished. Beta Logan and I made our way downstairs to have dinner when I heard the alpha and he was yelling. I started shaking a little bit but I composed myself. I realized I didn't have any nice outfits for dinner or anything. I looked like I just didn't want to take care of myself. What if the Alpha was mad at my appearance and wanted to punish me? I scared myself even more until we entered the actual dining room and I noticed the alpha. He had been distracted, so I snuck a glance at him. His jet black hair looked a little messy with a freshly shaven face, he was wearing a white button down with the sleeves folded up to his elbows with his arms stretched out on the table as he stood there staring daggers at Chloe?! I was so focused on how good he looked that I didn't even notice it was Chloe he was upset with. I looked at Chloe for a brief second while she was distracted. She was just staring at the alpha and then muttered sorry to him while still flirting with him. I wasn't surprised about what she was wearing. This is how Chloe dressed all of the time, but I had the feeling she was dressing extra slutty just to seduce the alpha. Beta Logan looked over at me and nodded at me to take my seat. We both sat down and alpha sensed our arrival. I barely noticed some gold in his eyes and he seemed to calm down when I was seated. I also noticed a beautiful woman. She looked just like the Alpha, black hair, green eyes with a gorgeous complexion. Wyatt's POV: "What the f**k are you wearing?" I was standing with my hands placed firmly on the table, staring at Chloe. She just stared at me and sat down. "Don't you ever ignore an alpha when he is talking to you." Just then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw Logan and Aspyn walk into the dining room. Chloe looked at me with her bottom lip out, "I am very sorry, Alpha, this is how I dressed in my old pack." "Is there anything I can do to make you forgive me?" I noticed the little lip bite she did while saying it. She put her arms on the table, making her cleavage push together. "Just have some decency and cover yourself up." I sighed, Logan and Aspyn joined us at the table. I really wasn't trying to deal with this little slut. Usually I would've been a lot harsher, but I didn't want to cause a scene at dinner. As soon as Aspyn sat down I was hit with a strong smell of coconut and vanilla, she smelt so f*****g good. I've been with plenty of girls but I have never smelled one like her. Maybe I just never paid attention. "Alpha, I am so sorry to mind link in the middle of dinner but I have to tell you something," "Go for it" "I went to let Aspyn know that dinner was ready, but she never answered the door so I ended up just walking in. You can yell at me later but I wanted to make sure she was alright. Anyway, she was sleeping when I entered." As Logan told me this, I heard Grayson growling a little internally, why is he growling and why do I feel kind of jealous? "SPIT it OUT Logan" My eyes turning slightly gold from Grayson trying to take over Logan noticed this and immediately tried to clear things up and calm me down. "No no alpha, it wasn't like that, I promise, it's just the sunglasses she had been wearing since she arrived had fallen off in her sleep and I caught a glimpse of her swollen eye. It is purple and doesn't look too good," I froze once he told me this and stopped eating. "She told me that she did it herself by accident in her old pack and then put the sunglasses back on." "How could she have given herself a black eye?" "I don't know, but I told her I would alert Amelia." "Good, we will get her looked at, but I don't believe for a second she caused it herself. I mean she was sent to be Chloe's "personal maid", so I wouldn't put it past that w***e to do something like that." Just then Lila cleared her throat. "So Wyatt Logan, you two have been quiet for quite some time, something you'd like to say?" She smiled in a teasing way. "Shut up Lila." I laughed a little. "I will once you introduce me to your guests." I realized I hadn't even introduced my sister, I completely forgot with all this other bullshit going on. "f**k, I'm sorry Lila." Lila looked over at Aspyn and Chloe. "Hello, I am Lila, Wyatt's little sister. I mean Alpha Wyatt's little sister."She laughed. Chloe looked up from her plate and looked at my sister, even I could tell my sister was disgusted by how she dressed and acted towards me. Chloe gave a fake smile. "I am Chloe, and I'm hoping to be Luna," she whispered. Lila was drinking water when she heard that and spit it out, grabbing a napkin "I am so sorry for um spitting water all over you", She said in a sarcastic, fake tone. I knew my sister well and she was very good at judging whether she liked a person or not. I noticed she had spit the water in Chloe's direction all over her white tank top. All of our attention went to Chloe. Her erect n*****s showed through the wet white tank top. Her face blushed red with embarrassment. I immediately looked away. "What are you all looking at!" Chloe covered her chest and ran up to her room as fast as possible. Aspyn's POV: It was quiet for about 10 minutes until I heard the women teasing the alpha. I felt a tinge of jealousy in my heart for some reason, I didn't even know him. Why would I feel jealous? Maybe it is just nerves. The alpha teased her back. And he called her Lila. The women finally looked over to me and Chloe. I looked up for a brief second and then looked back down and Chloe lifted her head, "Hello, I am Lila, Wyatt's little sister. I mean Alpha Wyatt's little sister." She laughed. An odd sense of relief fell over me to know this was the alpha's sister. I didn't say anything but I could hear the sarcasm in Chloe's voice as she introduced herself, then Chloe whispered something to Lila and Lila spit her water all over Chloe. I was so hard to hold back my laughing because I realized she had done it on purpose. Part of me was terrified because I knew how Chloe got when she was mad. But instead, I noticed Chloe's cheeks turned bright red and she got up and ran away from the dinner table. I kept my head down and pecked at my food. Lila POV: I knew I couldn't stand this Chloe girl ever since I laid eyes on her. See with my gift, it is hard not to judge someone without talking to them, since I can already sense how they are. I've been called a b***h plenty of times because of it, but it saves me from getting hurt. Or being nice to someone who doesn't truly deserve it. With this other girl it was different. I sensed good in her. My brother doesn't know my reason for visiting. I mean I did kind of just show up after not being around for years. But I already sensed there was a powerful she-wolf in his territory. From what I've gathered, Chloe is a white wolf. Was it right for me to spit water on her? Probably not, but she deserved it. One for dressing in such a way and two for assuming she was going to be my brother Luna when he already had a mate.
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