3. The Arrival

808 Words
I woke up and realized we were at a big silver gate and the driver was talking to someone who looked like a guard. Chloe finally looked up from her phone, her eyes fixated on the long driveway before us. I looked in the direction she was looking and realized just how big the Alpha's packhouse was. We finally got cleared to enter and started making our way up the driveway. I realized I felt butterflies in my stomach. Why was I nervous? They'll be focused on Chloe anyway. I noticed Chloe looking at me in disgust. I realized I had actually been looking around instead of my head being down for once, so I put my head down when I met her gaze. "Aspyn, I'm gonna need you not to ruin this for me, that alpha will be mine by the end of this and I will be his luna." My eyes widened. Did she think I was gonna try to steal the alpha from her? I decided to be bold anyway because Mrs.Terra wasn't around. "H-how do you know he doesn't have a mate already?" Chloe laughed, "Oh that is ridiculous. Have you heard the rumors about him? There is no way a mate would accept him even if he did have one." Sure, I knew the rumors about the Alpha of Silver Dawn but they are rumors. After all, how does Chloe know the truth? And how could she be so cruel about him but expect to be his Luna? She had such an ugly heart. As we were driving down the driveway, I looked out the window again. It was even bigger than I thought. The Alpha packhouse was beautiful, but there are also a bunch of other houses for the pack members to live in. It was much greener here than at Dark Lake, gardens everywhere and flowers with bright green grass. The air smelt fresh. The car finally came to a slow stop. I looked out of the tinted window to see a man. He looked about 6'0 feet and had brown hair. He was smiling and standing next to who I assumed was the alpha. My breath hitched when I saw the alpha. He was about 6'4, with jet black hair and even from here I could see his bright green eyes, he seemed very fit and even had tattoos on both arms. Chloe snapped me out of my daydream. "Do not get out of the car until I do and when you get out you will act the same way you did at Dark Lake and put on your sunglasses. They don't need to see your black eye." I silently nodded and waited for Chloe to exit the car. She was wearing black leather pants, with a white halter top. I was gonna look so stupid in front of the alpha, but I didn't care, it didn't matter I wasn't here for him. Wyatt's POV: The car finally got here, it came to a slow stop and I saw one of the back passenger doors open. I stared intently and watched as a ginger-haired girl got out. She looked about 5'6. I mind-linked Logan "Which one do you think that is?" Logan was still looking at her. "I'm not sure." The girl finally looked over at us with excitement. She walked over to us, her heels clicking on the pavement. "A pleasure to meet you. I am Chloe." she winked as she said it. I cleared my throat and didn't say a word. "Um hello?" Logan spoke up "You did not address him as alpha, he is a very powerful man." I mind linked Logan, "I don't have a good feeling about this one." "I apologize, Alpha," Logan said over mind link. I guess this girl Chloe finally realized what she did wrong because she had a shocked, worried look in her eyes. "I am so sorry, forgive me, Alpha," she bowed as she said it. "Nice to meet you Chloe, welcome to the Silver Dawn pack. Isn't there supposed to be someone named Aspyn with you?" It seemed like Chloe rolled her eyes but I hardly caught it. "Yes, she is my u-uh, my personal maid." Personal maid? Who was this chick? She didn't seem like anything special, she was a white wolf. That's it, it isn't like she is royalty. Just as I finished my thought, I saw the other car door open. A smaller women got out of the car. She had her head down, she was about 5'2, and very skinny, and she was also wearing sunglasses when it wasn't even sunny. I mind-linked Logan: "This other girl seems different." "Yeah she is very skinny and why isn't she looking at us?" "I'm not sure. Maybe she is just nervous?" I hummed to myself, weird.
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