6. The Apple Doesn't Fall Far from The Tree

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Aspyn's POV: I barely touched any of my food, it got pretty silent after Lila had spit water all over Chloe. I noticed the same enticing smell as earlier, Sandlwood. I took a big breath without anyone realizing I couldn't help myself, it put me in a trance-like state. "Aspyn?" I heard a sweet voice say my name. I looked up from my plate and realized it was Lila. "You okay? You haven't said anything all through dinner." My heart rate sped up, why are they all being so nice to me? Nobody is ever nice to me. I am just a worthless maid. I decided to speak in a quiet whisper "I-I am fine, thank you for asking." Lila just seemed to look at me with one eyebrow raised. "Okay, well you know you don't have to be afraid to talk here." I decided to actually say something instead of nodding, since if I didn't speak she might be mad at me. "Okay thank you." I felt someone staring at me. I slowly looked up from my plate to meet Alpha Wyatt's eyes. They were the prettiest shade of green I had ever seen. "So Aspyn" The alpha was staring at me waiting for a response.. He wanted to talk to me? "Y-yes Alpha?" "Oh knock it off with the Alpha s**t, you can just call me Wyatt." I must've looked so stupid because my face turned to shock, the alpha wanted me to call him Wyatt? That seems way too disrespectful. "Oh no Alpha, I could never address someone of your stature in such a disrespectful way." He looked at me like he was annoyed. "Aspyn, listen to me. Yes, I am an alpha. Yes, it is respectful to refer to me as Alpha, but if I give you permission to call me Wyatt, then you are allowed. Understood?" I looked down a little bit and nodded my head. "I need to hear you say it, Aspyn." Wyatt teased me. I looked up at him and stared into his gorgeous eyes. "Yes Alph- I mean Wyatt, I understand." He smiled, his perfectly straight white teeth shining "Good." Wyatt stood up and looked over at Lila. It seemed like they were mind-linking? I don't know much about mind-linking, since I have only ever met my wolf once. From what I remember, her name is Bella. I looked up and saw Lila nod. She looked in my direction as Wyatt excused himself. "I just have some paperwork to work on, but if you need me, please don't hesitate to come to my office." I nodded, I turned my attention back to Lila because it seemed like she wanted to tell me something. "Amelia is ready for you. Would you mind if I showed you the way?" Her smile was so sweet. "N-no not at all, I would appreciate it" I smiled back. It had been so long since I had actually smiled, was I still scared? Of course, but I realized maybe I could let my guard down a bit. These people don't know the worthless maid from Dark Lake. "Perfect then, let's go." Lila stood up and grabbed my hand, leading me upstairs and down another long beautiful hallway. Wyatt's POV : I received a mind-link from Amelia that she was ready to see Aspyn, so I Mind-linked Lila and asked if she could take her. I just felt like maybe Aspyn would be more comfortable around another girl instead of some big scary alpha. I can tell she was terrified by me just by the way she was shaking a little bit when I was yelling at Chloe. It's just really weird. I mean, I know, I guess I am pretty scary and all of the rumors but she acts like I am gonna rip her head off. I headed up to my office and sat in my chair. I looked at all of the paperwork in front of me, dreading it. I really don't know how my dad dealt with it all. It's nice being the strongest pack, but at the same time, that means literally every single pack comes begging for help. I cleared my throat and mumbled "Like the stupid Dark Lake pack." Just then I heard Logan, "What do you mean alpha?" He said smiling, positive as always. "Ugh how many times do I have to tell you to knock before you,, enter your alpha's office?" I rub my temples as I am saying it. Logan just doesn't listen, but he is the best damn Beta I could've ever had. "You know you love me". I rolled my eyes, hearing his last statement "So what do you want, Logan?" His eyes seemed to lose a bit of color and his whole demeanor changed. I looked at him, my eyebrows rising. "f**k what is wrong, Logan, what the hell do I have to deal with now? Can't you see I am already busy with all of these papers-" My sentence was cut short when Logan shouted the words I never thought I'd hear. "I think Lila is my mate!" He covered his mouth and looked terrified. My eyes started flickering gold. "MATE? IS HE SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? THERE IS NO WAY OUR LITTLE LAYLA (Layla is Lila's wolf) IS BEING JAKE'S MATE!"(Jake is Logan's wolf) "Grayson, I am just as upset as you are, but she is our sister and her happiness comes first. Plus, the moongoddess doesn't make mistakes, Logan is a good guy and, my Beta, we can trust him." "Whatever pushover" I heard Grayson annoyingly grumble. "Um, Wyatt?" "Alpha?" "A-Alpha Wyatt?" My eyes changed back to green and I stared at Logan. "I am happy for you." His face changed from worried to shocked. "Are you serious? You really aren't mad?" I smiled, "Nope not at all." I went back to looking at my paperwork and signing different documents. "Thank you so much Wyatt, I promise she is my world." Logan turned to start walking out the door. "Oh and Logan." I looked up from my paperwork, my eyes flickering with gold. "If you ever hurt her, I will not hesitate to rip your throat out." Logan immediately nodded "Of course I would never Alpha." My eyes changed back as I smiled "Good! now get out." As soon as Logan left, I tried focusing as hard as I could on the paperwork in front of me, but I just couldn't. My mind kept drifting away to Aspyn and the smell of coconut and vanilla. f**k, why did this girl have such a hold on me? Aspyn's POV: I was sitting on the examination table in Amelia's office. It felt really weird, almost unreal. Nobody has ever cared about me, so the fact that Wyatt and his beta cared enough to get me seen means a lot. Maybe I can trust them? They wouldn't take me to a doctor if they planned on hurting me, right? I am a little scared though, Doctor. Amelia had run some basic tests, she said, to see how strong my wolf was, since she hadn't tried to come out in about a year. She took some of my blood and gave me 3 shots. Apparently, I needed it but never had it. I didn't realize I was lost in thought until I heard Lila talking to me. "How are you feeling? You nervous?" I looked over at her and nodded my head. "I'm a little nervous. I've never been to a doctor before." She looked shocked. "Never? Did you have a pack doctor in your old pack?" "Yes we did, I just never went." I shrugged my shoulders. She looked at me like she could see right through my lies and into my head. "Well, you don't have to worry now, we're gonna find out if you're okay with some basic tests and hopefully the results are good." I nodded. "I hope so. I miss Bella." She c****d her head "Who is Bella?" I had realized nobody here knew my wolf's name. "Oh I'm sorry, she is, um, she's my wolf. I just haven't seen her in awhile because she hasn't tried to talk to me or surface" Lila put her finger on her chin. "Hmm, that is very odd, don't worry, we will get to the bottom of it. Amelia is very good." She looked down as if she was remembering a bad memory, "Amelia saved Wyatt's life when he was the new alpha of this pack and we were very weak." I looked at her in shock. My heart pinged. I would've never thought Wyatt would have ever been that hurt just based off of how built he is. "I am sorry to hear that he was in that position. He seems nice," Lila looked up at me and sighed. "You know the rumors aren't true, right? I looked at her with confusion because I had heard so many negative things about the Alpha. "It doesn't seem like they are true, he acts nothing like they make him out to be." It feels weird to have talked this much, I always kept my mouth shut, but it feels kind of good? Lila let out a weak laugh. "My brother is the most compassionate and caring soul you'd ever meet, but he has been hardened and has a bad habit of hiding his feelings and it makes him come off as rude and ruthless. But this is far from the case. You see, when we were both younger and our father was still the Alpha of this pack, the same rumors were said about him, and I guess they just assumed that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
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