2. New life at silver dawn

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"Wait, did you say you wanted Aspyn too?" I sneered at his comment. "Are you questioning me?" "No, of course, not. Alpha Wyatt. We will be sure to send Aspyn with Chloe. There is no problem at all." "Sounds good and what time will they be arriving? I have to prepare two rooms for them." "They will be arriving tomorrow at exactly 9 AM sharp." " Perfect, I will make sure myself and my beta Logan will be there to greet them." With that, I hung up the phone. I couldn't stand talking to this so-called alpha and he had taken up an hour of my time. I couldn't help but wonder how an alpha could talk so lowly about one of his pack members. I turned my attention back to the papers sprawled on my desk with the names Chloe Terra and Aspyn Woods. I picked up the one with Aspyn's name and studied it. It looked nothing like Chloe's file, there was little to no information: "Name Aspyn Woods, Age 19, Rank unknown." 10 hours later (8pm) ~~~~~~~~~~~ Aspyn's POV: Chloe was up in her room sleeping since her suitcase was packed thanks to me. I finally finished all of the chores for the night and was about to head to bed myself when Mrs. Terra stopped me. I immediately looked down and bowed. She looked at me with disgust as usual. "Listen here you little b***h, you will be accompanying Chloe to the Silver Dawn pack to be her personal maid, and to take blame for anything that happens. Do you understand me?" I nodded slowly. Which wasn't good enough, Mrs. Terra grabbed my cheeks, making me pucker like a fish, and got close to me, "You are gonna respond to me with yes ma'm or you will end up dead like your mother. Do you understand me?" I tried to speak but my throat felt dry and I couldn't make a sound. Big mistake, Mrs. Terra grabbed a fistful of my hair. And punched me directly in the eye. I lifted my shaking hand and covered my eye. Just another day in the life of Aspyn. "Now are you ready to show me respect you stupid mutt?" By the grace of goddess I managed to spit out a "Y-yes ma'm, I'm sorry." Mrs.Terra released my hair. "Now go upstairs and pack what little garbage you have. I expect you to be up at 5:00 AM to clean the house one last time and make breakfast." I nodded, "Yes m'am" I made my way up to my room and plopped down on my bed. I silently cried into my pillow so nobody could hear me. I reached up and held my locket in between my two fingers. I flipped onto my back and opened it to a picture of me and my mother. I was about 2, so I don't remember much about her, but I could only imagine she was amazing. I've always wondered what it would be like to have a mother who cares, who cooks breakfast for you, buys you clothes, cherishes the small moments. The only life I've ever known was being a maid. I wanted to look forward to a new future. I've always wanted to be free of this place, so I guess it is good that we are going to the Silver Dawn pack, but at the same time I am terrified of every rumor I have heard saying that the alpha is the most ruthless. What if it is just worse for me there? It couldn't be worse than Mrs.Terra, could it? With that thought, I closed my eyes and the darkness engulfed me. The next day I stirred awake and looked over at my clock. Thank goddess it was only 4:30, which means I can get everything done without being punished on my last day. I got out of bed and grabbed what little clothes I had and shoved them into my bag. I still had time to myself for a bit since everyone was asleep. Maybe I could sneak a shower in. I only have one shower a week, gross, right? I quietly made my way downstairs and to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stood under the water letting it hit my back and my hair. It felt so good. I have to admit the shower is the only place I feel good these days. I got out of the shower and caught a glimpse of my swollen eye in the mirror. It was turning purple and I could hardly see out of it. I reached up to touch my eye and winced at the pain. My attention started focusing on my other features. I used to think I was pretty when I was about 14. All my life I've been told I am an ugly, worthless maid who is good for nothing, unless I get lucky and become a s*x slave somehow. After that, my confidence slowly started dwindling and now it's almost non-existent. I was nothing special. I had bright blue eyes that seemed darker these days and white hair. I was pretty much a spitting image of my mother. I left the bathroom and quietly started cleaning the house. 30 Minutes later Chloe and Mrs.Terra made their way downstairs and sat down to eat breakfast. I served them their dishes. "Aspyn, did you finish all of the housework?" I looked at the floor and bowed "Y-yes m'am" Chloe laughed and decided to add her two senses in. "So, aspyn, are you ready to meet the forbidden alpha?" I looked at Chloe dumbfounded. "Omg mom you're kidding, she doesn't know, does she?" Mrs.Terra sneered "It isn't important darling, because she will be nothing but a maid there just as she is here." Mrs.Terra and Chloe laughed together. "You're right mom, Aspyn, go upstairs and get my suitcases and your garbage. The car will be here in 2 minutes." I bowed "Right away Chloe" I headed up the stairs and gathered my bag and Chloe's luggage. I took one last look at the room that has been my prison for the past 15 years. I felt nothing. I closed the door and took the luggage downstairs. I walked in to see Mrs.Terra hugging and kissing Chloe on the head. "Oh, I am gonna miss you so much my darling," she whispered. "Dont forget to seduce that alpha and become the luna." Chloe smiled. "Don't worry mom, he will be mine." The driver knocked on the front door and Mrs.Terra opened it, "Hello Mr. Jackson, my sweet girl is ready to go." He nodded and grabbed the luggage from me and loaded it into the car. Chloe walked out of the house and hopped into the SUV. Mrs. Terra looked at me. "You had better not cause any issues,. I assure you it will only make your life worse." I gulped and looked down. "Yes m'am" I exited the house and got into the back seat of the SUV next to Chloe. It was about a 2 hour drive to Silver Dawn Pack, which meant we would arrive at about 9 AM. I stared out the window and prayed to the moon goddess to just show me some good in my future. ~~~~~~~~~ Wyatt's POV: I heard a knock on my office door. I was up all night looking through paperwork and different files. I immediately said come in. Logan entered my office and bowed "Good morning Alpha." I mumbled a "good morning logan" "Alpha, are you okay? You look exhausted." I stared at him with no expression. "Did you come to my office just to point out my exhaustion, Logan?" He laughed at my statement "No, of course, not alpha, it is 7 am. So the girls from Dark Lake should be here in 2 hours." "Are their rooms prepared?" "Yes, all of the preparations have been made alpha." I nodded "Good, thank you." Logan just stood there staring at me. "What do you want?" "Well alpha, you haven't been eating well the past 2 days and I asked the maids if they could whip you up a nice breakfast." I have to admit Logan is my beta, but he is also my closest friend. I'd never tell him that, but I think he gets it. "Not hungry." "Alpha, you have to eat and stop being stubborn." "Logan, I am your alpha, not the other way around." " Yes, but I am your beta, so when it comes to making sure you're okay, I am there, you need to eat." "Fine for f**k's sake, bring me the breakfast." Logan excitedly clapped his hands together "Yay, I will tell them you are ready for it." Logan ran out of the office like a child. I laughed to myself. ~~~~~~~~~~ Aspyn's POV: We were about an hour into our trip. Chloe has been on her phone the whole time taking selfies and ignoring the world. I have been staring out the window, looking at the beautiful fields. I never really got to be outside. That is part of the reason my skin is so pale, so enjoying the fields and wildflowers was a nice change. My eye still hurt and was swollen. I brought some sunglasses with me to make it less obvious to the Alpha, of course. I had to keep quiet about my life in Dark Lake or I didn't know what would happen to me. While I was deep in thought, my eyes got heavy and I drifted off into the darkness.
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